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THE MINISTRY’S PROBLEMStrategic Challenge Area: “Automation of All Ministry’s Land Records” The Policy By Our CEO, the PS Lands • Initiative towards the Establishment of an Intelligent, Integrated approach to Management of Land Records i.e. single Database of Title, Land Survey, Planning and Adjudication Land Records for the entire country that is accessible online. E_LandRecords. The Objective • Aimed at improved access, retrieval and processing of Land Information to improve efficiency in service delivery and making land data available for multiple user categories e.g. conveyance, valuation, taxation and planning. • The Project will be rolled out in Phases of 100 days under RBM/RRI for users to reap benefits as soon as practicable. The Problem • Massive Land Records, of over 100 years ago, since 1903. • Manual Systems of handling the land data • Big Question - “how to better respond to the user needs?”
Land Registration Maps and Land Ownership Records The Ministry of Lands has four technical Departments; two of which deal with land registration maps (Departments of Survey and Physical Planning) and the other two with land ownership data (Departments of Lands and Land Adjudication & Settlement). Ministry of Lands e_Land Registration Maps / Graphics e_ Land Ownership Records / Ownership Attributes Land Surveying & Mapping Lands (Admin, Valuation & Registration) Land Adjudication & Settlement (Land Rights) Land Use Physical Planning
Current Computerization Initiatives: Overall Selection Criteria is to have Quick Win Goals to improve on service delivery :- Timeliness of Service Tattered Records in Land Registries e.g. Ardhi House, Nairobi & Mombasa Documents Disappearance File Tracking System Reduction Of Bottlenecks/Steps in Service Delivery e.g. Searches, titles, maps Correct Ministry’s image How To Avoid Porous Systems
Initiatives on Automation of Land Records Reconstruction of records registered under GLA System is necessary before any automation can be carried out. Searches are not easily done on some GLA volumes due to the poor state of the records. • Strategic Challenge Area 1: Reconstruction of Land Records e.g. Reconstruction of GLA Volumes / Records, Repairs Of Torn Records in the Central Land Registry, Lands Registration Division November 2007
Automation Initiatives …. After field inspection a valuer needs to do a market analysis to determine market values. Searching for data to complete valuation is a manual procedure. The files sometimes are out of the registry as such delay does occur when looking for the data A property may have been valued before. It is important to see the previous report. This involves manually looking for the file where the report was filed. • Strategic Challenge Area 2:Creation of a Property Database Systeme.g. Creating A Land/Property Value Data Base at the Valuation Division of the Department Of Lands November 2007
PV_DB Key in the required Property Details in the spaces provided as shown. 2 3 To Search for Details of a Particular Property: Key in the Property Identifier e.g. NBI/BLK91/9. Then the required attribute values for this property appears as in Diagram No. 2 above Once PV_DB has been opened, then Select Valuation Info Form Option. 1
Automation Initiatives …. Reduce time taken for vetting and verification of plans submitted for approval by the District Physical Planners Easy storage and retrieval Secure storage and back up • Strategic Challenge Area 3:Creation of a Document Management System (DMS) for All Approved Physical Development Plans in the Country November 2007
DMS_PDP Diagram Showing a Scanned Physical Development Plan
Automation Initiatives …. Reduce time taken by Officers, Private Sector Practicing professionals and Members of Public to access and retrieve any Authenticated Survey Plan since 1903 from an average of 2 days to 1 hour Easy storage, retrieval, Secure storage and back up A one-stop shop for clients to obtain a copy of a survey plan. No movement/misplacement of survey plans A survey plan can be used by many officers at a time for quality control checks • Strategic Challenge Area 4:Creation of a Document Management System (DMS) for All Authenticated Cadastral Survey Plans in the Country November 2007
DMS_CSP Diagram Showing image of a scanned Cadastral Survey Plan that has finally been converted to pdf format and stored into DMS_CSP
Automation Initiatives …. Reduce time taken to retrieve settlement plot files for action Efficient location of settlement files Timeliness in all settlement transactions Reduced cases of missing files • Strategic Challenge Area 5:File Tracking System for All Settlement Plot Files at the Ministry Headquarters. November 2007
File Tracking System Diagram Showing File Tracking System for Settlement Plot Files (FTS_SPF), Dept. of Lands Adj. & Settlement, HQs. Diagram No. 1: File Tracking Centre -This is the home page for the File Tracking Module from where the various sub-modules can be accessed by clicking on the respective buttons. 1
Other on going Automation Initiatives Document Management System for Land Title Documents Records (Deed Files, Land Rent Cards & Green Cards)– Contracted out This entails scanning, indexing and archiving of Lands Records at the Headquarters to create a Document Management System. Land Rent Information Database System – Being done in-house This system is used for handling payment for land rent payers e.g. issuing demand notices to land rent payers. November 2007
Other on going Automation Initiatives Settlement Fund Trustee (SFT) Billing System – Contracted out This is a system intended to automate the billing and accounting processes for all settlement schemes in the country. Its objectives include: - Printing of settlers’ bill statement on time; Recovery of SFT land and development loans; Enhancement of revenue collection; Management of settlers accounts and records; Timely production of final accounts; Assist in management and decision making on settlement schemes for overall efficiency in service delivery. Land Information for Informal Settlements (LIIS) – With SIDA Assistance This is a GIS Based Methodology for mapping of informal settlements. Evaluation of this project has already been done and is now awaiting recommendations on the way forward. November 2007
Other on going Automation Initiatives Production of Digital Topographical Maps– Being done in-house Digitization of existing Topographical Maps (1:50,000 and 1:250,000 scales) to create a National Digital Topographic Data Base (NDTDB) Establishment of Kenya National Spatial Data Infrastructure (KNSDI)– With JICA Assistance The primary aim of KNSDI is to have an enabling platform of discovery and access of spatial information to facilitate data sharing through internet. KNSDI Web Site has been established and KNSDI Standards are being developed. Digital Mapping (Scales 1:2,500 & 1:5,000) of Nairobi has been finalised. November 2007
The Challenges • Outdated Procedures and Practices • Torn and Missing Land Records • Issue of Capacity Building • However, the main challenge was shortage of Resources both Human & Equipment • Departmental specific initiatives - no integration. • Working Environment • Change Management – Staff Attitude
Proposed Solution: Draft NLIMS Version 1.0 Project Proposals Ministry of Lands End Term Review
DRAFT Ver1 NLIMS: Report Organisation Ministry of Lands End Term Review
Integration of Land Registration Maps with Land Ownership Records From CoL & DLAS From DoS & DPP GIS-based NLIMS
Procedures & Practises: The Ministry was burdened by an “inherited” culture, systems, structure, procedures and practices much of which were badly “outdated” and irrelevant. The service will greatly be enhanced by reducing overal number of steps as there is alot of duplications and redundancy. Some procedures can be eliminated without compromising on quality. This may require re-organisation of the affected offices including knocking down some walls and modernising service counters similar to those at KRA offices.
Safeguard the Paper Records Make a comprehensive inventory volumes and types of all land records; their physical condition and their storage facilities Verify authenticity of the land records data. Improve the records storage facilities: space, shelving and environment. Manage solution for incorrect and missing records Create a records conversion strategy. Reconstruct records where appropriate prior to scanning and digitising. Improve the records storage facilities: space, shelving and environment. Improve security for access to the land records especially the titling records at Department of Lands and the Land Registration Maps at the Department of Surveys.
Scale – up the Quick Wins Goal 1 Finalise reconstruction and create database for GLA Volumes. Goal 2 Finalise PVDB and share the Valuation Database through LAN Goal 3 Digitize /vectorize all the Development Plans. Goal 4 Finalise scanning of all survey plans and scale up by digitizing of parcel boundaries and scanning of survey reports. Goal 5 Replicate File Tracking System in all the other sister Departments in the Ministry. Enhance security/backups for the databases. Land Rent System
Technical Consultancy Technical Consultancy Assistance for NLIMS: Consultancy is required to carry out various tasks and activities in liaison with the LRTU_LIMS Pilot Projects: Identify and implement LIMS in an urban area like part of City of Nairobi and peri-urban/rural area like Kiambu, Thika, Machakos or Kajiado. Working Environment The state of offices and the infrastructure in place most offices both at the headquarters and field stations is not conducive to IT development. Ministry need to invest in modern offices and furniture as a long term programme, meanwhile the existing offices can be renovated.
Proposed Solution: LRTU_LIMS Inception Report Inception Report: Harmonization of the Work Plans Ministry of Lands End Term Review
The End Thank You ! Cesare N. Mbaria LRTU_LIMS TWG Ministry Headquarters, Ardhi House P.O. Box 30450-00100, GPO, NAIROBI Tel.:+254-020-2718050 Email: cnmbaria@ardhi.go.keORcesarembaria@yahoo.com