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What do you mean “She said we can’t use IIIE funds for Elder Abuse Awareness?“

What do you mean “She said we can’t use IIIE funds for Elder Abuse Awareness?“. Area Agency on Aging Fiscal Reporting. Rhonda Buedefeldt DHS, Aging & People with Disabilities State Unit on Aging September 25, 2013. During the next 60-90 minutes we shall discuss. Biennial allocation

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What do you mean “She said we can’t use IIIE funds for Elder Abuse Awareness?“

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What do you mean “She said we can’t use IIIE funds for Elder Abuse Awareness?“

  2. Area Agency on AgingFiscal Reporting Rhonda Buedefeldt DHS, Aging & People with Disabilities State Unit on Aging September 25, 2013

  3. During the next 60-90 minutes we shall discuss. . . • Biennial allocation • Federal Grant Awards • Parameters per funding stream • Expenditure requirements • Transfer of funds • Completion of the 148/150 • Working capital requests • Unspent prior biennial funding Anything else you wish to discuss?

  4. QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? Don’t hold them Feel free to Interrupt

  5. This webinar will be available for your review

  6. In the beginning . . .

  7. Moving right along. . .

  8. http://www.dhs.state.or.us/policy/spd/transmit/transmit.htm

  9. Next up . . .

  10. Homecare Hours. . .

  11. Grant Agreement excerpts From Exhibit A Part 2(Type A’s) Exhibit A Part 3 (Type B’s) Found under para. 1. Funding Appropriations c. AAA will be allowed to carry-forward into the 2015-2017 biennium no more than ten (10) percent of the full 2011-2013 biennial allocation of Older American Act Title IIIB, IIIC1, IIIC2, IIID, IIIE and VIIB funds not fully expended during the Agreement period. e. AAA shall, in accordance with Section 311(d)(4) of the Older Americans Act, promptly and equitably disburse Nutrition Services Incentive Program (“NSIP”) funds to its sub-contractors. NSIP funds shall only be used for purchase of domestically produced food for AAA’s nutrition service programs. NSIP funds must be fully expended during the Agreement period. NSIP funds cannot be carried forward into the 2015-2017 biennium.

  12. Do you have any ideas or advice you’d like to share with everyone?

  13. Found under para. 2. Fiscal Control Functions d. Fiscal Reporting. i. AAA shall, when requesting working capital, submit Form SPD 150-WC to DHS Accounting and Financial Services at a minimum 7 days prior to requisite receipt of funds. AAA shall estimate program expenses separate from estimated administrative expenses and detail such expenses by fund source (i.e., Title IIIB, IIIC1, IIIC2, IIID, IIIE, and VIIB of the Older Americans Act and OPI). ii. AAA shall submit electronically to DHS Accounting and Financial Services at the electronic address below using DHS Form 148/150 (“Form 148/150”) a monthly reimbursement request for OAA and OPI expenditures no later than the 25th day of the following month. DHS agrees to process all reimbursement requests within 30 days following receipt of an approved request.

  14. Found under para. 2. Fiscal Control Functions iv. AAA shall, no later than 90 days (September 30) from the conclusion of the state fiscal year end (June 30), submit a FINAL fiscal year-end Form 148/150 and no later than 180 days (December 31) from the conclusion of the state fiscal year-end (June 30), submit one (1) electronic or hardcopy of the AAA’s signed FINAL AUDITED Form 148/150 to applicable address below: v. AAA shall submit one electronic or hardcopy of the AAA’s fiscal year-end financial audit no later than 180 days (December 31) from the conclusion of the state fiscal year-end (June 30) to sua.email@state.or.us or:

  15. Need further assistance? Call or e-mail me at rhonda.buedefeldt@state.or.us 503.373.1854

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