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Rabi Crop Management Strategies for Increased Productivity in Participating States

Learn about innovative strategies adopted by Haryana, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, and Delhi to enhance productivity of Rabi crops like wheat, pulses, and oilseeds. Explore initiatives including seed treatment, mechanization, and enhancing seed availability.

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Rabi Crop Management Strategies for Increased Productivity in Participating States

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  1. GROUP-II Strategies For Rabi Crops Management To Increase Productivity Production. Participating States: Haryana, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram and Delhi

  2. Haryana WHEAT : Focus on Timely Sowing 80% sowing by November end. Seed Replacement Rate to be raised to 55% Promotion of Area specific varieties 100% treatment of certified seed Subsidy on fungicide for the treatment of farmer- saved seed. Monitoring & management of yellow rust disease. Cultivation of wheat as relay crop with cotton Reducing row spacing from 23 CM to 20 CM in timely sowing and 18 CM for late sown varieties. Special focus on low productivity districts. Promotion of Farm mechanization and other devices like UGPL, Laser Land leveler etc

  3. Bihar Conservation technology Line sowing Seed treatment Timely sowing of improved varieties . Promotion of Bio-fertilizers and Micronutrients. Increase in irrigation facilities. Promotion of farm mechanization. Para cropping in Linseed

  4. West Bengal Under Low area & High productivity Zone, increased Certified/Quality Seed availability . Under High area & low productivity zone, increased Mechanization with Zero Till machine . Utilization of potential Rice fallow areas under Relay(poira) cropping of Lentil, Khesari, Toria & Mustard. Increased production of Vermi-compost, other low cost indigenous nutrient sources. Reducing the Gap of IPC & IPU. Providing better market linkages.

  5. Assam Interventions under “Mission Double Cropping”. Increase in area under Hybrid Rice. Full utilization of existing farm power & assured irrigation facilities. Better productivity through technological interventions. Timely supply of quality seeds & other inputs.

  6. Manipur • Adoption of System of Rice Intensification (SRI)- during pre-kharif, 2014. • More area will be brought under Pea, Mustard, Rabi maize and Pre-kharif paddy. • Multiple Cropping – with a rice based cropping pattern of Rice – Rice -Mustard/Pea/Potato were taken of. • Wheat based cropping system of Rice – Soybean/Ricebean – Wheat • Increase in Seed Replacement Rate . • Soil health management through liming. • Zero Tillage in Rapeseed , Mustard and Pea.

  7. Mizoram Expansion of Area under Rabi Maize, Pulses , Oilseeds , and summer Rice . Promotion of Farm Mechanization through establishment of custom hiring centers to ensure timely farm operations. Campaign for Seed treatment for Rabi crops. Promotion and popularization of HYV seeds . Promotion of Bio-fertilizers Slaked Lime distribution on subsidy. IPM through adoption of Bio-control agents.

  8. Delhi Making available quality seeds of improved varieties.

  9. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATIONHaryana • Development of Yellow Rust Resistant varieties of Wheat. • Frost resistant varieties of Mustard . • All districts should be included under NFSM (Wheat).

  10. Bihar Rationalization of MRP of N, P & K fertilizers and Freight rate. Fertilizer lifting from Rake point by Wholesalers & Retailers. Short duration Wheat varieties More varieties suitable for Nutri farms. Shortage of seeds of HQP Maize, Lentil & Linseed.

  11. West Bengal Quality certified seeds of short duration Rabi Varieties of Wheat, Lentil, Mustard, Khesari (Lathyrus), Groundnut, Sunflower. Marketing infrastructure for increased price realization Post Harvest Management including Food Processing.

  12. Assam Problem of seed storage due to high moisture and dependence on other states for Seeds.

  13. Manipur Soil Health – Acidity problem (pH below 5.3). Rice Fallow land (more than 50% of rice fields). Marketing (No APMC Act in the State). Credit (Less participation of Banks ).

  14. Mizoram Bridging of yield gap in Rice productivity (1460 kg /Ha) . Small land holdings. Low fertilizer consumption and negligible application of Micronutrients . Low availability of Farm power (0.75 Kw. /Ha ). Poor road connectivity.

  15. Delhi No rake point for fertilizer lifting in Delhi.

  16. Common Issues Increase in subsidy on seeds of cereals and pulses under GOI schemes due to increase in prices thereof. Heat tolerant cultivars in Wheat needs to be developed. Strengthening of Infrastructure for R&D on climate change in SAUs. Post Harvest Management & Improved Storage infrastructure.

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