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The Place Of Lipids In An Ideal Diet. What is lipid ?. A lipid is a fat-like molecule that does not have the ability to dissolve in water and includes molecules such as cholesterol and triglycerides. What is diet ?.
What is lipid? A lipid is a fat-like molecule that does not have the ability to dissolve in water and includes molecules such as cholesterol and triglycerides.
What is diet ? A person's regularly consumed food and drink or it can mean regulating food intake to lose or gain weight.
Lipids • Lipids is that ofEnergy Storage. Lipids contain a lot of calories in a small space.
Good Source : Lipids • Meat and animalfoods (eggs, milk, cheese) are rich insaturatedfats* and cholesterol. Plantsources such as sunflowerseeds and peanuts are rich in unsaturatedfats. * saturatedfats: a fat found in meat, milk, and eggs, which is thought to be bad for your health.
Cholesterol • The cholesterolmolecule has fourinterconnectedcarbonrings. • Cholesterol helps to stabilize all animal cell membranes. It is used by the body to synthesizesteroidhormones such as the sexhormones and hormones of the adrenal cortex, in vitamin D synthesis, and in the synthesis of bile.
Saturatedfattyacids have singlebonds between the carbonatoms. They orginate from animalsources and are solid at room temperature. • Fattyacids with one doublebond are monounsaturated, while those with two or more double are polyunsaturatedfattyacids. • Unsaturatedfatsorginate from plans and are liquid at room temperature.
Functions in Human Body • Fats and oil are important source of energy. Fats………………..39kJ per g Proteins…………. 20kJ per g Carbohydrates.. 17kJ per g • They are especiallyvaluable as an energystore. Why? • Because they are insoluable in water. • Also they have the grater rate of hydrojen than the other sources.
They also provide insulation – electrical insulation around nerve cells and thermal insulation beneath the skin – and from part of cell membranes.Steroid hormonesincluding sex hormones, are made from cholesterol.
Comments • Fats and oils are digested in the small intestine and absorbed as fatty acids and glycerol. Some lipids contain saturated fatty acids and others contain unsaturated fatty acids (with at least one carbon-carbon double bond).
The body can store unlimited amounts of fat, contributing to obesity. The incorrect balance of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, or an excess of cholesterol, can cause diseases of the circulation.
We have to control our balance of amount of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids… • If we don’t…..