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We can make a Difference. Romans 12:1-21 . Romans 1 Sin & its horror and shame. . Sin & its horror and shame. Romans 2 God will judge sin – there is a penalty for sin . . Sin & its horror and shame. God will judge sin – there is a penalty for sin. Romans 3
We can make a Difference Romans 12:1-21
Romans 1 Sin & its horror and shame.
Sin & its horror and shame. Romans 2 God will judge sin – there is a penalty for sin.
Sin & its horror and shame. God will judge sin – there is a penalty for sin. Romans 3 No one can escape, so God provided a way (the Sacrifice of Christ).
Sin & its horror and shame. God will judge sin – there is a penalty for sin. No one can escape, so God provided a way (the sacrifice of Christ). Romans 4 Christ’s death removes the Penalty of Sin. God’s grace avail to us this Gift, which we can (must) receive by Faith.
Sin & its horror and shame. • God will judge sin – there is a penalty for sin. • No one can escape, so God provided a way (the sacrifice of Christ). • Christ’s death removes the Penalty of Sin. God’s grace avail to us this Gift, which we can (must) receive by Faith. • Romans 5 • Now we have Peace and • Joy, we have Life • (Abundant & Eternal) • through Christ.
Sin & its horror and shame. • God will judge sin – there is a penalty for sin. • No one can escape, so God provided a way (the sacrifice of Christ). • Christ’s death removes the Penalty of Sin. God’s grace avail to us this Gift, which we can (must) receive by Faith. • Now we have Peace and Joy, we have life (Abundant & Eternal through Christ). • Romans 6 • Since Sin leads to Death and Christ leads to Life – we should die to sin and live unto Christ.
Romans 7 BUT why do I still struggle with sin ? It is because of the Power of Sin. • God will judge sin – there is a penalty for sin. • No one can escape, so God provided a way (the sacrifice of Christ). • Christ’s death removes the Penalty of Sin. God’s grace avail to us this Gift, which we can (must) receive by Faith. • Now we have Peace and Joy, we have life (Abundant & Eternal through Christ). • Since Sin leads to Death and Christ leads to Life – we should die to sin and live unto Christ.
Romans 8 Yet in Christ, and by the Holy Spirit, the Power of Sin can be broken. Therefore we always have Hope. • Christ’s death removes the Penalty of Sin. God’s grace avail to us this Gift, which we can (must) receive by Faith. • Now we have Peace and Joy, we have life (Abundant & Eternal through Christ). • Since Sin leads to Death and Christ leads to Life – we should die to sin and live unto Christ. • But why do I still struggle with sin ? It is because of the Power of Sin.
Romans 9 & 10 Indeed by God’s grace, we have been chosen. Chosen to believe in Him, chosen to be God’s children, chosen also to lead others to Christ. • But why do I still struggle with sin ? It is because of the Power of Sin. • Yet in Christ, and by the Holy Spirit, the Power of Sin can be broken. Therefore we always have Hope.
Romans 11 Yet just as it was for Israel and for us in the past, sin is a big obstacle preventing the others from trusting in God. 9 & 10. Indeed by God’s grace, we have been chosen. Chosen to believe in Him, chosen to be God’s children, chosen also to lead others to Christ.
What then would God do ? How would those who do not believe in God receive His mercy and grace ? Romans 11 Yet just as it was for Israel and for us in the past, sin is a big obstacle preventing the others from trusting in God.
Some Devastating Facts : • 1.75 billion people are desperately poor • 1 billion are hungry • Millions are trafficked in slavery • Every year – nearly 2 million children are exploited in the global commercial sex trade. • In the time of our sermon (30 minutes), 600 children worldwide have died from hunger, and another 540 die of preventable diseases (such as diarrhea, measles – all which could be prevented by available medicine).
A mere 2% of the world’s grain harvest would be enough, if shared, to erase the problems of hunger and malnutrition around the world.
“We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10
Why are there so much injustice, bloodshed and pain in our world ? It is because of Sin and the effects of Sin.
What then would God do ? How would those who do not believe in God receive His mercy and grace ?
What then would God do ? How would those who do not believe in God receive His mercy and grace ? We can make a Difference !
God’s Solution • Choose the Elect (Calling) • Transform His Children (Character) • Empower His Church (“Charis” – grace)
Romans 9 & 10 Indeed by God’s grace, we have been chosen. Chosen to believe in Him, chosen to be God’s children, chosen also to lead others to Christ. But would we trust Him ?
Do take every opportunity to be very certain of your eternal destiny – of who you can be on earth (child of God), of Who you would go to after this life (our Heavenly Father).
“Dear God, thank you for giving us Your Son Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, and rose from the dead to give us abundant eternal life. I receive Jesus into my life and I trust Him as my Lord and Savior. Please be close to me & forgive me of my sins. I want to be directed by You in my life. Thank you that You are now my heavenly Father who loves me dearly. In Jesus’ precious Name I pray. Amen.”
God’s Solution • Choose the Elect (Calling) • Transform His Children (Character) • Empower His Church (“Charis” – grace)
God’s Solution • Choose the Elect (Calling) • Transform His Children (Character) • Empower His Church (“Charis” – grace) Only Transformed people are able to help others to be transformed by God. And transformed people have the heart of God to care for those who are suffering from the effects of sin.
We are being transformed when • We serve God with our whole being [verse 1]. • Our minds are renewed through the feeding of God’s Word [v 2]. • We do not think of ourselves more highly than we ought to. Not being conceited [v 3 & 16].
We realize we are part of the Body of Christ, belonging to one another [v 5]. • We love without hypocrisy [v 9]. • We abhor what is evil, clinging to what is good [v 9]. • We devote to each other with mutual love, showing eagerness in honoring one another [v 10]. We are being transformed !
“we all wear masks and the time might come when we cannot remove them without removing our own skins.” – Andre Beltere
We are not lagging in zeal, being enthusiastic in our spirit, serving the Lord [v 11] • We rejoice in hope, enduring in suffering and persisting in prayer [v 12] • We contribute to the needs of fellow Christians, pursuing hospitality [v 13] • We bless those who persecute us, blessing instead of cursing [v 14] • We rejoice with those who rejoice, weeping with those who weep [v 15] We are being transformed !
We live in harmony with each other, not being haughty and willing to associate with the lowly [v 16] • We do not repay anyone evil for evil, being concerned instead for what is good before all people [v 17]. • We live peaceable with all people, as far as it depends on us [v 18] • We do not seek revenge for wrongs done unto us, instead trusting God for justice [v 19] • In addition, we should overcome evil with good, blessing even our enemies [v 20 – 21]. We are being transformed !
We are not lagging in zeal, being enthusiastic in our spirit, serving the Lord [v 11] • We rejoice in hope, enduring in suffering and persisting in prayer [v 12]
We can make a difference, but we need to be transformed first. Will we allow Him to ?
Nick Vujicic & Kanae Miyahara www.lifewithoutlimbs.org
God’s Solution • Choose the Elect (Calling) • Transform His Children (Character) • Empower His Church (“Charis” – grace) “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.” – Romans 12:6-8
142of you submitted a total of 534 names to pray for. In faith, you invited226 friends/family.
142of you submitted a total of 534 names to pray for. In faith, you invited 226 persons. Average weekly attendance – 207 persons.
142of you submitted a total of 534 names to pray for. In faith, you invited 226 persons. Average weekly attendance – 207 persons. On 23rd Dec 2012, 463 persons, whom God love, came.
Concern : I have a lot of problems in my life already – how am I going to solve the world’s problem of hunger ?
Concern : I have a lot of problems in my life already – how am I going to solve the world’s problem of hunger ? Scriptures say – once God is your heavenly Father, He will look after you, and help you overcome your problems.
Concern : I have a lot of problems in my life already – how am I going to solve the world’s problem of hunger ? Scriptures say – once God is your heavenly Father, He will look after you, and help you overcome your problems. The prayers answered were for many areas – healing of the body and soul, salvation, safety, wisdom, provision, staff needs, getting a new job, strength in time of crisis, favor from the school, etc .
We, Living Waters, however are called to do our part to be God’s solution in specific areas. And we are already blessing people and communities.
We, Living Waters, however are called to do our part to be God’s solution in specific areas. And we are already blessing people and communities. Through our Outreach and Social Concerns ministry – 11 families consisting of 53 persons are helped …
We, Living Waters, however are called to do our part to be God’s solution in specific areas. And we are already blessing people and communities. 830 villagers were treated.
God’s will to bless the world • Choose the Elect • Would we trust Him ? • Transform His Children • Would we allow Him to ? • Empower His Church • Would we receive and use our gifts ?
Romans 12:1-2 “1Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is— his good, pleasing and perfect will.