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Why do all the celebrities do Pilates?

You may have seen the paparazzi pictures of celebrities leaving their yoga or Pilates classes...

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Why do all the celebrities do Pilates?

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  1. Why do all the celebrities do Pilates? You may have seen the paparazzi pictures of celebrities leaving their yoga or Pilates classes, looking fresh faced and demure, or perhaps you’ve listened to an interview where a celebrity raves about how Pilates is an essential part of their health regime, and wondered what all the fuss is about. If you’ve never actually tried Pilates, you may be asking yourself: Why? Well, lets not diminish the amazing health benefits Pilates has to offer, such as toning and lengthening the muscles in your body, strengthening your core which leads to a strong support frame for you body, and in turn centers the weight and pressure of your body onto the strongest structure, your spine. However, here are a few other benefits you may not have considered. No blisters on your feet from running shoes Pilates is about stretching and lengthening the body, not just bouncing up and down to get your heart rate up. So the gentle but controlled, fluid movement of Pilates means you don’t have to worry about wear and tear on particular part of your body, i.e. your feet. With running, the weight is absorbed by your feet, with tennis, the impact is on your feet and in your hands, with swimming – well we all know what chlorine does to your hair and skin – but Pilates doesn’t have the same issues. Although Pilates is an intense modality, that works your entire body, the weight is distributed evening, meaning your feet remain blister free and pretty as a picture,

  2. ready for your red carpet heals, your hands don’t become callused and cracked, and your hair and skin escape being dunked into any harsh pool chemicals. No risk of sunburn Any celebrity with beautiful skin will tell you they stay out of the sun and look after their skin, so it makes sense that they work out indoors. With a Pilates class you can be in a climate controlled room and protected from the suns harmful rays, something your skin will thank you for. The comfort of home studios You know you are a true celebrity when there is a chance you could get sprung by the paparazzi on your way to the gym. So a lot of celebrities have found a solution to this problem, and set up a reformer bed in their own home! Nothing says luxury like being able to work out in the privacy of you own home, and have a qualified Pilates instructor that comes to your house. The convenience of private instructors Although there a fabulous Pilates classes available, particularly in Melbourne, the high flying celebrity who runs a hectic schedule may not always be able to attend at regular times, that is why they may opt for a private class that offers one-on-one tuition with a Pilates instructor, at a time that suits them. This may sound like your kind of lifestyle, but your lack of Oscar nominations might be holding you back. Perhaps it’s time to consider becoming a Pilates instructor? With Pilates instructor courses in Melbourne, you could soon find yourself training the rich and famous. Kaya Health Clubs in Melbourne run a number of Pilates Instructor courses that can help you on your way to training the big names of Hollywood.

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