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Contagious Skin Conditions: Prevention, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Learn about bacterial diseases, herpetic lesions, tinea lesions, scabies, and molluscum contagiosum - their causes, symptoms, and treatments. Maintain hygiene to prevent spread. Contact Nicole Moss for more information.

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Contagious Skin Conditions: Prevention, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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  1. Contagious Skin Conditions Nicole Moss, LAT, ATC ISWA Sports Medicine Director

  2. Prevention, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment • Bacterial Diseases • Herpetic Lesions • Tinea Lesions • Scabies • Molluscum Contagiosum

  3. Bacterial Diseases: Impetigo • Red pimple like sores surrounded by red skin. Usually found on face, arms and legs. Often itchy. • Sores ooze fluid and look crusty. Often look like they have been coated with honey or brown sugar. • Sores increase in size and number. • Treatment with antibiotics for a minimum 3 days and all lesions scabbed with no discharge required for practice/competition to resume

  4. Bacterial Diseases: Furuncle (Boil) • Infection at hair follicle. • Start as red tender pea-sized lumps that grow rapidly. May become as large as golf ball. • May develop white or yellow centers as it fills with pus. • Must drain to heal,cover with sterile dressings, and antibiotic cream. • See a doctor if large, last longer than 2 weeks or on the face or near the spine. Will need cut/drain.

  5. Herpetic Lesions • Gladiatorum (skin) approx 20%-40% incident rate in Div 1 NCAA wrestlers • Painful blisters most often on the face and neck • Often accompanied by fever, swollen glands and malaise • Treatment will include antiviral medication • 1st outbreak minimum of 10-14 days of medication. Subsequent outbreaks require 5 days of medication before practice/competition resumes

  6. Herpetic Lesions • Cold sores must be scabbed over with no oozing or discharge • Must have no new lesions for 48 hours prior to return to practice/competition

  7. Tinea Lesions: Fungal Infection • Tinea corporis (skin): flat skin lesions at any site except the scalp, beard or feet. • These lesions may be dry and scaly or moist and crusty. As they enlarge, their centers heal, producing the classic ring-shaped appearance. • Treatment with topical antifungal for a minimum of 3 days

  8. Tinea Lesions: Capitas/Barbae • Tinea capitas (scalp) barbae (beard): small, spreading papules (bumps) that may progress to inflamed, pus-filled lesions. Patchy hair loss with scaling may occur. • Treatment with oral antifungal for 14 days required prior to return to practice/competition

  9. Scabies • Scabies is an itchy, highly contagious skin condition caused by an infestation by the itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei. • Direct skin-to-skin contact is the mode of transmission. • A severe and relentless itch is the predominant symptom of scabies. • Scabies produces a skin rash composed of small red bumps and blisters • Treatment includes oral or topical scabicidal drugs for a minimum of 24 hours

  10. Molluscum Contagiosum • Viral infection of the skin • Spreads with direct skin to skin contact or contact with contaminated objects • Firm painless flesh colored bumps that are constricted at the base and have a dimpled dome. • Treatment is curettage or cryotherapy. May resume practice/competition after 24 hours.

  11. Conclusion • Personal hygiene is most important factor in preventing the spread of disease. Athletes should shower immediately after every practice and competition. Encourage routine hand washing. Wash all practice clothing and towels daily. Don’t share items such as towels and razors. • Clean wrestling mats daily. • Hold infected athletes from practice/competition until no longer contagious. • Contact information: Nicole Moss 317-919-2193 nmoss@ecommunity.com

  12. Questions

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