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Rational Cognition in OSCAR Project

Delve into evaluating different agent architectures like Anthropomorphic and Goal-Oriented Agents in a rational cognition framework. Explore Bayesian epistemology and classical decision theory. Contact John L. Pollock for more insights.

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Rational Cognition in OSCAR Project

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  1. THE OSCAR PROJECTRational Cognitionin OSCARJohn L. PollockDepartment of PhilosophyUniversity of ArizonaTucson, Arizona 85721pollock@arizona.eduhttp://www.u.arizona.edu/~pollock

  2. Part One:Evaluating Agent Architectures • Stuart Russell: “rational agents are those that do the right thing”. • The problem of designing a rational agent then becomes the problem of figuring out what the right thing is. • There are two approaches to the latter problem, depending upon the kind of agent we want to build. • Anthropomorphic Agents — those that can help human beings rather directly in their intellectual endeavors. • These endeavors consist of decision making and data processing. • An agent that can help humans in these enterprises must make decisions and draw conclusions that are rational by human standards of rationality. • Goal-Oriented Agents — those that can carry out certain narrowly-defined tasks in the world. • Here the objective is to get the job done, and it makes little difference how the agent achieves its design goal.

  3. Evaluating Goal-Oriented Agents • If the design goal of a goal-oriented agent is sufficiently simple, it may be possible to construct a metric the measures how well an agent achieves it. • Then the natural way of evaluating an agent architecture is in terms of the expected-value of that metric. • An ideally rational goal-oriented agent would be one whose design maximizes that expected-value. • The recent work on bounded-optimality (Russell and Subramanian; Horvitz; Zilberstein and Russell, etc.) derives from this approach to evaluating agent architectures. • This approach will only be applicable in cases in which it is possible to construct a metric of success. • If the design goal is sufficiently complex, that will be at least difficult, and perhaps impossible.

  4. Evaluating Anthropomorphic Agents • Here it is the individual decisions and conclusions of the agent that we want to be rational. • In principle, we could regard an anthropomorphic agent as a special case of a goal-oriented agent, where now the goal is to make rational decisions and draw rational conclusions, but it is doubtful that we can produce a metric that measures the degree to which such an agent is successful in achieving these goals. • Even if we could construct such a metric, it would not provide an analysis of rationality for such an agent, because the metric itself must presuppose prior standards of rationality governing the individual cognitive acts of the agent being evaluated.

  5. Evaluating Anthropomorphic Agents • In AI it is often supposed that the standards of rationality that apply to individual cognitive acts are straightforward and unproblematic: • Bayesian probability theory provides the standards of rationality for beliefs; • classical decision theory provides the standards of rationality for practical decisions. • It may come as a surprise then that most philosophers reject Bayesian epistemology, and I believe there are compelling reasons for rejecting classical decision theory.

  6. Bayesian Epistemology • Bayesian epistemology asserts that the degree to which a rational agent is justified in believing something can be identified with a subjective probability. Belief updating is governed by conditionalization on new inputs. • There is an immense literature on this. Some of the objections to it are summarized in Pollock and Cruz, Contemporary Theories of Knowledge, 2nd edition (Rowman and Littlefield, 1999). • Perhaps the simplest objection to Bayesian epistemology is that it implies that an agent is always rational in believing any truth of logic, because any such truth has probability 1. • However, this conflicts with common sense. Consider a complex tautology like [P  (Q & ~P)]  ~Q. If one of my logic students picks this out of the air and believes it for no reason, we do not regard that as rational. • He should only believe it if he has good reason to believe it. In other words, rational belief requires reasons, and that conflicts with Bayesian epistemology.

  7. Classical Decision Theory • Classical decision theory has us choose acts one at a time on the basis of their expected values. • It is courses of action, or plans, that must be evaluated decision-theoretically, and individual acts become rational by being prescribed by rationally adopted plans. (See Pollock, Cognitive Carpentry, chapter 5, MIT Press, 1995.) • Furthermore, I will argue below that we cannot just take classical decision theory intact and apply it to plans. A plan is not automatically superior to a competitor just because it has a higher expected value.

  8. Anthopomorphic Agentsand Procedural Rationality • The design of an anthropomorphic agent requires a general theory of rational cognition. • The agent’s cognition must be rational by human standards. Cognition is a process, so this generates an essentially procedural concept of rationality. • Many AI researchers have followed Herbert Simon in rejecting such a procedural account, endorsing instead a satisficing account based on goal-satisfaction, but that is not applicable to anthropomorphic agents.

  9. Procedural Rationality • We do not necessarily want an anthropomorphic agent to model human cognition exactly. • We want it to draw rational conclusions and make rational decisions, but it need not do so in exactly the same way humans do it. How can we make sense of this? • Stuart Russell (following Herbert Simon) suggests that the appropriate concept of rationality should only apply to the ultimate results of cognition, and not the course of cognition.

  10. Procedural Rationality • A conclusion or decision is warranted (relative to a system of cognition) iff it is endorsed “in the limit”. • i.e., there is some stage of cognition at which it becomes endorsed and beyond which the endorsement is never retracted. • We might require an agent architecture to have the same theory of warrant as human rational cognition. • This is to evaluate its behavior in the limit. • An agent that drew conclusions and made decisions at random for the first ten million years, and then started over again reasoning just like human beings would have the same theory of warrant, but it would not be a good agent design. • This is a problem for any assessment of agents in terms of the results of cognition in the limit.

  11. Procedural Rationality • It looks like the best we can do is require that the agent’s reasoning never strays very far from the course of human reasoning. • If humans will draw a conclusion within a certain number of steps, the agent will do so within a “comparable” number of steps, and if a human will retract the conclusion within a certain number of further steps, the agent will do so within a “comparable” number of further steps. This is admittedly vague. • We might require that the worst-case difference be polynomial in the number of steps, or something like that. However, this proposal does not handle the case of the agent that draws conclusions randomly for the first ten million years. • I am not going to endorse a solution to this problem. I just want to call attention to it, and urge that whatever the solution is, it seems reasonable to think that the kind of architecture I am about to describe satisfies the requisite constraints.

  12. Part Two:The OSCAR Architecture • OSCAR is an architecture for rational agents based upon an evolving philosophical theory of rational cognition. • The general architecture is described in Cognitive Carpentry (MIT Press, 1995). • Related papers can be downloaded from http://www.u.arizona.edu/~pollock

  13. Schematic Rational Cognition beliefs conative dispositions environment likes and dislikes activity The Doxastic-Conative Loop

  14. An Architecture for Rational Cognition • Epistemic cognition — about what to believe. • Practical cognition — about what to do. • Epistemic cognition is skeptical; practical cognition is credulous.

  15. The Pre-eminence of Practical Cognition • Most work on rational agents in AI has focussed on practical cognition rather than epistemic cognition, and for good reason. • The whole point of an agent is to do something, to interact with the world, and such interaction is driven by practical cognition. • From this perspective, epistemic cognition is subservient to practical cognition.

  16. The Importance of Epistemic Cognition • The OSCAR architecture differs from most agent architectures in that, although it is still practical cognition that directs the agent’s interaction with the world, most of the work in rational cognition is performed by epistemic cognition. • Practical cognition evaluates the world (as represented by the agent’s beliefs), and then poses queries concerning how to make it better. • These queries are passed to epistemic cognition, which tries to answer them. • Competing plans are evaluated and selected on the basis of their expected utilities, but those expected utilities are again computed by epistemic cognition. • Finally, plan execution generally requires a certain amount of monitoring to verify that things are going as planned, and that monitoring is again carried out by epistemic cognition. • In general, choices are made by practical cognition, but the information on which the choices are based is the product of epistemic cognition, and the bulk of the work in rational cognition goes into providing that information.

  17. PracticalCognition actions execute plans construct plans for how to achieve goals evaluate the world and form goals for changing it

  18. The Subservient Role of Epistemic Cognition actions execute plans construct plans for how to achieve goals EPISTEMIC beliefs COGNITION evaluate the world and form goals for changing it PRACTICAL COGNITION

  19. The Basic Interface perception actions execute EPISTEMIC REASONING plans ultimate- epistemic- construct plans interests for how to new achieve goals beliefs beliefs evaluate the world and form Q&I goals for modules changing it EPISTEMIC PRACTICAL COGNITION COGNITION

  20. active perception Empirical Investigation perception actions execute EPISTEMIC REASONING plans ultimate- epistemic- construct plans interests for how to new achieve goals beliefs beliefs evaluate the world and form Q&I form goals for modules epistemic changing it goals EPISTEMIC PRACTICAL COGNITION COGNITION

  21. active perception Reflexive Cognition perception actions redirect cognition execute EPISTEMIC REASONING plans ultimate- epistemic- construct plans interests for how to new achieve goals beliefs beliefs evaluate the world and form Q&I form goals for modules epistemic changing it goals EPISTEMIC PRACTICAL COGNITION COGNITION

  22. active perception An Architecture for Rational Cognition perception actions redirect cognition execute EPISTEMIC REASONING plans ultimate- epistemic- construct plans interests for how to new achieve goals beliefs beliefs evaluate the world and form Q&I form goals for modules epistemic changing it goals EPISTEMIC PRACTICAL COGNITION COGNITION

  23. Part Three:Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning

  24. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  25. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  26. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P Q [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  27. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P Q (P  R) [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  28. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P Q (P  R) [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  29. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P Q (P  R) [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  30. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P Q (P  R) (Q  S) [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  31. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P Q (P  R) (Q  S) [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  32. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P Q (P  R) (Q  S) [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  33. Epistemic Reasoning • Epistemic reasoning is driven by both input from perception and queries passed from practical cognition. • The way in which epistemic interests effect the course of cognition is by initiating backward reasoning. • Example of bidirectional reasoning (P & Q) P Q (P  R) (Q  S) [(P  R) & (Q  S)]

  34. Epistemic Reasoning • OSCAR’s reasoning is in the style of “natural deduction”. • Reason-schemas are segregated into backward and forward schemas. • forward schemas lead from conclusions to conclusions From (P & Q), infer P. • backward schemas lead from interests to interests From P, Q infer (P & Q). • OSCAR is surprisingly efficient as a deductive reasoner. • In a recent comparison with the the highly respected OTTER resolution-refutation theorem prover on a set of 163 problems chosen by Geoff Sutcliffe from the TPTP theorem proving library: • OTTER failed to get 16 • OSCAR failed to get 3 • On problems solved by both theorem provers, OSCAR (written in LISP) was on the average 40 times faster than OTTER (written in C)

  35. Defeasible Reasoning • Deductive reasoning guarantees the truth of the conclusion given the truth of the premises. • Defeasible reasoning makes it reasonable to accept the conclusion, but does not provide an irrevocable guarantee of its truth. • conclusions supported defeasibly might have to be withdrawn later in the face of new information. • All sophisticated epistemic cognizers must reason defeasibly: • perception is not always accurate • inductive reasoning must be defeasible • sophisticated cognizers must reason defeasibly about time, projecting conclusions drawn at one time forwards to future times. • it will be argued below that certain aspects of planning must be done defeasibly

  36. Defeasible Reasoning • Defeasible reasoning is performed using defeasible reason-schemas. • What makes a reason-schema defeasible is that it can be defeated by having defeaters. • Two kinds of defeaters • Rebutting defeaters attack the conclusion of the inference • Undercutting defeaters attack the connection between the premise and the conclusion. • An undercutting defeater for an inference from P to Q is a reason for believing it false that P would not be true unless Q were true. This is symbolized (P Ä Q). • More simply, (P Ä Q) can be read “P does not guarantee Q”. • Example: something’s looking red gives us a defeasible reason for thinking it is red. • A reason for thinking it isn’t red is a rebutting defeater. • It’s being illuminated by red lights provides an undercutting defeater.

  37. Defeasible Reasoning • Reasoning defeasibly has two parts • constructing arguments for conclusions • evaluating defeat statuses, and computing degrees of justification, given the set of arguments constructed • OSCAR does this by using a defeat-status computation described in Cognitive Carpentry. • Justified beliefs are those undefeated given the current stage of argument construction. • Warranted conclusions are those that are undefeated relative to the set of all possible arguments that can be constructed given the current inputs.

  38. Defeasible Reasoning • An inference-graph is a data structure recording a set of arguments. • A partial-status-assignment for an inference-graph G is an assignment of “defeated” and “undefeated” to a subset of the arguments in G such that for each argument A in G: 1. if a defeating argument for an inference in A is assigned “undefeated”, A is assigned “defeated”; 2. if all defeating arguments for inferences in A are assigned “defeated”, A is assigned “undefeated”. • A status-assignment for an inference-graph G is a maximal partial-status-assignment, i.e., a partial-status-assignment not properly contained in any other partial-status-assignment. • An argument A is undefeated relative to an inference-graph G of which it is a member if and only if every status-assignment for G assigns “undefeated” to A. • A belief is justified if and only if it is supported by an argument that is undefeated relative to the inference-graph that represents the agent’s current epistemological state. (For comparison with other approaches, see Henry Prakken and Gerard Vreeswijk, “Logics for Defeasible Argumentation”, to appear in Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 2nd Edition, ed. D. Gabbay.)

  39. Defeasible Reasoning • Raymond Reiter and David Israel both observed in 1981 that when reasoning defeasibly in a rich logical theory like first-order logic, the set of warranted conclusions will not generally be recursively enumerable. • This has the consequence that it is impossible to build an automated defeasible reasoner that produces all and only warranted conclusions. • The most we can require is that the reasoner systematically modify its belief set so that it comes to approximate the set of warranted conclusions more and more closely. • The rules for reasoning should be such that: (1) if a proposition P is warranted then the reasoner will eventually reach a stage where P is justified and stays justified; (2) if a proposition P is unwarranted then the reasoner will eventually reach a stage where P is unjustified and stays unjustified. • This is possible if the reason-schemas are “well behaved”. (See Cognitive Carpentry, chapter three, MIT Press, 1995.)

  40. Some Defeasible Reason-Schemas PERCEPTION Having a percept at time t with content P is a defeasible reason to believe P-at-t. PERCEPTUAL-RELIABILITY “R is true and having a percept with content P is not a reliable indicator of P’s being true when R is true” is an undercutting defeater for PERCEPTION. TEMPORAL-PROJECTION “P-at-t” is a defeasible reason for “P-at-(t+Dt)”, the strength of the reason being a monotonic decreasing function of Dt. STATISTICAL-SYLLOGISM “c is a B & prob(A/B) is high” is a defeasible reason for “c is an A”. “Perceiving and reasoning about a changing world”, Comp. Intelligence, Nov., 1998.

  41. Illustration of OSCAR’S Defeasible Reasoning First, Fred looks red to me. Later, I am informed by Merrill that I am then wearing blue-tinted glasses. Later still, Fred looks blue to me. All along, I know that Fred’s appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred’s being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses. What should I conclude about the color of Fred?

  42. Time = 0 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest Merrill is a reliable informant Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? given

  43. Time = 1 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest (It appears to me that the color of Fred is red) at 1 Merrill is a reliable informant Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? Percept acquired

  44. Time = 2 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest (It appears to me that the color of Fred is red) at 1 The color of Fred is red Merrill is a reliable informant Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? by PERCEPTION

  45. Time = 3 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest (It appears to me that the color of Fred is red) at 1 The color of Fred is red Merrill is a reliable informant ~The color of Fred is red Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? Interest in rebutter

  46. Time = 4 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest (It appears to me that the color of Fred is red) at 1 The color of Fred is red Merrill is a reliable informant ~The color of Fred is red Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? Time passes

  47. Time = 5 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest (It appears to me that the color of Fred is red) at 1 The color of Fred is red Merrill is a reliable informant ~The color of Fred is red Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? Time passes

  48. Time = 6 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest (It appears to me that the color of Fred is red) at 1 The color of Fred is red Merrill is a reliable informant ~The color of Fred is red Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? Time passes

  49. Time = 20 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest (It appears to me that the color of Fred is red) at 1 (It appears to me that Merrill reports that I am wearing blue-tinted glasses) at 20 The color of Fred is red Merrill is a reliable informant ~The color of Fred is red Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? Percept acquired

  50. Time = 21 color code conclusion new conclusion interest defeated conclusion conclusion discharging ultimate epistemic interest (It appears to me that the color of Fred is red) at 1 (It appears to me that Merrill reports that I am wearing blue-tinted glasses) at 20 The color of Fred is red (Merrill reports that I am wearing blue-tinted glasses) at 20 Merrill is a reliable informant ~The color of Fred is red Fred's appearing blue is not a reliable indicator of Fred's being blue when I am wearing blue-tinted glasses What color is Fred? by PERCEPTION

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