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Confucianism. By Keir Witherspoon, Taylor Sheppard , Georgia Ritz. Did Y ou Know?. Confucianism is not a religion, rather a system of living cultured by the Ancient Chinese people. It is an ethical belief system that govern human conducts, much as religions do.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Confucianism By Keir Witherspoon, Taylor Sheppard, Georgia Ritz

  2. Did You Know? • Confucianism is not a religion, rather a system of living cultured by the Ancient Chinese people. • It is an ethical belief system that govern human conducts, much as religions do. • Confucianism got its name from the Latin for of its founder’s name, Confucius.

  3. Supernatural Beings (or Gods) • Since Confucianism is not a religion, it does not have any gods or deities. • This is just a way of life, not something you are bound to or strongly believe in. • There are no gods since it is not a religion, though heaven was worshipped as a god so the topic is debatable, but it was a way of life for most people in china.

  4. Founder? • Confucianism was founded by philosopher Kong Fu Zi. • He believed everyone should be treated equally and with respect • The Latin form of his name was Confucius, which is the name he is most famous for.

  5. What Did Confucius Teach? • Confucius believed that all people are equal and should be treated as such. • He taught that you should be unselfish, courteous, kind, loyal, polite, and with respect. • You should especially treat parents and other family members with respect. • No one, not even government officials, received special privileges or exceptions pertaining.

  6. Practices and Beliefs • The purpose in practicing this religion is to achieve harmony, which is achieved by acting properly towards others • Merciful deeds lead to accumulation of merit, which can get you a better life after reincarnation.

  7. Practices and Beliefs (Continued) • The family is more important than the individual and always comes first. • The father is the head of the family. • Behavior that is highly valued includes control of emotions, restraint, obedience to authority, and conforming.

  8. More Practices and Beliefs • There are five cardinal directions: sovereign-subject, father-son, friend-friend, elder-younger brother, and husband-wife. • Li means the proper way and it includes rules on how to interact with others.

  9. A Quote From Confucius • “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.”

  10. Just A Little Extra

  11. Post assessment • Who was the fonder of Confucianism? • What did Confucius believe? • What type of religion is Confucianism? • What did he teach his people to believe? • Where is the name derived from? • Were there any gods? • Name the quote that Confucius said.

  12. Sources • http://geriatrics.stanford.edu/ethnomed/chinese/fund/beliefs/ • http://www.google.com/imgres?q=confucianism&num=10&hl=en&safe=active&biw=1280&bih=576&tbm=isch&tbnid=flBr9plLNjW72M:&imgrefurl=http://www.markville.ss.yrdsb.edu.on.ca/history/religion/nadarajah.confuicus.htm&docid=OQF9cQFVOVZ9cM&imgurl=http://www.markville.ss.yrdsb.edu.on.ca/history/religion/dws-t-is-one-Confucianism.jpg&w=278&h=278&ei=7t9ZUKi0G5OE9gSPhYGwDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=672&vpy=173&dur=195&hovh=222&hovw=222&tx=140&ty=122&sig=108617652869370025521&page=3&tbnh=124&tbnw=129&start=51&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:51,i:250

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