Welcome To Ducat India What is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)?
What is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)? Amazon EC2 is a web service that gives compute size in the AWS cloud. We can package the operating framework, application program, and related configuration into an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). We can then use these AMIs to provision different virtualized instances just as decommission them utilizing web service calls.
Features of Amazon EC2 • Virtual computing environments referred to as instances. • It is used to several setups of CPU, memory, storage, and system capacity for our instances called instance types. • It can storage volumes for temporary records that are deleted when we stop or terminate our instance, called instance store volumes. • It is used to persistent storage volumes for our records using Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS), named Amazon EBS volumes. • It can generate several physical areas for our resources, including, instances and Amazon EBS volumes, called Regions and Availability Zones. • A firewall that allows us to determine the protocols, ports, and source IP ranges that can reach our instances using security groups. • It can be static IPv4 addresses for powerful cloud computing, called Elastic IP addresses. • Metadata, known as tags that we can create and assign to our Amazon EC2 resources.
Pricing for Amazon EC2 Amazon EC2 supports the following purchasing options for instances: • On-Demand Instances • Spot instances • Reserved Instances • Dedicated Hosts
Dedicated EC2 instance has two pricing components: • It can be the applicable price per hour, based on the selected pricing model • It can also be dedicated per region fees. It is $2, suitable per hour for partly one Dedicated EC2 instance of any type running per region.
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