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This paper explores the idiosyncrasies of meaning, form, collocation, genre, and distribution in inflection-specific constructions in English. It examines various inflectional properties of verbs and pronouns, including syntactic and semantic features. The analysis is based on corpus linguistic methodologies and presents insights into language-specific and construction-specific inflectional patterns.
Beyond the Lemma:Inflection-Specific Constructions in English Sally Rice and John Newman University of Alberta AACL 2008 BYU 14 March 2008
Bertrand Russell’s Emotive Conjugations I’mtenacious you’restubborn he’spigheaded singular 1 2 3
inflection-specific meaning and behavior (idiosyncracies of meaning, form, collocation, genre, and distribution)
Form Idiosyncracies in another TypicalAthapaskan Verb Paradigm
TAM-Based Idiosyncracies of some Basic Verbs Rice & Newman 2005
VVB-base VVZ-3sg.pres VVI-inf VVD-past VVG-prog VVN-perf part rid allow
VVB-base VVZ-3sg.pres VVI-inf VVD-past VVG-prog VVN-perf part rid allow
Inflectional idiosyncracies of EAT and DRINKNewman & Rice 2003
Distributional idiosyncracies of A, Aer, AestNewman & Rice 2006
Distributional idiosyncracies of A, Aer, AestNewman & Rice 2006
Distributional idiosyncracies of A, Aer, AestNewman & Rice 2006
Collocational idiosyncracies of A, Aer, AestNewman & Rice 2006
Collocational idiosyncracies of A, Aer, AestNewman & Rice 2006
Collocational idiosyncracies of A, Aer, AestNewman & Rice 2006
inflection-specific meaning and behavior (idiosyncracies of meaning, form, collocation, genre, and distribution) Commitment to usage-based approaches like CG, RCG language-specific construction-specific inflection-specific Application of corpus linguistic methodologies and mindset
Inflectional Islands Syntactic (constructional), semantic, and collocational properties tend to inhere in individual inflections of a lexical item in a register-specific manner. These properties may not extend across all the inflections (the paradigm) to characterize the lemma as a whole.
English Pronominal Inflection searched BNC and CAE with Mark Davies’ corpus tool: Variation in English Words and Phrases: http://view.byu.edu tracked person & case distribution/skew for pronouns examined frequencies and collocations
English Pronominal Inflection NOM ACC/ POSS IND REFLEX OBL DET POSS 1SGI me my mine myself 2 you you your yours yourself/ves 3SG.M he him his his himself 3SG.F she her her hers herself 3SG.N it it its its itself 1PL we us our ours ourself/ves 3PL they them their theirs themself/ves
English Pronominal Inflection NOM ACC/ POSS IND REFLEX OBL DET POSS 1SGI me my mine myself 2 you you your yours yourself/ves 3SG.M he him his his himself 3SG.F she her her hers herself 3SG.N it it its its itself 1PL we us our ours ourself/ves 3PL they them their theirs themself/ves
English Pronominal Inflection NOM ACC/ POSS IND REFLEX OBL DET POSS 1SGI me my mine myself 2 you you your yours yourself/ves 3SG.M he him his his himself 3SG.F she her her hers herself 3SG.N it it its its itself 1PL we us our ours ourself/ves 3PL they them their theirs themself/ves
Percent Attraction of Pro to Pro + CAN Frame Attraction of “he” = (no. of “he+CAN” in construction over total no. of “he” in corpus) x100, following Schmid 2000)
Percent Attraction of Pro to Pro + WILL Frame Attraction of “he” = (no. of “he+WILL” in construction over total no. of “he” in corpus) x100, following Schmid 2000)
Collostructional Analysis of 3SG + CAN/WILL Collostructional analysis based on attraction/repulsion of “she/he/it” to the construction “Pro + CAN” or “Pro + WILL” [size of corpus = number of verbs (V*)]; Stefanowitsch & Gries 2003
PRO like to vs. PRO hope to (BNC-cc) you like to I hope to
PRO like to vs. PRO hope to (BNC-cc) you like to I hope to
English Pronominal Inflection NOM ACC/ POSS IND REFLEX OBL DET POSS 1SGI me my mine myself 2 you you your yours yourself/ves 3SG.M he him his his himself 3SG.F she her her hers herself 3SG.N it it its its itself 1PL we us our ours ourself/ves 3PL they them their theirs themself/ves
Distributional Idiosyncracies (CAEall+ BNCall) prep + PRO Reliance of “to+me” (= no. of “to+me” in corpus over total no. of PREP+PRO in corpus) x100, following Schmid 2000)
English Pronominal Inflection NOM ACC/ POSS IND REFLEX OBL DET POSS 1SGI me my mine myself 2 you you your yours yourself/ves 3SG.M he him his his himself 3SG.F she her her hers herself 3SG.N it it its its itself 1PL we us our ours ourself/ves 3PL they them their theirs themself/ves