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Attractions in POcity

Attractions in POcity. 49 th P arallel.

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Attractions in POcity

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  1. Attractions in POcity

  2. 49thParallel Prešov isonlyone Slovak town, whichcan show off by parallelpassingthrough center of city. ParallelpassesstraightlynearHlavnastreetthroughroadwhereitisdemarcated by the metal plate and prosecutes Metodova, Špitálová and Dilongovástreet.

  3. Park withgroupofstatuesImmaculata Small park in center ofthetownwith stone benchesisformersquare, whereprotestant´scapitainwereputting to dead in 1698. Park isfrillywithImmaculatawithstatuesofsaints.

  4. Park withNeptun´sfountain Thisis a bigger park in center ofthetownwith stone benches and lotofgreenness. Park has gotNeptun´sfountain, whichisproductofKošice´sknapperStavianskyfrom 19thcentury. In the park isalso monument ofwriter Jonáš Záborskýand monument ofmemoryofsoviet´sarmymembersfrom 2ndworldwar.

  5. Calvary Calvaryisplace, whereyoucangofor a walk. ThereisChurchofsaintCrosswhere are masseseverySunday in spring, summer and autumn. You´vegot a viewofall Prešov. Thechurchwasbuilt by František Perger in 1753.

  6. Thegardenofart Thegardenispleasingplacewherepeoplego to relax and gofor a walk. Theobjectsofart are destroyed by somecreaturesof city. Whenyouwant to lie on thegrass and relax, sometimesyoumustfindoutifthereis a calm. Thereis a new childrenparadisenow. ThegardenofartissituatednearthechurchofFranciscans.

  7. Thebestice- cream in the city Whenyouwantdeliciousice- creamyoushouldgo to Florianovastreet and thereyou´llfindit. Onesmallcanumcosts 30 cent. Whenyouwantbiggeroneitcosts 60 cent. Theyhave big offerofflavours.

  8. We´regoing to giveyousomerecommendation:

  9. Thankyouforyourattention

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