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BRISTOL. 7. BEAR. 1 Adult Education BESST Center 2045 Meyer Place 2 Adams Elementary 2850 Club House Rd. 3 College Park 2380 Notre Dame Rd. 4 Costa Mesa High School 2650 Fairview Drive 5 Davis Elementary 1050 Arlington Drive 6 Orange Coast College 2701 Fairview Rd.
BRISTOL 7 BEAR 1 Adult Education BESST Center 2045 Meyer Place 2 Adams Elementary 2850 Club House Rd. 3 College Park 2380 Notre Dame Rd. 4 Costa Mesa High School 2650 Fairview Drive 5 Davis Elementary 1050 Arlington Drive 6 Orange Coast College 2701 Fairview Rd. 7 Paularino Elementary 1060 Paularino Ave. 8 Pomona Elementary 2051 Pomona Ave. 9 Whittier School 1800 Whittier Ave. 10 Wilson Elementary 801 Wilson Street PAULARINO BAKER 2 SONORA ADAMS PRESIDIO JUNIPERO 5 4 6 FAIRVIEW ARLINGTON FAIR HARBOR 3 PLACENTIA MONTE VISTA Notre Dame SANTA ISABELLA WILSON 10 SANTA ANA AVENUE VICTORIA NEWPORT BLVD. SOUTH IRVINE STREET HAMILTON 8 POMONA MEYER PL 1 19th ST. WHITTIER 9 18th ST 17th ST Newport-Mesa Unified School District Adult Education 2008-2009 Fall School Sites Newport-Mesa Unified School District Adult Education Fall 2008 Registration begins Tuesday, September 2, 2008 NMUSD Adult Education 2045 Meyer Place Costa Mesa, CA 92627 949-515-6996
Fall Semester Calendar • 2-1-1 Orange County is your Health & Human Services and Support Provider • Dial 2-1-1 • 24 Hours / 7 Days A Week • DIAL 2-1-1 today for – • Referrals to human care resources • Food • Shelter • Child Care • Services for persons with disabilities • Resources for Older Adults and their caregivers • Alcohol and drug services • And much more… • For more information to view or download on-line • go to www.211oc.org N-MUSD provides high-quality, free preschool programs at seven sites at or near Adult Education classes. Preschool is provided at College Park, Harper, Pomona, Paularino, Sonora, Whittier, and Wilson Schools. The program is offered three hours a day, five days per week, and children may qualify based on age and family income. For more information, please visit any of the preschool sites or call the HOPE School Readiness Resource Center at (949) 515-6622. Fall registration Mon-Fri, Sept. 2-5, 2008 Fall session begins Monday, Sept. 8, 2008 Veterans’ Day – no school November 11, 2008 Thanksgiving Recess – no school November 24-28, 2008 Winter Recess – no school December 22-31, 2008 January 1-2, 2009 Martin Luther King Jr., Day – no school January 19, 2009 Last day of First Semester January 30, 2009 The Mission of Newport-Mesa Adult Education Our mission is to provide lifelong educational opportunities and services which address the unique needs of individuals and communities by providing adults with the knowledge and skills necessary, including technology, to participate effectively as citizens, workers, parents and family members, and be contributing members of the local and global community.
Welcome to Newport Mesa-Adult Education COURSES Administration BESST Center 2045 Meyer Place, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Office: (949)515-6996, Fax: (949) 515-6745 Office Hours: 7:30am-8:30pm Mon-Thurs 7:30am-4:00pm Friday SEMESTER CALENDAR…..…INSIDE FRONT COVER WELCOME PAGE………………………………… 1 GENERAL INFORMATION……………………… 2 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA INFORMATION……. 4 H.S. Diploma Course Information……………. 5 ESL CLASS INFORMATION………..……………. 6 ESL Morning Schedule………………………… 7 Distance Learning Schedule…………………... 8 ESL Evening Schedule………………………... 9 CLASS SCHEDULES……………………………. 10 Digital Photography……….………………… 10 Spanish GED Preparation…………………… 10 Citizenship Classes……………………………. 10 Workplace Spanish Class…………………….. 10 Older Adult Classes…………………………… 10 COMPUTER CLASSES....................................... 11 Evening Session……………………………… 11 Computer for the Spanish Speaker………….. 11 OCC Computer Class…………………………. 11 SITE MAP………………………….….. BACK COVER District Administration Mike Murphy, Director, Adult Education Martha Rankin, Administrator, Adult Education Larry Vescera, Administrator, Adult Education (Evening) Kris Hoffman, Teaching Administrator, CMHS (Evening) Carlos Alcazar, Lead Teacher, Whittier Adult Education COURSE LOCATOR Board of Education Dr. Jeffrey C. Hubbard, Superintendent Charles Hinman, Asst. Superintendent of Secondary Education Rebecca Bishai, Director of Student Services Dana Black David Brooks Michael Collier Walt Davenport Martha Fluor Judy Franco Karen Yelsey 1 12
General Information COMPUTER CLASSES Registration September 2-5, 2008 Computers for the Spanish Speaker BESST Center 949-515-6996 Mon thru Fri 8:00am — 11:00am Mon thru Fri 11:30am — 2:30pm Computers/ESL Whitter Center 949-515-6818 Mon thru Fri 11:15am — 2:15pm Saturday Computer / ESL Class Located at Orange Coast College Computing Center Room CC105 Registration at site on Saturday, September 13, 2008 Classes begin on Saturday, September 13, 2008 9:00am — 12:00pm OCC Class is FREE EVENING SESSION Semester long class September 8 to January 28, 2009 BESST Center 949-515-6996 Mon & Wed 6:00pm – 9:15pm Intro to Computers—Level I/II $30 Materials Fee/Scholarships also available *Site locations are listed on back map page. • Registration • Courses are open to any person 18 years of age or older. High school students may take adult education courses by referral from their high school counselor. There is open enrollment in most classes. Students must have proper identification. Please register at the site where you wish to attend class, during the days and times listed by each class. • Tuition and Fees • No tuition fees are charged for adult school classes. ESL classes are free. ESL textbooks can be purchased. • There is a $60 book deposit for High School Diploma courses. • A materials fee of $30 is required for some vocational and computer classes. • Main Office Hours • Monday – Thursday from 7:30am to 8:30pm and Fridays from 7:30am to 4:00pm. Diploma, ESL and Vocational Departments are open evenings and hours may vary – see each site class schedule for details. • Why enroll in Adult Education? • Earn a high school diploma or credits • Prepare for the GED • Learn English • Assistance with becoming a citizen of the United States • Day, evening and weekend classes available • Free ESL classes and minimal fee for other classes • Several different sites and hours • Easy enrollment Adult Education Computers Adult Education – Fall 2008 11 2
CLASS SCHEDULES STUDENT RULES AND REGULATIONS Children:Please leave children at home. It is a violation of Adult Education Policy to have children on campus during class time. Some daytime programs may have child care, but please follow site policy. Smoking/Gum Chewing:There is NO SMOKING or GUM CHEWING anywhere on school grounds or in school buildings. Teachers will enforce this District-wide policy. Parking: DO NOT PARK in spaces marked for the STAFF. Do not block driveways and do not Skateboards:Skateboarding is prohibited on campus. Attendance:Make every effort to arrive at school promptly and attend all classes. The more time you spend in class the faster you learn. Absences:If you are absent for three classes in a row without notifying your teacher or the office, you may be dropped from the class. If you plan to be absent, tell your teacher to prevent being dropped. There are waiting lists for all classes. Dress Code:Appropriate clothing is required. Hats, gang affiliated attire and revealing clothing are prohibited. Clothing advertising alcohol or drugs is not permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times in the classroom and on campus. Student ID Cards:Please memorize your student number and carry your Student ID card with your other identification cards. Breaks:Break time will vary at each site. Ask your teacher or site administrator. Please return from breaks ON TIME. Every minute is valuable education time. Trash:Eat in designated eating areas only. All food wrappings, cups, and trash go into the OUTSIDE trash cans. DO NOT litter or drop your trash in planters, in the parking lot, or anywhere to and from bus stops. Respect:We expect students to show their respect to their teachers and classmates at all times. Students may be asked to leave if conduct is inappropriate and/or disruptive. Loitering:There will be no loitering outside classrooms during class. Relatives/friends need to wait for you in their cars or off campus. Zero Tolerance:NMUSD has a “zero tolerance” policy towards weapons or violent acts on our campuses. Possession of any firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object is not allowed, nor are disabling devices such as mace and pepper spray. Community Courtesy:Many of our sites are located in residential communities. Please respect our neighbors by driving within the speed limit, keeping noise levels down, and watching out for pedestrians and children when coming to and leaving from school. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY BESST Center 949-515-6818 Tuesdays/Thursdays 2:30pm – 3:30pm SPANISH GED PREPARATION BESST Center 949-515-6818 Mon thru Thurs 2:30pm – 5:00pm CITIZENSHIP BESST Center 949-515-6996 Mondays/Wednesdays 6:00pm — 9:15pm WORKPLACE SPANISH CLASS Whittier Site 949-515-6818 Mondays 5:00pm – 8:00pm OLDER ADULT CLASSES offered at: Crown Cove Silverado Alz. Facility Newport Sub-acute & Rehabilitation Ctr. DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED ADULTS offered at: Fairview Developmental Center *Site locations are listed on back map page. Adult Education Classes Adult Education – Fall 2008 10 3
ESL CLASS SCHEDULES Cont.. High School Diploma Requirements / Independent Study HS DIPLOMA, GED PREPARATION, CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND OFFICE ASSISTANT PROGRAM Located at the BESST Center, the Newport-Mesa Adult School Technology Learning Center is a computer-assisted and self-paced learning environment open from 9:00am to 9:00pm Monday through Thursday. For more information about the programs or to make an appointment with a counselor, call (949) 515-6740. High School Diploma courses are offered to assist students in the completion of high school graduation requirements. Diploma candidates need to make a counseling appointment in order to have previous transcripts and proficiency assessments evaluated. To receive a high school diploma all students must complete required coursework and pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). (High school concurrent students are required to complete a minimum of 60 hours in order to earn 5.0 credits.) GED computer-assisted, self-paced instruction is available to help students prepare for the GED high school equivalency examination. The examination covers the core academic areas of Language Arts, Reading and Writing, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics. Upon passing the examination, the adult student receives a GED certificate. The Technology Learning Center computers at the BESST Center may be used between 9:00am and 9:00pm Monday through Thursday. Career & Technical Education courses are offered to assist students in gaining skills leading to employment and include: computer literacy, computer applications, professional office skills, and career development. A moderate materials fee is required for each Career & Technical Education class. Office Assistant Program courses are designed to assist students to prepare for successful employment in an office setting. Evening Classes Offered at Adult Education Centers below Registration Schedule 5:30pm – 8:30pm BESST Ctr September 2-4, 2008 Costa Mesa HS September 2 & 4, 2008 College Park September 2, 2008 4-Night Classes BESST Center 949-515-6996 Beginning Literacy through Multi-Advanced Mon - Thurs 6:00pm — 9:15pm 2-Night Classes Costa Mesa High School 714-424-8789 Multi-Beginning & Multi-Intermediate Tues/Thurs 6:00pm — 9:15pm 1-Night Class College Park 949-515-6996 Multi Level ESL Class Tuesdays 6:00pm — 9:15pm *Site locations are listed on back map page. English Improvement / ESL GRADUATE! As part of Adult Education, High School graduates and GED recipients can participate in the cap and gown June Graduation Ceremony . 4 9
ESL CLASS SCHEDULES Cont.. High School Diploma Courses Begin September 8, 2008 Instruction offered Monday – Thursday, 9am to 9pm REGISTRATION SEPTEMBER 2-4, 2008 10:00am - 7:00pm Adults 3:00pm- 7:00pm Concurrent HS DISTANCE LEARNING 949-515-6996 LEARN ENGLISH AT HOME FOR FREE! The Distance Learning Program gives you an opportunity to learn English at home with the use of DVDs or VHS tapes. To learn more about the program, please call 949-515-6996. Registration September 2-5, 2008 Program Sites/Hours/Locations: Adams Mondays 8:00am – 11:00am Room TBD Wilson Tuesdays 8:00am – 11:00am MPR Room Davis Wednesdays 7:45am – 10:45am RM 23 BESST Tues/Thurs 4:30pm – 5 :30pm RM 116 Wednesdays 4:00pm – 5:30pm RM 116 Fridays 10:30am – 11:30am RM 121 Pomona Thursdays 8:00am – 10:00am MPR Paularino Fridays 8:00am – 10:00am Library *Site locations are listed on back map page. Academic CoursesElectives (High School Credit) Algebra I & II Applied Vocational Math ∆ American Government Brain-Based Learning Art History CAHSEE Language Arts Review Earth Science CAHSEE Math Review Economics Career Development* English 1-4 Career Exploration Geometry Consumer Math Health Developmental Reading Life Science English Language Arts Music Appreciation General Math Physical Science Geography U.S. History Introduction to Computers*∆ World History/Geography Keyboarding*∆ Math Review Algebra Readiness Microsoft Excel*∆ Microsoft Word*∆ Microsoft Advanced Excel* Microsoft Advanced Word* Power Point*∆ Publisher*∆ Office Occupations*∆ Reception Clerical* ∆ Remedial Reading Study Skills Test Prep: Core Curriculum Grammar Test Prep: Core Curriculum Math Test Prep: Core Curriculum Reading Test Prep: Core Curriculum Writing *Career and Technical Education courses ∆Office Assistant Certificate Courses Non-Credit Courses Basic Reading GED Preparation English Improvement / ESL High School Diploma Requirements / Independent Study 8 5
ESL CLASS SCHEDULES ESL CLASS INFORMATION Morning/Afternoon Classes Offered at Adult Education Centers below Registration September2-5, 2008 BESST: 8:00am a 11:00am 11:30am a 2:30pm Whittier: 7:45am a 10:45am Classes begin September 8, 2008 All ESL ( English Second Language) classes are FREE and focus on developing English listening, speaking, reading, writing, pre-vocational and life skills. Classes are offered from beginning to advanced. Students will be assessed for proper class-level placement. There are seven class levels. Beginning Literacy. This is a non-credit, open enrollment course that is designed for students who have little or no literacy skills in English or their native language and who need to start at the beginning. Students will build basic English life skills vocabulary including letters and numbers. Beginning Low. This is a non-credit, open enrollment course that is designed for students who have emerging literacy skills in English. Students will practice communication skills in everyday situations and build a larger vocabulary through listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar activities.. Beginning High. This is a non-credit, open enrollment course that is designed for students who have basic English language skills. Students will learn and communicate in everyday situations and build a larger vocabulary through listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar activities. Intermediate Low. This is a non-credit, open enrollment course that is designed for students who have intermediate language skills in English. Students will improve their listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and grammar. Intermediate High. This is a non-credit, open enrollment course that is designed for students who have intermediate language skills in English. Students will improve their listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and grammar. Advanced Low. This is a non-credit, open enrollment course that is designed for students who have a low-advanced level of proficiency in written English. Students will improve their reading, composition, grammar, listening comprehension, speaking, and study skills to prepare them for credit courses or GED preparation courses. Advanced High. This is a non-credit, open enrollment course that is designed for students who have a low-advanced level of proficiency in written English. Students will improve their reading, composition, grammar, listening comprehension, speaking, and study skills to prepare them for credit courses or GED preparation courses. BESST Center 949-515-6996 Beginning Low through Multi-AdvancedMon thru Fri 8:00am – 11:00am Mon thru Fri 11:30am — 2:30pm Whittier Adult Ed 949-515-6818 Multi-Beginning through Multi-Advanced Mon thru Fri 7:45am – 10:45am *Site locations are listed on back map page. English Improvement / ESL English Improvement / ESL 6 7