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PROTEIN. Macro nutrient Protein is required by the body for growth & repair . It can also supply us with energy . During digestion, proteins are broken up into amino acids . The amino acids are absorbed into the blood stream and made into new proteins in the cells of the body.
PROTEIN • Macro nutrient • Protein is required by the body for growth & repair. • It can also supply us with energy. • During digestion, proteins are broken up into amino acids. The amino acids are absorbed into the blood stream and made into new proteins in the cells of the body. • Amino Acids: Our bodies need 20 amino acids to make all the proteins we need in our cells. • The body can make 11 amino acids in the liver; these are called Non-Essential Amino Acids. • The remaining 9 have to come from the proteins in our diet these are called Essential Amino Acids. • Essential amino acids are found in protein from animals such as meats, fish, eggs, poultry, cheese and from soya beans. These foods are said to have High Biological Value (HBV). • Protein from other sources, i.e. nuts, pulses, rice, vegetables, seeds are said to have Low Biological Value (LBV).
MORE ABOUT PROTEIN • Protein names – ovalbumin (egg white), gluten (wheat), collagen (meat), caseinogen (cheese), lactoglobulin (milk). • Protein requirements: Babies, children, teenagers and pregnant and lactating women need more protein than adults. Average adult male needs 56g protein per day and female 46g. Excess is stored as fat. • Protein deficiency: Can lead to Kwashiorkor. Symptoms include - stop growing and become thin and weak, - hair becomes thin and skin flaky, - can’t digest food properly and get diarrhoea, - catch infections easily, - develop Oedema – fluid building up under the skin, - loose fat and muscles.
Alternative Proteins • May be eaten as a substitute for animal protein by people: who do not want to eat food from animals, because of moral or religious ethics who are conscious of healthy eating who want a more varied diet. • Examples are: TVP- Textured vegetable protein made from Soya beans. Quorn - A Mycoprotein which is related to the mushroom Tivall- Made from wheat & vegetable protein, its texture is similar to meat. Tofu & Bean curd -also made from Soya beans
More about Alternative Proteins • Alternative proteins are: High in protein Low in fat Are enriched with Vitamins & minerals. Similar nutritional value to meat. • Alternative proteins are: Versatile- can be bought in different forms e.g. minced, chunks, fillets, etc. Bland – Therefore can be flavoured easily. Colourless- therefore colour can be added easily during manufacture Easy to store • Alternative proteins can be produced organically, are cheaper & quicker to produce than meat, can be stored easily as dried products & can now be bought frozen, chilled or ready to eat from any supermarket.