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To make us organize a Kavi Sammelan for you, all you need to do is contact us. ... Number of poets are traveling across the India to entertain the audience with their valuable performance. ... Famous poet of sringar Vishnu Saxena is master in hiting the nerves of audience which pours the true flavour of love and romance.
Contact, +91-9999428213 HOME LIVE-VIEW ABOUT ASSOCIAT ES VIDEO PRESS BLOG US GALLERY CLIPS CONTACT US Famous Kavi KAVI VISHNU SAXENA KAVI VISHNU SAXENA LATEST BLOG 6/12/2015 12:46:52 PM | | views Book kavi for hasya kavi sammelan 19 Nov 2017 | 3 Comments Best Kavi Sammelan Organisers in Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
India 19 Nov 2017 | 0 Comments Hasya Kavi Surendra Sharma 19 Nov 2017 | 0 Comments How to organise kavi sammelan 19 Nov 2017 | 0 Comments Shambhu Shikhar, one of the most popular Hasya Kavi of our country 11 Aug 2017 | 2 Comments िहंदीकिवस?मेलनऔर भारतीयपिरवेश 24 Sep 2016 | 0 Comments Vishnu Saxena born in the soil of Aligarh . You are an internationally FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK recognized poet and popular name of Hindi Kavi Sammelan. You are a poet of love and emotion. He awakens and spread the wave of love in the heart of the audience. He is one of the leading poet of Kavi Sammelan, which is known for his magnificent presentation and remarkable fan fallowing. It is the power of his poetry which can hold the audience for hours. His poetry of love posses the breath of the audience and soul travels miles in memory of their love ones. He received lots of appreciation and love for his outstanding Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
performance. Different News and Entertainment channels broadcasted his performance on TV. He received lots of fame and awards including prestigious “Yash Bharti Samman” in 2015 by the Government of U P for your incredible service of literature. To Invite Vishnu Saxena for Kavi Sammelan, Please Contact Number- +91-9999428213 / 9910453386 POST ENQUIRY Name Email Mobile No Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL
Copyright 2012-2015 © Hasya Kavi Sammelan Organizer. Home / About Us / Contact Our Associates: Surendra Sharma| Arun Gemini| Shambhu Shikhar| Anamika Ambar| Padmini Sharma| Save web pages as PDF manually or automatically with PDFmyURL