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Fakultät für Informatik

Fakultät für Informatik. Research Lab for Educational Technologies. Mission Statement (outline). We make the difference in researching and facilitating significant , technology enhanced communication and learning. We promote a process-driven approach with:

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Fakultät für Informatik

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  1. Fakultät für Informatik Research Lab for Educational Technologies

  2. Mission Statement (outline) • Wemake the difference in researchingandfacilitatingsignificant, technology enhanced communication and learning. We promote a process-driven approachwith: • Exploitation of technologies and tools for maximum effectiveness; • Models for communication, “learn-flow”, knowledge sharing, cognitions and emotions, evaluation, research; • Provision of interpersonal presence for deepened meaning; • Appreciation of gender differences for synergies; • Transfer into practice by living what we research.

  3. Strategies and goals • Combine benefits from considering: • theory and practice • presence and distance, • individual and cooperative learning • cognitions, skills, and feelings/attitudes • Transdisciplinary cooperation and research: • research methodologies from techn. & soc. sciences • International project cooperation and courses/curricula • Build models to improve sharing, reuse, explication. • Goal: From independence to interdependence

  4. Members • Core team: • Cenker Christian, Ass. Prof. Dr. • Derntl Michael (vice-head), Mag. (Dr. in 2005) • Figl Kathrin, Mag. • Hampel Alexander (new to the team), Dr. • Mangler Jürgen (to be employed by TEL-Project) • Motschnig Renate (head), Ao. Univ. Prof. • Transdisciplinary cooperation with colleagues from: educational sciences, psychology, translational science, ...

  5. Topics and Projects • PCeL Person-Centered e-Learning: learning on three levels (Suport: WKO-Preis, 2003) • TEL: Focus – projekt (Univ. of Vienna, 2005 - 2007):Development ofPatterns, CEWebS (Cooperative Environment Web Services) and Best-Practice Models; • Knowledge Experts (ESF, - 2005): with Knowledge Media Group; Goal: Transdisciplinary model-curriculum; • Submitted: OENB; EU-IST STREP (RM as coordinator); TEMPUS (G. Quirchmayr), EU-IST IP (Knowledge-Media Res. Group) • potential next steps: FWF submission, FET submission,

  6. BLESS: Blended Learning Systems Structure

  7. ... congenial with EU: 7th Framework Programme • "The escalating economic and societal demands ... set a growing agenda for research. ... • To bring technology closer to peopleand organisational needs means: ... revealing functionality on demand; making technology very simple to use, available and affordable; providing new ICT-based applications, solutions and services that are trusted, reliable, and adaptable to the users’ context and preferences. ... • ICT research activities will also draw on a broader range of scientific and technological disciplines including bio- and life sciences, psychology, pedagogy, cognitive and social sciences." • ************************************************************************* • EAEA (2004) on new curricula: Attitudes > skills > knowledge

  8. Major challenge: • finding priorities in a field where everything appears exciting and equally important. - • “Thank you for listening!“

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