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Hosting and Serving Others

Hosting and Serving Others . Planning a Social Gathering and Identifying the Responsibilities. Vocab. Menu= a list of the foods to be served at the meal. Course= a part of the meal made up of all the foods served at one time. Courses. Appetizer Soup Salad Main Course Dessert Beverages

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Hosting and Serving Others

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hosting and Serving Others Planning a Social Gathering and Identifying the Responsibilities

  2. Vocab • Menu= a list of the foods to be served at the meal. • Course= a part of the meal made up of all the foods served at one time

  3. Courses • Appetizer • Soup • Salad • Main Course • Dessert • Beverages • Depending on the type of dinner depends on when the courses are served.

  4. When Planning A Meal… • Choose the main course first. • Select a grain to accompany the main course. • Select 1 or 2 fruits or vegetables that complement the main course. • Select appetizer and/or dessert. • Plan beverages for courses.


  6. Flavor • Balance and variety of: • Sweet • Sour • Salty • Bitter

  7. Color • Garnishing is a great way to add color. • “Presentation” refers to the way food looks when it is brought to the table and presented to the diner.

  8. Color (cont.) • 2 rules: • Avoid heaping foods on top of one another. -- Place them side by side and spread apart slightly. • Do no smear or splash food on the edge of the plate. – If you drip use a paper towel to wipe the edge.

  9. TextureThe way the food feels in your mouth. • Gritty • Tough • Smooth • Sticky • Dry • Hard • Chewy • Soft • Crisp

  10. Shape And Size • Avoid serving several foods made up of small pieces. • EX: Broccoli and peas should not be served with rice.

  11. Temperature • When serving make sure hot foods are served hot and cool foods are served cold. • Luke warm foods do not stimulate the senses of taste or sight.

  12. Plating Food • Attractive to the eye. • Use garnishes for color and it gives the guests a hint of what is in the food. • Be sure to place appropriate utensils when serving.

  13. Serving Food To Others • Neatly “Plated.” • Garnished • Took proper safety and sanitation procedures during preparation and service to the table

  14. Host Responsibilities • Extend the invitation • Clean, presentable host area • Invite guest to event • Introduces guests to each other. • Talk to all guests.

  15. Guest Responsibilities • Answer the invitation with an RSVP • Arrive at the party at the designated time. • Follow house rules. • Greet host and host’s family.

  16. Mealtime Etiquette

  17. Before eating Place the napkin on your lap before your start eating Wait until everyone is served before you begin to eat You may reach for serving dishes as long as you don’t have to lean across your neighbor What is the best way to get something you cannot reach?

  18. While Eating Cut food into small pieces before eating Don’t talk with your mouth full Sit up straight when you eat and don’t lean on your elbows Break bread into smaller pieces before buttering it or eating it

  19. Setting the Table

  20. Table-Setting Basics The cover is usually on the table before people sit down to eat. Arrange flatware in the order in which it is used, starting at the outside and working in toward the center The plate goes in the center of the cover, about 1 inch from the edge of the table Forks go on the left of the plate, knives to the right (knife blades face IN!!)

  21. Family Service The cover is set with the necessary tableware The food is placed in serving dishes and passed around the table with people helping themselves The main advantage of family service is that people can serve themselves the amount they want

  22. Plate Service Plate service is generally used for family meals and in restaurants Food is placed on the plates directly from the containers in which it was cooked and the plates are then brought to the table The only exception is salad Plate service saves cleanup time more than family service does

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