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Secure Compiler Seminar 4/11 Visions toward a Secure Compiler

Secure Compiler Seminar 4/11 Visions toward a Secure Compiler. Toshihiro YOSHINO < tossy-2@yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp > (D1, Yonezawa Lab.). Talk Agenda. Brief Introduction about TAL and PCC Introduction of my Master Thesis Visions toward a Secure Compiler. Brief Introduction about TAL and PCC.

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Secure Compiler Seminar 4/11 Visions toward a Secure Compiler

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  1. Secure Compiler Seminar 4/11Visions toward a Secure Compiler Toshihiro YOSHINO<tossy-2@yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp> (D1, Yonezawa Lab.)

  2. Talk Agenda • Brief Introduction about TAL and PCC • Introduction of my Master Thesis • Visions toward a Secure Compiler

  3. Brief Introduction about TAL and PCC

  4. Background • Program verification = Mathematically assure a program has certain properties • Useful for security • Memory access safety, information flow analysis, … • Verifying low-level code directly reduces TCB • TCB: Trusted Computing Base • High-level code must be compiled after verified ⇒ We must trust the compiler • Assemblers are much simpler than compilers

  5. Current Techniques and Problems • Code signing • Based on public key cryptography • Can prove the genuineness of code • Cannot prove the safety by itself • Signature matching • Use a dictionary of malicious patterns and match target programs against it • Employed in many antivirus systems • Pass does NOT mean safety • Often unable to detect very new virus

  6. Proof-Carrying Code[Necula et al. 1997] • Technique for safe execution of untrusted code • Code consumer does not need to trust the producer • Code distributed with the proof of its safety • Producer creates a proof • Consumer verifies the proof against his security policy

  7. Proof-Carrying Code[Necula et al. 1997] • Low consumer’s cost • Consumer has only to verify the proof • For example, by typechecking • Tamper-proof • If passed the check, code does NOT harm even if modified • If modification makes the code fail the check, the code will not run and it is safe • Otherwise code still obeys the consumer’s security policy

  8. Typed Assembly Language[Morrisett et al. 1999] • Extends a conventional assembly language with static type checking • An instance of Proof-Carrying Code • By type checking, it can guarantee • Memory access safety • Program never accesses outside the memory area allocated for it • Interface consistency • Type agreement of arguments / return value of functions etc.

  9. TAL System Illustrated TAL System Type Checker Code withtype information Assembler Linker Code Consumer

  10. fact: movl %eax, %ecx movl $1, %eax loop: mull %ecx decl %ecx cmpl $0, %ecx jg loop end: {eax: B4} {eax: B4, ecx: B4} {eax: B4} A Brief Example ofTAL Program Type Information (Used to typechecking a program) Program Code(Same as conventional assembly languages)

  11. Related Work:TALK, TOS [Maeda, 2005] • TALK: TAL for Kernel • Morrisett et al. uses garbage collector for memory management in TAL • For OS, GC cannot be assumed • Must implement memory management (malloc/free) • TOS: Typed Operating System • An experimental OS written in TALK

  12. Introduction ofMy Master Thesis

  13. My Work for Master Thesis • “A Framework Using a Common Language to Build Program Verifiers for Low-Level Languages” • To help developers of program verifiers • To be a common basis for verification of low-level programs • Such as assembly and machine languages

  14. Motivation:Verifiers are Hard to Develop Especially in low-level languages… • Complex semantics • Semantics of each instruction is complex • There are many instructions in a language • Low portability • Low-level languages heavily depend on the underlying architecture • Accordingly, entire verifier also depends on the underlying architecture

  15. Our Idea • Split a verifier into three parts • Design a common language, • Translate the target program into that language, and • Verify the translated program • These parts are explicitly independent from each other • Thus we can replace them easily

  16. Translated Program Target Program Our Idea Verifier Translator (2) (3) Result Success/Fail VerificationLogic (1) Semantics of Common Language

  17. How Do We Solve the Problems? • Coping with complex semantics • Only translators care the semantics of the source language • Translator is reusable • Once description is done, we can reuse it • Improving portability • Verification logic is also reusable • Once implemented, it can be used for other architectures simply by replacing translators

  18. TranslatedProgram Program in Another Language Target Program How Do We Solve the Problems? Verifier Translator Translator VerificationLogic Result Success/Fail VerificationLogic VerificationLogic Semantics ofCommon Language

  19. Overview of the Work • Designed a framework to build program verifier • Designed a common language ADL • Discussed the correctness of translators • Proved that the properties assured are preserved throughout translation • Implemented the framework using Java

  20. Translated Program Target Program ADL: A Common Language Verifier Translator Result Success/Fail VerificationLogic Semantics of Common Language

  21. ADL: A Common LanguageDesign Concept • ADL: Architecture Description Language • From observation of many architectures • Data is stored in registers and memory, and manipulates it according to program • Only jumps are sufficient for control flow structure • Expressiveness • Arithmetics, logical operations, … • C-like expressions • Conservative semantics • No need to describe indecent programs • To simplify semantics

  22. ADL: A Common LanguageOverview of the Language • Imperative language which manipulates registers and memory • 5 kinds of commands • nop, error, assignment, goto, if-then-else • Much like C than assembly • Infix operators, parenthesized formulae • Conditional execution by arbitrary condition using if command • Only goto modifies control flow • Unconditional branch

  23. data: ... main: %ebx = &data; %eax = 0; goto &lp; lp: %eax = %eax + *[4](%ebx); %ebx = *[4](%ebx + 4); if %ebx == &null then goto &end else goto &lp; end: goto &end; data: ... main: movl $data, %ebx movl $0, %eax lp: addl 0(%ebx), %eax movl 4(%ebx), %ebx cmpl $0, %ebx je end jmp lp end: jmp end ADL: A Common LanguageA Brief Example ADL x86

  24. ADL: A Common LanguageRestrictions • ADL has a few restrictions by design • Code and data are completely separated • We assume NOTHING about memory layout of a program • To simplify the semantics • Some programs cannot be expressed • However, most of decent programs can be written even under these restrictions • To be discussed in the next slide

  25. ADL: A Common Language > RestrictionsSeparation of Code and Data • Do not treat code as data • ADL programs cannot read / write code • We cannot express the programs which uses dynamic code generation • But, patterns of the generated code is fixed in many cases ⇒ Other solution is possible • For example, prepare a function for each pattern of code

  26. ADL: A Common Language > RestrictionsNot Assume Memory Layout • Casting is prohibited • ADL distinguishes integers and pointers • In real architectures, pointers are not distinguished from integers • Pointer arithmetic is restricted • Only pointer+integer, pointer-pointer are defined • Other operations returns ‘undetermined’ • Sufficient for array/structure operations and offset calculation

  27. Translated Program Target Program Program Translator Verifier Translator Result Success/Fail VerificationLogic Semantics of Common Language

  28. Program Translator • Translates low-level programs into ADL • We must assure that program translators are correct • Otherwise, we cannot trust the entire verifier • Correctness is defined in the following discussion

  29. Program TranslatorWhat Is Correctness of Program Translation? • Instruction = Function over machine states • Correctness = Correspondence between states of two machines are preserved in translation State State State OriginalProgram TranslatedProgram State’ State’ State’

  30. Program TranslatorHow to ConfirmCorrectness of Translation • Any programs result in corresponding states for any input ⇒ Correctness • Total inspection is NOT realistic • Theorem prover would be useful • Automatic proving is one of future work • But how to confirm the correctness of the description of the source language? • At this time, we take empirical approach • Test several cases using an interpreter

  31. Translated Program Target Program Verification Logic Verifier Translator Result Success/Fail VerificationLogic Semantics of Common Language

  32. Verification Logic • Verifies the properties of translated programs • Function that takes a program and returns success or fail • Soundness must be assured • This is the task for the creator of a verification logic • Here we do not discuss any further • Definition: Soundness of a verification logic • Verification logic V: State → Bool • The set {S | V(S)} is closed about step execution • If V(S), execution never falls into error state, and • If V(S) and S→T (→ means step execution), then V(T)

  33. Verification LogicSoundness of Verification Logic Machine States S such that V(S) Soundness =V(S) ∧ S→Tthen V(T)

  34. Verification LogicProgram Translation and Verification We proved the following theorem • If program translator is correct, and • Verification logic is sound, then ⇒ Verification on original program and translated program are equivalent • Closed subset can be defined on the states of translation source language

  35. Implementation • Framework • ADL data structures • ADL interpreter • Used to confirm the correctness of translators • Translator, verification logic interfaces • Translation rule compiler • Compiles translation rule into Java implementation of a translator • And for proof of concept, • Translator from Intel x86 and SPARC • A simple type checker

  36. Related WorksFoundational TAL [Crary, 2003] • TAL type checker is still large • TALx86 type checker consists of approx. 23k LoC in O’Caml (!) • TCB is reduced by using a logical framework • Designed a language called TALT on Twelf logical framework [Pfenning et al., 1999] • Proved GC safety of TALT by machine • Correspondence between TALT and realistic architectures are not discussed • TALT type system is fixed • Our work allows replacement of verification logics

  37. Future Work • Automatically confirm the correctness of translation • Automatic testing • Cooperating with emulators or debuggers • Or, build a model and use a theorem prover • Support dynamic memory allocation • Currently all memory must be allocated statically • Support concurrent programs • Concurrency is not taken into consideration • To apply for OSes, etc., concurrency takes an important role

  38. Visions towarda Secure Compiler

  39. What Is Secure Compiler? • A compiler which produces certified code • For example, TAL code as output • Like Popcorn compiler in TALx86 • Safe dialect of C → TALx86 • A compiler which assures correct compilation (optionally) • Like credible compiler [Rinard, 1999] • Reduces TCB

  40. Motivation • Infrastructure has been built • TALK, TOS [Maeda, 2005] • Verifier framework [Yoshino, 2006] • Next we have to build a house on it! • Most people do not want to write low-level code directly ⇒ Secure Compiler

  41. Toward Secure World If we built a secure compiler… • Memory-error-free systems • Prevent memory-error-based attacks • OS kernel, core libraries, network server… • Writing secure code • Vulnerable code will result in verification failure • So code security will be improved • Rest to be discovered…

  42. Tasks to Do • Determine what properties to assure • Memory access safety? Information flow? • Must be mechanically checkable • Design the verification logic • Use verifier framework? • Design the language • Target: TAL-base? ADL? • ADL can be used as certified language • Register allocation is done, so simple mapping will be possible… • Source: ???

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