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Subject-Verb Agreement. Subject : the main person, animal, object, or “thing” in the sentence Some subjects are singular and some are plural Verb : the action or state of being in the sentence Just like subjects, some verbs are singular and some are plural
Subject-Verb Agreement • Subject: the main person, animal, object, or “thing” in the sentence • Some subjects are singularand some are plural • Verb: the action or state of being in the sentence • Just like subjects, some verbs are singularand some are plural • *Note: mostsingular verbs have an ‘s’ on the end, while plural verbs don’t • Singular Examples: He is, She shouts, Mom gives, etc. • Plural examples: They are, we go, Jack and Jill run
Subject-Verb Agreement • Subjects and verbs must agree in number. • That means a singular subject must take a singular verb while a plural subject must take a plural verb. • Examples: • The motor is running. • The motorsare running. • The girl has been delayed. • The girlshave been delayed.
Subject-Verb Agreement • Circle the appropriate verb, then label the subject and verb as singular or plural. • This museum (has, have) been called the best of all in New York City. ____________ • The enormous building (cover, covers) three blocks. ____________ • The different showrooms (deal, deals) with various art forms. ____________ • Some tours (is, are) conducted by actual artists. ____________
Problems with Subject-Verb Agreement • Sometimes there may be a phrase between the subject and the verb. Example: The crystal pitcher, oozing water droplets, was cracked along the base. • When this happens, you must ignore the phrase and make sure the subject and verb match in number. • Does this make sense? • The crystal pitcher was cracked along the base.
Problems with Subject-Verb Agreement • Remember prepositional phrases? • What did I tell you about subjects and prepositional phrases? • A prepositional phrase can never contain a subject! • Prepositional phrases often come between a subject and its verb. You must ignore the prepositional phrase to make sure the subject and verb match in number! Example: Books along the far wall of the library (is, are) up for sale.
Problems with Subject-Verb Agreement • Underline the subject, cross out the interrupting phrase, then choose the correct verb. • A tidal wave, despite its name (is, are) not caused by the tides. • A network of warning signals (alert, alerts) people in coastal areas of an approaching tidal wave. • The tremendous force of tidal waves sometimes (causes, cause) great destruction. • Walls of earth and stone along the shore (is, are) often too weak to protect coastal villages.
More Problems with S-V Agreement • An indefinite pronoun is a word that does not refer to anyone or anything specific. • Examples:anybody, anything, everyone, someone, something, nobody, nothing, no one, etc. • Some indefinite pronouns are singular, some are plural • Singular Example: Neither of the movies was funny. • Plural Example: Many of our neighbors keep dogs as pets. • There’s always an exception… • Sometimes you must use the prepositional phrase to determine if the indefinite pronoun is singular or plural. • Example: Allof the fruit is ripe.
More Problems with S-V Agreement • Use the prepositional phrase to decide if the pronoun needs a singular or plural verb. • All of my cousins (live, lives) in New Hampshire. • All of my family (live, lives) in New Hampshire. • Some of the apples (has, have) been sold. • Some of the harvest (has, have) been sold. • Most of the neighborhood (is, are) coming to the barbeque. • Most of the neighbors (is, are) coming to the barbeque.
More Problems with S-V Agreement • Find the indefinite pronoun, decide if it is singular or plural, and choose the correct verb to match the subject. • Each of the brothers (study, studies) biology. • No one on either team (was, were) ever in a playoff before. • Anybody with binoculars (are, is) popular at a large stadium. • Both dogs and cats (enjoy, enjoys) treats. • None of the dinner (were, was) burnt. • None of the players (were, was) hurt in the game. • Many people (wish, wishes) to win the lottery!
Even More Problems with S-V Agreement! • But this one is relatively easy… • Compound subjects (joined with ‘and’) usually take a plural verb. • Our dog and cat get baths in the summer. • Jack and Jill ran up the hill. • Singular subjects joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor’ take a singular verb. • Neither the professor nor his assistant arrived to class on time. • AND, if you have a singular subject and a plural subject joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor,’ use the subject closest to the verb to determine whether it is singular or plural. • A book or flowers usually make an appropriate gift. • Flowers or a book usually makes an appropriate gift.
Even More Problems with S-V Agreement! • Choose the correct verb for each sentence below. • Neither pens nor pencils (is, are) needed to mark the ballots. • Either my aunt or my uncle (is, are) going to drive us. • That table or this chair (was, were) handmade in Portugal. • (Has, Have) the sandwiches or other refreshments been served yet? • Either Japanese poetry or Greek myths (is, are) going to be the focus of my essay.
Seriously? More S-V Agreement Problems? • Yes, there are more. Here are the shortened versions: • Collective nouns (audience, team, collection) take a singular or plural verb depending on the meaning/use of the subject in the sentence. • The class has decided to put on Shakespeare’s Hamlet. • The class were divided on their opinions of who should play the lead role. • Sometimes the verb comes first in the sentence. Make sure the subject and verb still match in number. • In the pond swim large goldfish. • Wereyouarriving late, too? • There are our new neighbors. Finished!