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Dr Anna Fogel. Environmental Protection Policy. Projekt : „Odpowiedź na wyzwania gospodarki opartej na wiedzy: nowy program nauczania na WSHiP”. Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
Dr Anna Fogel Environmental Protection Policy
Projekt : „Odpowiedź na wyzwania gospodarki opartej na wiedzy: nowy program nauczania na WSHiP”. Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
Realization of Policy of Environmental Protection planning and programming on all levels action of public authorities action of all local groups and NGOs responsible use of envirnonment by authorised entities
Legal framework of environmental protection in Poland – fundamental acts • The Environmnetal Protection Act of April 27 2001. Environmental Protection Law (Journal of Laws of 2008 no. 25, item 150, as amended) • Act of April 27 2001 on Waste (Journal of Laws no. 62, item 628) • Act of July 18 2001. Water Law (Journal of Laws no. 115, item 1229, as amended) • Act of April 16 2004 on Environmental Protection (Journal of Laws no. 92, item 88, as amended). • Act of April 13 2007 on Prevention and Remedying of Environmental Damage (Journal of Laws no. 95, item 193) • Act of October 3 2008 on Providing Information on the Environment and its Protection, Public Participation in Environmental Protection andEnvironmental Impact Assessment (Journal of Laws no. 199, item 1227, as amended).
Principles of Environmental Protection • principle of sustainable development • principle of transparency • principle of prevention • principle of planning • principle of integrated environmental protection • the polluter pays principle
Principle of Sustainable Development Sustainable Development – economic and social development, which triggers the integration process of political, economic and social actions in the way that environmental sustainability is maintained, in order to guarantee meeting basic demands of society, both of contemporary and future generations (art.3, item 50, EPL).
Principle of Sustainable Development in Polish Law • Art. 5 of the Constitution „ The Republic of Poland shall safeguard the independence and integrity of its territory and ensure the freedoms and rights of persons and citizens, the security of the citizens, safeguard the national heritage and shall ensure the protection of the natural environment pursuant to the principles of sustainable development.” • Art. 1 EPL „the act defines the principles of environmental protection as well as conditions of its resources use, taking under consideration requirements of sustainable development.”
Zrównoważony rozwój – podstawy w dokumentach międzynarodowych • First Report by D. Meadows, 1972. – ‘limits to growth’ • The Brundland Commission’s report, 1973 • Second report by D. Meadows, 1992Drugi Raport Meadows, 1992 r. • The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, established on the United Nations Conference in 1992. • Agenda 21 • Title 1, art.2 of the Treaty of the European Union, February 7, 1992.
Principle of integrated environmental protection • Protection of one or more environmental elements must be realised considering the protection of the rest of elements.
Principle of caution • In case of undertaking action, which negative effects on environment are not identified, the principle of caution must be guided and all possible preventive measures must be taken; • Realization: evaluation system of influence on environment
Principle of Prevention • The one who takes an action that can have negative effect on the environment, is obliged to prevent this negative effect • BAT- the best available techniques
The polluter pays principle (PPP) • The one who triggers pollution of the environment covers the cost of elimination of the pollution effects. • The one who may cause pollution of the environment covers the cost of pollution prevention • Responsibility for the emission • Responsibility for damage • Alienation of PPP responsibility from guilt
Entities responsible for environmental protection Constitution: • Art. 86 „każdy ma obowiązek dbałości o środowisko” („Everyone shall care for the quality of the environment”) • Art. 74 ust. 1 „władze publiczne prowadzą politykę zapewniającą bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne współczesnemu i przyszłym pokoleniom” („Public authorities shall pursue policies ensuring the ecological security of current and future generations”). • art. 74 ust. 2 „ochrona środowiska jest obowiązkiem władz publicznych” („Protection of the environment shall be the duty of public authorities”).
Majority of environment use permits - permits – ‘wójt/burmistrz/prezydent lub starosta’ • Constant tendency of widening territorial self-government competence – example of change in the scope of creating forms of nature protection
Planning and Programming in the Environmental Protection in Poland and European Union • Plans and programmes dedicated to environmental protection • Considering environmental protection in plans and programmes from other spheres • Exposure of plans and programmes, which effect the environment, to strategic evaluation of their effect on environment
Plans and Programmes dedicated to protection of environment • The Sixth Environment Action Programme of the European Community 2002-2012 • State Environmental Policy in the years 2009-2012 • Voivodeship environment protection programmes • District environment protection programmes • Municipal environment protection programmes
Sector plans and programmes of EU - examples • The EU strategy for theBalticSea Region 2009. Itconsists of 4 pillars, and concerns thecreation of ecologicallysustainable region, welfare development, availability and attraction growth, security and protectionassuranceintheBalticSea Region. • TheEuropean Union strategy of biologicaldiversityprotection for the period untiltheyear 2020. • Strategy for urban environment • Moreover, elements of programmingareincludedinthemajority of directives, mainlyframeworkdirectives.
Principle of Planning • Policies, strategies, plans or programmes that especially concern industry, power industry, transport, telecommunication, water management, waste management, space management, forestry, agriculture, fishing, tourism and area exploitation must consider principles of environment protection and sustainable development.
Environmental Protection Bodies • Minister responsible for environment matters • General Director of Environment Protection • General Inspector of Environment Protection • Chief Geologist of the country • Voivode (Wojewoda) • Regional director of environment protection • Prefect (starosta) that executes tasks of governmental administration • Organs of territorial self-government
Organs of Water Management • President of the National Water Management • Directors of regional water management
Oceny oddziaływania na środowisko – prawo wspólnotowe Dyrektywa 85/337 z 27.06.1985 r. w sprawie oceny skutków wywieranych przez niektóre przedsięwzięcia publiczne i prywatne na środowisko zmieniona przez: • Dyrektywę 97/11/WE z 3.03.1997 r. przewidującą udział społeczeństwa w odniesieniu do sporządzania niektórych planów i programów w zakresie środowiska oraz zmieniająca w odniesieniu do udziału społeczeństwa i dostępu do wymiaru sprawiedliwości dyrektywy Rady 85/337/EWG i 96/61/WE • Dyrektywę 2003/35/WE z 26.05.2003 r. zmieniającą dyrektywę 85/337/EWG w sprawie oceny wpływu wywieranego przez niektóre publiczne i prywatne przedsięwzięcia na środowisko Dyrektywa Rady: 92/43/EWG z 21 maja 1992 r. w sprawie ochrony siedlisk naturalnych oraz dzikiej fauny i flory (ocena „naturowa”). Dyrektywa 2001/42/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 27 czerwca 2001 r. w sprawie oceny wpływu niektórych planów i programów na środowisko. 2014-11-08 21
Environmental assessment • Strategic environmental assessment • Evaluation of influence on environment of projects/tasks • Evaluation of influence on Natura 2000
Strategic environmental assessment This is the procedure of evaluation of policy, strategy, plan or programme realization effects on environment, namely: • Alignment of extent of information minuteness contained in prognosis of influence on environment, • Preparation of prognosis of influence on environment, • Obtainment of required by law opinion, • Securing the possibility of public participation in the proceeding.
Carrying out strategic environmental assessment requires the following projects: 1) concept of spatial management of the country, the study of conditions and directions ofspatial management, spatial planning and regional development strategies; 2) policies, strategies, plans or programs in the fields of industry, energy, transport, telecommunications, water management, waste management, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism and the use of land, developed or adopted by the authorities, setting out a framework for the subsequent implementation of projects whichmay have significant effects on the environment; 3) other policies, strategies, plans or programs whose implementation may result insignificant effects on Natura 2000 if they are not directly related to the protection of Natura 2000 or do not the result from this protection.
Withdrawal from Strategic Environmental Assessment body addresses the relevant Regional Director of environment protection and public health inspector of the district to agree to withdraw from conducting a strategicenvironmental assessmentRegional director of environment protection and state district sanitary inspectoroccupy the position. No prejudge in the regulations as to the form - must be considered as „clerical letter”
Procedure of SEA Rroviding the information to the public noticeembraces: a) providing information on the page of Public Information Bulletin, authorisedorgan in the matter,b) announcing information in a customarily acceptedmanner, at the headquarters of the authority competent in the matter,c) the announcement of information in a customarily accepted manner by notice at the place of the planned project, and in case of a draft document that requires the participation of the public - in press, in suitable for the type of document range,d) in case when the head of the competent authority is located within another municipality than the municipality that is locally competent for the subject of proceedings - also by an announcement in the press or in the customarily accepted manner customary in the area or areas competent for the subject of the proceedings;
Environmental impact prognosis • It can be done by everyone, but in a legal sense the authority prepares a document • This concerns not only nature, but also humans, historical and material goods • It introduces: environment, assessment of the document, variant solutions, measures to minimize, monitoring the implementation of thedocument
Environmental Impact Assessment Art. 59. 1. Przeprowadzenia oceny oddziaływania przedsięwzięcia na środowisko wymaga realizacja następujących planowanych przedsięwzięć mogących znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko: 1) planowanego przedsięwzięcia mogącego zawsze znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko; 2) planowanego przedsięwzięcia mogącego potencjalnie znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko, jeżeli obowiązek przeprowadzenia oceny oddziaływania przedsięwzięcia na środowisko został stwierdzony na podstawie art. 63 ust. 1. (Ocena DLA PRZEDSIĘWZIĘĆ) 2. Realizacja planowanego przedsięwzięcia innego niż określone w ust. 1 wymaga przeprowadzenia oceny oddziaływania przedsięwzięcia na obszar Natura 2000, jeżeli: 1) przedsięwzięcie to może znacząco oddziaływać na obszar Natura 2000, a nie jest bezpośrednio związane z ochroną tego obszaru lub nie wynika z tej ochrony; 2) obowiązek przeprowadzenia oceny oddziaływania przedsięwzięcia na obszar Natura 2000 został stwierdzony na podstawie art. 96 ust. 1.(OCENA NATUROWA)
EIA Act devides the projects into: 1) The ones that always may significantly influence environment (I group) – environment impact assessment is always demanded from such projects, 2) The ones that potentially may significantly influence environment (II group) – EIA will be carried out if such a duty is imposed in the ‘screening’ proceeding. These categories are specified by the Council of Ministers of 9 November 2010 on projectsthat may significantly affect the environment (Journal of Laws No. 213, item. 1397).For both these groups of projectsit is mandatory to obtain a decision on environmental conditions.
The environment decisionand possibly an environmental impact assessment are preceded by a required decision • The decision on the environmental conditions is attached to the application for decision
Decision on environmental conditions • Without conducting an environmental impact assessment - concerning the principle for theproposed project that could potentially significantly affect the environment • After carrying out an environmental impact assessment: • for the proposed project that could always have a significant impact on the environment; • for the proposed project that could potentially have significant effects on the environment if the obligation has been determined to assess the environmental impact (screening).
Authoritiesthatconductproceeding • regional director of environmental protection in the range mentioned in Act on EIA: • governor has jurisdiction in the case of merging, to sharing or division of land; • Director of Regional Directorate of State Forests - in case of change of the forest, owned by the State Treasury for the agricultural use; • mayor, president of the city - in the case of other projects. 2014-11-08 32
Environmental Impact Assessment for projects • Alwaysfor the proposed projects that could always have a significant impact on the environment; • For the proposed projects that could potentially have significant effects on the environment if the obligation has been determined to assess the environmental impact after the so-called screening.
Environmental impact assessment of projects - procedure • Performaning the report on the environmental impact to the extent determined by the Authority, • Obtaining the agreement of the competent authorities, • Public participation in the proceedings, • possible involvement of environmental organizations.
Report on the impact of projects on the environment - an analytical document drawn up by an environmental impact assessment • description of the proposed project and the environment • description of anticipated environmental impacts in case of inaction of project.Currently this is not one of the options! • description of the analyzedoptions, including: • defining the anticipated environmental impact of the analyzedoptions, including the of a major industrial accident, as well as the possible transboundary environmental impact; • justification offered by the applicant, • an indication of compensatory and monitoring measures • analysis of possible social conflicts connected with the planned project; 2014-11-08 35
Assessment of ‘Natura’ The authority competent to issue the decision required before the start of the project, other than a project that may significantly affect the environment, which is not directly related to the protection of Natura 2000 or not the result of this protection, is obligedto consider, prior to that decision, whether the project can potentially have significant effects on Natura 2000 (art.96 EIA).
Assessment of ‘Natura’ If the project, other than a project that may significantly affect the environment, which is not directly related to the protection of Natura 2000 or not the result of this protection, it can potentially have significant effects on Natura 2000.
Public Participation (1) • Everyone has the right to submit comments and proposals in the proceedingsrequiring public participation • To the comments and conclusions reported in the proceedings requiring public participation one may not apply the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Code of Administrative Procedure (ws. Complaints and requests)
Environmental Organizations Environmental organizations, which are relying on its statutory declare their willingness to participate in a particular proceeding requiring public participation, participate in it as a party. Environmental organization in the proceedings requiring public participation, where this is justified by the statutory objectives of the organization: --serves the right to appeal against the decision. On appeal, the organizationparticipatesas a party; - servesthecomplaintto the administrative court Also if it did not participate in a particular proceeding requiring public participation.The decision to refuse admission to participate in the environmental organizationscan be appealed. 2014-11-08 39