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Physical Geography of N. Africa, SW Asia, & Central Asia

Physical Geography of N. Africa, SW Asia, & Central Asia. How does the region of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia compare to the size of the United States? - twice the size of the U.S. .

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Physical Geography of N. Africa, SW Asia, & Central Asia

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  1. Physical Geography of N. Africa, SW Asia, & Central Asia

  2. How does the region of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia compare to the size of the United States? -twice the size of the U.S.

  3. What 3 major peninsulas are found in the Middle East (SW Asia) & North Africa? List the bodies of water that surround each. 1. Anatolia -bordered by Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Aegean Sea -makes up 90% of country of Turkey

  4. 2. Arabian Peninsula- -bordered by Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Persian Gulf -oil-rich region (about 25% of the world’s oil lies underneath)

  5. 3. Sinai Peninsula- • bordered by Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Aqaba, and Mediterranean Sea • currently Egyptian territory (was also part of Israel historically)

  6. Dead Sea Israel Nile Delta Gulf of Suez Gulf of Aqaba Saudi Arabia Egypt Red Sea

  7. 3. Name the 3 landlocked bodies of salt water located in this region. • Dead Sea • Is the Dead Sea really a sea? • What does the Dead Sea separate? • What is it’s source? • What 3 things make it so unique? • Why is the Dead Sea so salty? How does it impact life in and around it? • What religious association do Christians have with the Dead Sea? Jordan River Israel

  8. Salt evaporation pans for collecting minerals

  9. Mud considered therapeutic and beneficial for skin

  10. Salt deposits in Dead Sea

  11. 2. Aral Sea • began to dry up due to irrigation from the Soviet Union & evaporation, now being replenished

  12. 3. Caspian Sea • largest inland body of water • not as salty as ocean – includes some freshwater fish • currently, water levels are lowering due to evaporation & irrigation (much like the case of the shrinking Aral Sea, just not as extreme)

  13. 4. What sea separates North Africa from Europe? What is its significance to this region? • The Mediterranean Sea • Links Europe & Africa to the east

  14. 5. What sea separates the Middle East (Southwest Asia) from North Africa? • The Red Sea

  15. 6. What 2 straits separate Europe from Southwest Asia (Middle East)? What sea links the two? 1. The Bosporus- • Strait connecting the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea; 2. The Dardanelles- • Strait connecting the Sea of Marmara to the Aegean Sea

  16. 7. What strait separates the closest pieces of land of North Africa and Europe? • Strait of Gibraltar- • Choke-point connecting Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean

  17. Europe Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean North Africa

  18. 8. What man-made waterway connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea? • The Suez Canal • When was it built? • 1858-1869 • Who built it? • Mostly French-financed and designed using Egyptian forced labor • Significance = connect Mediterranean to the greater Indian Ocean for trade

  19. Nile Delta Sinai Peninsula Red Sea

  20. Suez Canal

  21. 9. What major rivers flow through the Middle East (Southwest Asia) & North Africa? 1. The Tigris- 2. The Euphrates- • Both rivers flow out of Turkey through Iraq and come together before flowing into Persian Gulf; • Mesopotomia (early river valley civilization) located between the rivers (literally means “land between two rivers”)

  22. 3. The Nile River -world’s longest river at 4,160 miles -supported the early Egyptian civilization *alluvial soil (rich soil made up of sand and mud deposited by moving water) allowed Egyptians the ability to farm

  23. Valley of the Kings

  24. 10. What man-made lake was created by damming the Nile River? • Lake Nasser • Began in 1958; completed in 1970, when Aswan High Dam was finished; • 80% in Egypt Aswan High Dam

  25. Aswan High Dam -pros: supplies ½ of Egypt’s electric power & water to crops -cons: sediments from river get trapped behind dam & floods no longer wash away parasites Aswan High Dam Air Strip

  26. Lake Nasser

  27. 11. Why is the Nile River Delta so important? • 90% of people of Egypt live along banks of (only fertile areas in Egypt) • Pollution a serious problem.

  28. 12. Name the only major mountain range in North Africa. How does its physical presence impact the people that live in areas surrounding the mountain? • The Atlas Mountains • Precipitation on coastal (N) side – agricultural activities • named after Greek god who held up the heavens.

  29. 13. What mountain range separates the countries of Iran and Iraq? • The Zagros Mountains

  30. 14.Which tectonic plates come together in this region? List 3 ways the region’s landscape has been impacted by plate tectonic activity. -African, Arabian, and Eurasian plates -built Zagros and Taurus Mountains & widened the Red Sea

  31. 15.What % of world’s know oil & natural gas reserves are found in this region? -66% oil reserves & 33% natural gas reserves -see Black Gold activity for more information

  32. What physical reason do you believe makes this region so economically dependent on oil and natural gas? -harsh terrain (mountainous & desert) leaves little hope for agriculture

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