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This chapter covers CPU scheduling, including the characteristics of jobs, scheduling criteria, and various scheduling algorithms. It also explores implementation issues, real-time scheduling, and the benefits of multi-programming.
CS 346 – Chapter 6 • CPU scheduling • Characteristics of jobs • Scheduling criteria / goals • Scheduling algorithms • System load • Implementation issues • Real-time scheduling
Schedule issues • Multi-programming is good! better CPU utilization • CPU burst concept • Jobs typically alternate between work and wait • Fig. 6.2: Distribution has long tail on right. General questions • How or when does a job enter the ready queue? • How much time can a job use the CPU? • Do we prioritize jobs? • Do we pre-empt jobs? • How do we measure overall performance?
Scheduler • Makes short-term decisions • When? Whenever a job changes state (becomes ready, needs to wait, finishes) • Selects a job on the ready queue • Dispatcher can then do the “context switch” to give CPU to new job • Should we preempt? • Non-preemptive = Job continues to execute until it has to wait or finishes • Preemptive = Job may be removed from CPU while doing work! • When you preempt: need to leave CPU “gracefully”. May be in the middle of a system call or modifying shared data. Often we let that operation complete.
Scheduling criteria • CPU utilization = what % of time CPU is executing instructions • Throughput = # or rate of jobs completed in some time period • Turnaround time = (finish time) – (request time) • Waiting time = how long spent in ready state • Confusing name! • Response time = how long after request that a job begins to produce output • Usually, we want to optimize the “average” of each measure. e.g. Reduce average turnaround time.
Some scheduling algorithms • First-come, first-served • Round robin • Like FCFS, but each job has a limited time quantum • Shortest job next • We use a Gantt chart to view and evaluate a schedule • e.g. compute average turnaround time • Often, key question is – in what order do we execute jobs? • Let’s compare FCFS and SJN…
Example 1 • First-come, first-served • Process 1 can execute from t=0 to t=20 • Process 2 can execute from t=20 to t=50 • Process 3 can execute from t=50 to t=90 • Process 4 can execute from t=90 to t=100 • We can enter this info as extra columns in the table. • What is the average turnaround time? • What if we tried Shortest Job Next?
Example 2 Note that it’s possible to have idle time.
System load • A measure of how “busy” the CPU is • At an instant: how many tasks are currently running or ready. • If load > 1, the system is “overloaded”, and work is backing up. • Typically reported as an average of the last 1, 5, or 15 minutes. • Based on the schedule, can calculate average load as well as maximum (peak) load.
Example 1 • FCFS schedule can also be depicted this way: • What can we say about the load? “Request time” aka “Arrival time”
Example 2 • SJN schedule can be depicted this way: • Load?
Preemptive SJN • If a new job arrives with a shorter execution time (CPU burst length) than currently running process, preempt! • Could also call it “shortest remaining job next” • Let’s redo previous example allowing preemption • Job #1 is unaffected. • Job #2 would have run from 30 to 60, but … • Does preemption reduce average turnaround time? Load?
Estimating time • Some scheduling algorithms like SJN need a job’s expected CPU time • We’re interested in scheduling bursts of CPU time, not literally the entire job. • OS doesn’t really know in advance how much of a “burst” will be needed. Instead, we estimate. • Exponential averaging method. We predict the next CPU burst will take this long: pn+1 = a tn + (1 – a)pn tn = actual time of the nth burst • Formula allows us to weight recent vs. long-term history. • What if a = 0 or 1?
Estimating time (2) • pn+1 = a tn + (1 – a)pn • Why is it called “exponential”? Becomes clearer if we substitute all the way back to the first burst. • p1 = a t0 + (1 – a)p0 • p2 = a t1 + (1 – a)p1 = a t1 + (1 – a) [a t0 + (1 – a)p0 ] = a t1 + (1 – a) a t0 + (1 – a)2 p0 • A general formula for pn+1 will eventually contain terms of the form (1 – a) raised to various powers. • In practice, we just look at previous actual vs. previous prediction • Book’s example Figure 6.3: Prediction eventually converges to correct recent behavior.
Priority scheduling • SJN is a special case of a whole class of scheduling algorithms that assign priorities to jobs. • Each job has a priority value: • Convention: low number = “high” priority • SJN: priority = next predicted burst time • Starvation: Some “low priority” jobs may never execute • How could this happen? • Aging: modify SJN so that while a job waits, it gradually “increases” its priority so it won’t starve.
Round robin • Each job takes a short turn at the CPU • Commonly used, easy for OS to handle • Time quantum typically 10-100 ms – it’s constant • Choice of time quantum has a minor impact on turnaround time (Figure 6.5) • Can re-work an earlier example • Questions to think about: • If there are N jobs, what is the maximum wait time before you can start executing? • What happens if the time quantum is very large? • What happens if the time quantum is very short?
Implementation issues • Multi-level ready queue • Threads • Multi-processor scheduling
Multi-level queue • We can assign jobs to different queues based on their purpose or priority • Foreground / interactive jobs may deserve high priority to please the user • Also: real-time tasks • Background / routine tasks can be given lower priority • Each queue can have its own scheduling regime, e.g. round robin instead of SJN • Interactive jobs may have unpredictable burst times • Key issue: need to schedule among the queues themselves. How?
Scheduling among queues • Classify jobs according to purpose priority • Priority based queue scheduling • Can’t run any Priority 2 job until all Priority 1 jobs done. • While running Priority 2 job, can preempt if a Priority 1 job arrives. • Starvation • Round robin with different time quantum for each queue • Time share for each queue • Decreasing % of time for lower priorities • Or… Multi-level feedback queue (pp. 275-277) • All jobs enter at Priority 0. Given short time quantum. • If not done, enter queue for Priority 1 jobs. Longer quantum next time.
Thread scheduling • The OS schedules “actual” kernel-level threads • The thread library must handle user threads • One-to-one model – easy, each user thread is already a kernel thread. Direct system call • Many-to-many or many-to-one models • Thread library has 1 or a small number of kernel threads available. • Thread library must decide when user thread should run on a true kernel thread. • Programmer can set a priority for thread library to consider. In other words, threads of the same process are competing among themselves.
Multi-processing • More issues to address, more complex overall • Homogeneous system = identical processors, job can run on any of them • Asymmetric approach = allocate 1 processor for the OS, all others for user tasks • This “master server” makes decisions about what jobs run on the other processors • Symmetric approach (SMP) = 1 scheduler for each processor, usually separate ready queue for each (but could have a common queue for all) • Load balancing: periodically see if we should “pull” or “push” jobs
Affinity • When switched out, a job may want to return next time to the same processor as before • Why desirable? • An affinity policy may be “soft” or “hard”. • Soft = OS will try but not guarantee. Why might an OS prefer to migrate a process to a different processor? • Generalized concept: processor set • For each process, maintain a list of processors it may be run on • Memory system can exploit affinity, allocating more memory that is closer to the favorite CPU. (Fig. 6.9)
Multicore processor • Conceptually similar to multiprocessors • Place multiple “processor cores” on same chip • Faster, consume less power • OS treats each core like a unique CPU • However, the cores often share cache memory • Leads to more “cache misses” Jobs spend more time stalled waiting for instructions or data to arrive • OS can allocate 2 threads to the same core, to increase processor utilization • Fig. 6.11 shows idealized situation. What happens in general?
Real-time Scheduling • Real-time scheduling • Earliest Deadline First • Rate Monotonic • What is this about? • Primary goal is avoid missing deadlines. Other goals may include having response times that are low and consistent. • We’re assuming jobs are periodic, and the deadline of a job is the end of a period
Real-time systems • Specialized operating system • All jobs potentially have a deadline • Correctness of operation depends on meeting deadlines, in addition to correct algorithm • Often, jobs are periodic; some may be aperiodic/sporadic • Hard real-time = missing a deadline is not acceptable • Soft real-time = deadline miss not end of world, but try to minimize • Number of acceptable deadline misses is a design parameter • We try to measure Quality of Service (QoS) • Examples? • Used in defense, factories, communications, multimedia; embedded in appliances
Features • A real-time system may be used to control specific device • Opening bomb bay door • When to release chocolate into vat • Host device typically very small and lacks features of PC, greatly simplifying OS design • Single user or no user • Little or no memory hierarchy • Simple instruction set (or not!) • No disk drive, monitor • Cheap to manufacture, mass produce
Scheduling • Most important issue in real-time systems is CPU scheduling • System needs to know WCET of jobs • Jobs are given priority based on their timing/deadline needs • Jobs may be pre-empted • Kernel jobs (implemented system calls) contain many possible preemption points at which they may be safely suspended • Want to minimize latency • System needs to respond quickly to external event, such as change in temperature • Interrupt must have minimum overhead – how to measure it?
EDF • Given a set of jobs • Need to know period and execution time of each • Each job contributes to the CPU’s utilization: execution time divided by the period • If the total utilization of all jobs > 1, no schedule possible! • At each scheduling checkpoint, choose the job with the earliest deadline. • A scheduling checkpoint occurs at t = 0, when a job begins period or is finished, or when a new job arrives into the system • If no new jobs enter the system, EDF is non-preemptive • Sometimes the CPU is idle • Need to compute schedule one dynamic job at a time until you reach the LCM of the job periods • Can predict deadline miss, if any
EDF example • Suppose we have 2 jobs, A and B, with periods 10 and 15, and execution times 5 and 6. • At t = 0, we schedule A because its deadline is earlier (10 < 15). • At t = 5, A is finished. We can now schedule B. • At t = 11, B is finished. A has already started a new period, we can schedule it immediately. • At t = 16, A is finished. B already started a new period, so schedule it. • At t = 22, B is finished. Schedule A. • At t = 27, A is finished, and CPU is idle until t = 30.
EDF: be careful • At certain scheduling checkpoints, you need to schedule the job with the earliest deadline. • As long as that job has started its period. • Do each cycle iteratively until the LCM of the job periods. • Checkpoints include • t = 0 • Whenever a job is finished executing • Whenever a job begins its period (This condition is important when we have maximum utilization.) • Example with 2 jobs • Job A has period 6 and execution time 3. • Job B has period 14 and execution time 7. • U = 1. We should be able to schedule these jobs with EDF.
Example: EDF • Wrong way: ignoring beginning of job periods • At t = 0, we see jobs A (period 0-6) and B (period 0-14) Since A has sooner deadline, schedule A for its 3 cycles. • At t = 3, we see jobs A (period 6-12) and B (period 0-14) Since A hasn’t started its period, our only choice is B, for its 7 cycles. • At t = 10, we have job A (period 6-12) and B (period 14-28) A has sooner deadline. Schedule A for its 3 cycles. • At t = 13, A is finished but it missed its deadline. We don’t want this to happen!
continued • Job A = (per 6, exec 3) Job B = (per 14, exec 7) • Correct EDF schedule that takes into account the start of a job period as another scheduling checkpoint • Notice: • At t = 12 and t = 24, we don’t preempt job B, because B’s deadline is sooner. In the other cases when A’s period begins, A takes the higher priority.
RM • Most often used because it’s easy • Inherently preemptive • Assign each job a fixed priority based on its period • The shorter the period, the more often this job must execute, the more deadlines it has the higher the priority • Determine in advance the schedule of the highest priority job • Continue for other jobs in descending order of priority • Be sure not to “schedule” a job before its period begins • Less tedious than EDF to compute entire schedule • For highest priority job, you know exactly when it will execute • Other jobs may be preempted by higher priority jobs that were scheduled first
RM (2) • Sometimes not possible to find a schedule • Our ability to schedule is more limited than EDF. • There is a simple mathematical check to see if a RM schedule is possible: • We can schedule if the total utilization is n (21/n – 1) Proved by Liu and Layland in 1973. • If n (21/n – 1) < U 1, the test is inconclusive. Must compute the schedule to find out. • Ex. If n = 2, we are guaranteed to find a RM schedule if U < 82%, but for 90% it gets risky. • Large experiments using random job parameters show that RM is reliable up to about 88% utilization.
RM Example • Suppose we have 2 jobs, C and D, with periods of 2 and 3, both with execution time 1. • U = 1/2 + 1/3 > 82%, so RM is risky. Let’s try it… • Schedule the more frequent job first. • Then schedule job D. • Looks okay!
RM Example 2 • Let’s look at earlier set of tasks, A and B, with periods of 10 and 15, and execution times of 5 and 6. • U = 5/10 + 6/15 = 0.9, also risky. • Schedule task A first. • Schedule task B into available spaces.
Comparison • Consider this set of jobs • What is the total utilization ratio? Are EDF and RM schedules feasible? • Handout
RM vs. EDF • EDF • Job’s priority is dynamic, hard to predict in advance • Too democratic / egalitarian? Maybe we are trying to execute too many jobs. • RM • Fixed priority is often desirable • Higher priority job will have better response times overall, not bothered by a lower priority job that luckily has an upcoming deadline. • RM cannot handle utilization up to 1 unless periods are in sync, as in 1 : n1 : n1n2 : n1n2n3 : … (Analogy: Telling time is easy until you get to months/years.)
RM example • Let’s return to previous example, this time using RM. • Job A = (per 6, exec 3) Job B = (per 14, exec 7) • Hyperperiod is 42 • First, we must schedule job A, because it has shorter period. • Next, schedule job B. • Uh-oh! During B’s period 0-14, it is only able to execute for 6 cycles. Deadline miss This job set cannot be scheduled. But it could if either job’s execution time were less reduce U.
RM Utilization bound • Liu and Layland (1973): “Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard Real-Time Environment” • They first looked at the case of 2 jobs. What is the maximum CPU utilization that RM will always work? Express U as a function of 1 of the job’s execution time, assuming the other job will fully utilize the CPU during its period. • We have 2 jobs • Job j1 has period T1 = 8 Job j2 has period T2 = 12 • Let’s see what execution times C1 and C2 we can have, and what effect this has on the CPU utilization. • During one of j2’s periods, how many times will j1 start? In general: ceil(T2/T1). In our case, ceil(12/8) = 2. • They derive formulas to determine C2 and U, once we decide on a value of C1.
continued • We have job j1 (T1 = 8) and job j2 (T2 = 12) • Suppose C1 = 2. • C2 = T2 – C1 * (number of times j1 starts) = T2 – C1 * ceil (T2 / T1) = 12 – 2 ceil (12 / 8) = 8. • We can compute U = 2/8 + 8/12 = 11/12. • Suppose C1 = 4 • C2 = 4 • U = 4/8 + 4/12 = 5/6 • The CPU utilization is actually lower as we increase the execution time of j1. • … If the last execution of j1 spills over into the next period of j2, the opposite trend occurs.
Formula • Eventually, Liu and Layland derive this general formula for maximum utilization for 2 jobs: U = 1 – x(1 – x)/(W + x) where W = floor(T2/T1) and x = T2/T1 – floor(T2/T1) • We want to minimize U: to find at what level we can guarantee schedulability. In this case W = 1, so U = 1 – x(1 – x) / (1 + x) • Setting the derivative equal to 0, we get x = √2 – 1, and U(√2 – 1) = 2(√2 – 1) = about 0.83 • Result can be generalized to n jobs: U = n(2^(1/n) – 1)