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Learn about the unregulated nature of coaching, techniques to achieve specific goals, and best practices to follow. Discover the importance of clear contracts and confidentiality in coaching.
Coaching: • Is largely unregulated in the United States (voluntary credentialling ) • Has different theoretical understandings, but SFBT therapists have been particularly drawn to it • Focuses on specific goals
What it is not: Therapy • Watch potential for danger - as a medical professional would see it- so some knowledge of diagnosis needed • Watch relationship to another person focus especially if unlicensed in practice act states - relationship to task is usual differentiation
What it is not: teaching or advice giving • Watch introduction of new behavior or skills - ask about spontaneous exceptions first, hedge what you do offer
What it is not: Mentoring • Watch self disclosure • Watch teaching • Avoid dual relationships
What works best • Specific task or goal • Relationship is to task • Collaborative approach • Defined desired outcome
Techniques which directly translate : • Goal setting • Visualizing the goal or thickening the description • Scaling • Noting exceptions • Homework
Techniques to use with caution: • Miracle question • Genogram • Expanding the system • These are all great techniques, but if you completely lose task focus, you may encounter legal or ethical difficulties
New Techniques: • Giving information - from multiple perspectives, without attachment • Developing step by step strategies
A Mini Example • 17 year old in alternative to suspension program for cursing teacher • Catalyst was learning music program had been cut • Deceased father was jazz musician; 17 year old has strong interest • Outcomes: Mother and 17 year old worked together as team to apply him to music magnet program ( one of several options we brainstormed with them), and to produce multiple mutually exciting college plans • Referral to family therapy at their request for grief issues
It would have been wrong (in my view): • To ignore request for family therapy and desire to talk about grief issues • Or to ignore immediate need to give 17 year old educational options and mother hope for future • In this case, dividing line between coaching and therapy relatively clear • Mother referred to her son's "advocate" and to her own desire for a "therapist" • In this case, two locations and two teams - but can be two stages of work with one person
Techniques: • Relatively high level of transparency has led to use of acronyms (to follow) • Journals often kept between sessions • Brainstorming time may include resources given by coach - again, without investment, with appropriate but not excessive guidance (e.g. Website or phone number or time interpreter available)
OSKAR: • Outcome (desired) • Scaling • Know-how and Resources • Affirm and Commit to Action • Review • (Jackson & McKergow, 2007)
EARS: • Elicit positive changes • Amplify (may include resources) • Reinforce • Start again • (Berg & Szabo, 2005)
ROPE: • Recall at least three times when you were the person you want to be • Organize your memories - what do these times have in common? • Present and future - what can you do now that is like that? What can you do in the future that is like that but more? (Resources) • Expand on these goals - tell others about them • (Systemic Change in Schools, 2012- note use of second person voice, also used as reflective journaling task)
It is very important: • To contract clearly • To cover issues of confidentiality • To cover issues of access (cell phone etc.) • To cover issues of payment (by the hour or by the application, or by the project - avoid guarantees)
Certification • Most prevalent: As independent educational consultant (special needs or college coach) • www.iecaonline.com for credentialling; www.nacanet.org for networking alone • 50 visits; 35 students advised; master's; 3 years experience for full certification (IECA) • Associate and student membership
But who hires a college coach? • 26 percent of parents with a high achieving high school aged child (defined as 1150 on the SAT and above) (Newsweek September 2010) • 160,000 in 2009 (NYT 2/29/2012) • Rapid growth projected • Consider also parents with lower achieving and special needs children, and adults returning to school or graduate school
Career Coach • www.ncda.org • Masters degree - apply through ACA • Extra credentials for licensed therapists and for experience • Also welcomes college counselors
Life Coach? • www.ccpcprofessionals.com - in Canada - solution focused coach • www.coachfederation.org - either graduate from ICF accredited program or submit portfolio including videotape - experience first • Buyer beware: many sites sell expensive training programs disguised as credentials; also, this is most "suspect"area due to similarity to therapy • Most accepted when practiced by licensed therapist
Future Directions • Health and wellness coaches - Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School (www.instituteofcoaching.org) - interest only requirement • Image consultants - www.aici.org - exam including color theory and fashion history • Business coach - www.wabccoaches.com - usually business degree required • Executive and leadership coaches - moving into life coach type area - see www.coachfederation.org • For general SFBT practitioner training, see www.sfbta.org • And?
Opportunity and also Warning • Psychology Today listing experience - certificate alone • Reminiscent of early family therapy days • Opportunity to sidestep the medical model and to some extent diagnosis; opportunity to side step state regulation ( for a while, and that comes with dangers) • Back to cash practice and away from insurance • Interesting addition to practice
Motivational Interviewing • W.R. Miller, behavioral psychologist interested in problem drinking • Analyzed more successful therapists in program • Focus on goals and reinforcement of change talk - less focus than SFBT on interactional context and on spontaneous exceptions • Evidence based, in wide use in mandated contexts
Appreciative Inquiry: Coaching for a whole organization • www.appreciativeinquiry.case.edu • Affirmative topic choice • 4 steps: Discovery (correlates with exceptions); Dream (correlates with expansions or miracle); Design (how can organization do more of what is working); Destiny (formerly delivery) • www.ovation.net to contact David Cooperrider