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2011 Internal Seminar 20-30 November 20111 Kraków , Poland. Workshop Session 1: Transnational and cross-border co-operation. TranSMEC - Transnational support method for European Co-operation Stakeholder: INTERREG B NorthWestEurope Programme
2011 Internal Seminar 20-30 November 20111 Kraków, Poland Workshop Session 1: Transnational and cross-border co-operation TranSMEC - Transnational support method for European Co-operation Stakeholder: INTERREG B NorthWestEuropeProgramme Production and testing of “ready-to-use” and “easy-to-read” assistance for better communicating, disseminating, monitoring and steering of the Dorothea Palenberg, blue! advancing european projects
ESPON observesandmeasures territorial co-operation INTERREG Implementsandco-ordinates/steers territorial co-operation (projects) in a definedspace Visualisation Mapasaggregatedand multi-layeredresultof a complexprocess Offers a „Catch basin“ forveryspecific territorial co-operationprojectsunder 4 aggregatedthematic ERDF priorities • Productionof • simpler territorial monitoringdataabout • NumberofParticipants • Amountof ERDF spent • ESPON Projects: Productionof • datasets • typologies • indicators • in „spatialplanning“ language/complexity ? • Need forassistancethatis • easy-to-read (for non-planners) • readytouse (forprogrammemanagment) for • ongoinganddynamicsteering, monitoring, communicatinganddisseminatingofprogrammeresults Focus on Visualisation
ESPON observesandmeasures territorial co-operation INTERREG Implementsandco-ordinates/steers territorial co-operation (projects) in a definedspace Screening of ESPON projects • INTERREG monitoringdataabout • NumberofParticipants • Amountof ERDF spent ESPON Maps (thematicandtimelymatches) Superpositioningofdata in a OverlayMap • 15 Applications • thatreflect the requirementsfordisseminating, capitalising, steeringandmonitoringof an INTERREG programme such as • Variation in scale, Zooming in and out of the area, Filteringcomplexdatasets • Comparingprogrammeperformanceagainst a „territorial baseline“, Assistance for the demarcationof a thematicallytargetedcall, Useofnewtypologies
Conclusionshow ESPON cansupport INTERREG B ESPON mightengagemore in the „stakeholder-oriented“ processingofexistingdata, e.g. provide easy accessiblebackgroundvisualisations in order tobeabletocommunicateandsteerprogrammeperfomance – special „service“ unitat the CU? 1 ESPON couldprovidetypologiesandindicatorsforpinpointing the factorof „transnationality“ withinstructuralfundinterventions – so far, regional structuraleffectsareamong the mostimportantsuccessindicatorsandcompetewithotherfundingoptions, weneedtobettercommunicate the theaddedvalueof transnational approaches – forexample, TranSMECshowedthat„strong performing“ regionsshow a higherparticipation rate …. do theybenefitmorefrom the offersof transnational approaches? 2 ESPON provides (maybe on demand?) territorial evidence in order tobettersteer the programmeconcerningnew, emergingthemeslikeinnovation– e.g. TranSMECshowsthatregionswithcertaintypologiesfor the European knowledgeeconomy (ESPON KIT project: networking, scientificandtechnologicallyadvancedregions) showstrongerparticipationthanothers….what „type“ of INTERREG participantisinitiatingcooperation in the fieldofinnovation? 3 INTERREG B callsformoredynamicinteractionbetween the programmes – so far, the interactiveperiodsbetween the programmeswhere limited to the INTERREG programmingperiod. In the future, the ICT capacitiesandbetteralignmentofprocessesallowa closerlinkagethrough the completeprogrammecyclee.g. the registrationofprojectsand the assessmentof territorial effect in veryshortfeedbackloops. 4
Conclusions in the contextof the EU2020 strategy SMART Growth • Usingnewtypologiesthatconnectterritoryandinnovation • Visualisingthesetypologiestogetherwithactivitiesofinnovationrelated INTERREG projects • ESPON and INTERREG canhelptobetter understand the successcriteriafor EU2020‘s callfor „innovationandknowledgetransferthroughout the EU SUSTAINABLE Growth • EU2020 flagship initiative „ResourceEfficient Europe“ wantsto „accelerate the implementationofstrategicprojectwithhigh European Added Value toadressciriticalbottlenecks, in particularcross-bordersections“ • INTERREGs effectiveness lies in exchangingandpoolingknowledgeaboutresourceefficent, greenerandmorecompetitiveapproaches. • WithTranSMEC, itismucheasiertoassist the identificationofsuitablecooperationpartnerswithsimilar territorial settings INCLUSIVE Growth • ESPON canhelptoshowwherelowerperfomingpartnershave so far not beenabletoparticipatesuccessfully • Based on territorial evidence, INTERREG candevelopstrategies on howtointegratepartnersfor different performancelevels.