view • Wouldn’t it be amazing if instead of the tiny window on one side of the plane the whole plane was see-through, (except the toilet cubicle of course!) you could look up and see space, look to the side and see clouds and look down and see earth. Views all around!
service Ever thought that the service people on planes are a bit to grumpy. Come on, we all have! So what about happy service where everybody smiles and if kids are well behaved they give you your own choice of a lollipop. They always ask how you are and if your hungry. and the best bit their costumes look like this!
entertainment Her makeup is still intact as she spins around graciously kicks her purple stockinged leg and passes you your popper. guess who? And no its not an acrobat from the circus. In fact its your plane waitress! imagine that sort of entertainment all throughout your trip. So instead of a tiny, quiet TV that only has adult shows on you'll have a clown right in front of you. Cool Huh?!
Food and water Lets face the facts. The Food on planes is DISGUISTING!!! but what if at the back of your plane was a huge kitchen with the best cook in the world preparing all of your meals. no more dry rolls and definitely no more undercooked vegies. yum!
balance Planes are extremely wobbly and this can be really be annoying when your stuff keeps falling out of its places and your finding it really difficult to press the letter ‘G’ on your laptop. imagine if there were special weights on each end of the plane triggered to get heavy when a measurer of the balance of the plane tips causing the plane to keep still.
reception On planes they should have better reception so that people could make phone calls down to earth especially if there was an emergency.
seating We all know that seating on planes are so uncomfortable so why not have something comfortable to sit on. I think that the seats should be thickly padded with a temperature controller fitted to each seat. they should fold out into a cosy bed with its own reading light attatched.hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm, how nice.