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Nada Chaiyajit

Sustaining grassroots access to HIV prevention, rights and justice with ICTS: Thai Lady Boyz and BABSEA CLE . Nada Chaiyajit. Background to the TLBz Sexperts! Online counseling service.

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Nada Chaiyajit

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  1. Sustaining grassroots access to HIV prevention, rights and justice with ICTS: Thai Lady Boyz and BABSEA CLE Nada Chaiyajit

  2. Background to the TLBz Sexperts! Online counseling service • In Thailand transgenders face extreme human rights abuses and gender based violence. Additionally, HIV prevalence among transgenders is higher than gay Men and other MSM. • Transgenders are not gay men or other MSM! Thus we need a program specifically to meet their sexual health and human rights needs! • TLBz Sexperts!, an online peer counseling service, was designed to provide a safe space for transgenders to share their experiences and talk about important issues like beauty, gender transformation, finding boyfriends and getting a job. • TLBz Sexperts! Is unique because it is a low cost community based example that integrates HIV prevention and human rights education within a peer-based counseling service designed to empower transgenders to feel proud about who they are.

  3. Who are we? • We are experts about transgender sex! (pre & post operation) • We know how to talk about our neovaginas • We know how to talk about safe sex and pleasure for all transgenders • We know hot to talk about access to justice • We know how to refer transgenders to sexual health services, access to justice through university-based clinical legal education • We know how to talk to transgenders to empower them to feel proud for who they are and love their bodies and themselves! • We received training from RFSL Stockholm’s successful “We are the Sexperts! Program and The Open University (UK) through an amfAR funded project 2010-2011)

  4. We are a low-cost transgender counseling service using social networks • www.TLBz.me • www.facebook.com/TLBzSexperts • MSN instant messaging: TLBz.Sexpert@hotmail.com • We are virtual community based group! • We are Thai transgenders helping our community overcome stigma & discriminating and human rights abuses!

  5. TLBz Sexperts! methods • We network with 2 Thai transgender groups (1019 members) and 1 LGBTI Human Rights group (2078 members) on Facebook • On Facebook we disseminate information about sexual pleasure, safe sex, personal risk to HIV, and legal and human rights through TLBz.me and the TLBzSexperts Facebook page • Using all 3 Facebook sites, we advertise that a TLBz Sexperts! (peer counselor) is available to chat about any issue important to transgender life in Thailand • We usually start chatting about beauty, hormone use, surgery, boyfriends, sex and how to deal with gender transformation and the resulting stigma and discrimination • Within these chats, we then weave in information about safe sex, personal risk to HIV and other STIs and how to access justice if a transgender finds her rights violated. • We also educate transgenders about their legal rights under the Thai constitution and let them know that hey have rights and that we here together to fight for our rights! • We chat privately via MSN messenger, Facebook chat Monday – Friday 8:30-11:30 PM or on the TLBz weboard (24/7) and this happens through the computers, but more often through mobile devices (phones & tablets)

  6. How does TLBz Sexperts! work?

  7. TLBz Sexperts! page

  8. TLBz Sexperts! Peer counseling advertisement

  9. www.TLBz.me Weboard

  10. MSN Instant messaging

  11. TLBz Sexperts! outcomes We have sexpertise!!! • Effective! Because since September 2011 we have had over 300 chats • Our approach is low cost because we Social Networking effectively. • Our approach is unique because it builds trust and empowers Thai TG individuals and communities. • Our approach is effective because it integrates sexual health and human rights education within a peer-based counseling service. • Our approach helps TGs understand personal risk to HIV and is empowering at the same time.

  12. Sawasdee Ka!! • For more information please email us at • nada.chaiyajit@babseacle.org

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