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Mastering SQL Queries for Effective Data Retrieval

Learn the syntax and design principles of SQL queries to create meaningful result tables, make informed decisions, and access data from multiple tables with or without referential integrity enforcement.

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Mastering SQL Queries for Effective Data Retrieval

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  1. We are creating SQL queries!

  2. What is the goal of a SQL query? • To produce an accurate result table. • To produce an accurate result table that contains meaningful information. • To produce an accurate result table that contains meaningful information that will help solve a business problem. • To produce an accurate result table that contains meaningful information that will help solve a business problem and is capable of being viewed through a front-end visualization program to make an impact.

  3. What is the syntax of a SQL query? SELECT (list of columns) FROM (tables with declaration of inner and/or outer joins with join conditions) WHERE (condition for each row) GROUP BY (summary control break field(s)) HAVING (condition for each group) ORDER BY (sort columns)

  4. Revisit last class • Single row queries. • Designed to process individually each row of the underlying table and produce a result table. • Usually includes fewer columns than underlying table. • Usually includes fewer rows than the underlying table. • May include calculations and functions. • Rows selected with the WHERE clause. • Columns selected with the SELECT clause.

  5. Sample single row query • SELECT ename "Employee Name", • hiredate "Date Hired", • MONTH(hiredate) "Month Integer", • DATEDIFF(month, hiredate, getdate()) • "Number of Months Employed", • sal Salary, • comm Commission • FROM emp2 • WHERE deptno = 30 and sal <=3000;

  6. Getting data from multiple tables • Why do you want to access data from multiple tables in a single query? • To provide more complete information in a result table. • To support decision making. • What happens when multiple tables are accessed in a single query?

  7. Questions about design on previous page • Does the design indicate whether or not referential integrity is enforced in the database? • Does the inclusion of a foreign key to relate tables imply that referential integrity is enforced in the database? • What does it mean to say “referential integrity is enforced” vs. “referential integrity is not enforced” in a database? • Is it necessary to enforce referential integrity to relate tables in a relational database?

  8. tblOrder tblCustomer + Result Table =

  9. SELECT * FROM tblOrder, tblCustomer

  10. +

  11. Cartesian Product Or Cross Join

  12. SELECT * FROM tblOrder INNER JOIN tblCustomer ON tblOrder.custID = tblCustomer.custID

  13. SELECT * FROM tblOrder INNER JOIN tblCustomer ON tblOrder.custID= tblCustomer.custID

  14. SELECT ord.orderid, ord.orderdate, ord.duedate, cust.customername FROM tblOrderord INNER JOIN tblCustomercust ON Ord.custID= Cust.custID ORDER BY ord.orderid

  15. Let’s make a new query!

  16. tblOrder tblCustomer + =

  17. SELECT cust.customername, ISNULL(ord.orderID, ‘No Order’), ord.orderdate, FROMtblOrderord INNER JOIN tblCustomercust ON Ord.custID = Cust.custID ORDER BY cust.customername

  18. SELECT cust.customername, ISNULL(ord.orderID, ‘No Order’), ord.orderdate, FROMtblOrderord RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblCustomercust ON Ord.custID = Cust.custID ORDER BY cust.customername

  19. FROM tblOrder RIGHT OUTER JOIN tblCustomer Result Table + = tblOrder tblCustomer Left Side of the join Right Side of the join

  20. Let’s say that referential integrity is not enforced...

  21. SELECT * FROM tblOrder, tblCustomer How many rows and columns in the cartesian product?

  22. What would the results look like from an inner join? SELECT * FROM tblOrder INNER JOIN tblCustomer ON tblOrder.custID = tblCustomer.custID

  23. What is missing??

  24. What would the results look like from a right outer join? SELECT * FROM tblOrder RIGHT OUTER JOINtblCustomer ON tblOrder.custID = tblCustomer.custID

  25. The row is still missing...

  26. What would the results look like from a left outer join? SELECT * FROM tblOrder LEFT OUTER JOINtblCustomer ON tblOrder.custID = tblCustomer.custID

  27. All rows from both tables! SELECT * FROM tblOrder FULL OUTER JOINtblCustomer ON tblOrder.custID = tblCustomer.custID

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