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Welcome to the Foundation Stage - Newcroft Primary Academy

Join us at Newcroft Primary Academy as we welcome your child to a new and exciting stage in their life. Discover the benefits and support available for your child, and find out more about the curriculum and areas of learning. Don't miss our upcoming induction meeting on Thursday, 17th May 2018.

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Welcome to the Foundation Stage - Newcroft Primary Academy

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  1. The Foundation Stage Induction Meeting Thursday 17th May 2018

  2. On behalf of everyone here at Newcroft Primary Academy,Welcome to a new and exciting stage in your child’s life.During this year your child will make new friends, enjoy new experiences and learn vital new skills in reading, writing and maths.

  3. ★Extra money paid to school ★Extra support for your child ★Your child may benefit from clubs and activities Criteria: ★Parents/Carers on Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Child Tax Credit and income no more than £16,190 Pupil Premium

  4. Parents’ Information Pack Starting School at Newcroft • Separate slips of paper within the child's wallet • Appointment times for parent consultation • Stop for lunch information • Pupil Premium Leaflet • Letter requesting £5 contribution towards cooking (please sign and return along with the payment) • NHS Health and Wellbeing letter • Summer holiday task + resources Contents of your pack In the 'Starting School at Newcroft' booklet Executive Head teacher welcome letter Information About Our School Term dates Attendance Behaviour Food Uniform Homework Letter and number formation at Newcroft Home-school agreement (please sign this and return it to school) Pupils’ Admission form

  5. Areas of learning… The Foundation Stage Curriculum is split into seven areas of learning…Three prime areas: Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  6. Four specific areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

  7. Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Be independent and interact with other children and adults. • Become confident, safe, secure and ready to learn from new experiences. • Develop an awareness of boundaries and behaviour expectations.

  8. Physical Development Show control over their bodies in both small and large movements.  Handle equipment and tools, such as paint brushes and pencils.  Understand about keeping themselves healthy, including healthy eating and physical activity.

  9. Communication and Language • Communicate with the other children and adults, both verbally and non-verbally. • Listen effectively when appropriate. • Respond to what they have heard with relevant comments. • Follow instructions.

  10. Literacy • Blend sounds in regular words to read them • Show an understanding of what they have read or have had read to them • Use their phonic knowledge to write words and begin to show an awareness of sentence structure

  11. Show an understanding of shapes, both by naming and beginning to describe simple properties of them • Recognise, count and form numbers to 20 • Understand the vocabulary involved in simple calculations • Uses their maths in problem solving Maths

  12. Understanding the World • Show an understanding of their environment and how it is similar or different to others • Use ICT • Showsan understanding of similarities and differences between them, their family and others • Explore the world around them

  13. Expressive Arts & Design • Explore and use media, such as paint, crayons, collage etc. • Express themselves through music, gymnastics, role play and dance. • Experiment with colour, texture and form, using a range of media.

  14. Assessment and reporting progress

  15. A typical day in our Reception Base

  16. Arriving in the morning • The school gates open at 8.40am • Please don’t be late! • After the first couple of weeks we would like you to leave your child at the gate and encourage them to go into the cloakroom area on their own

  17. Cloakroom • We assess the children on their independence so please help us with this at home before the start of the school year: • Practise putting on a coat and shoes • Encourage them to hang things up • Name all clothing

  18. Registration • One of the few times the children will be in their ‘classes’.

  19. Phonics • Children are placed in ability groups to enable them to progress at an appropriate pace • These sessions are fun, interactive and pacey

  20. Learning • There are opportunities for the children to engage in purposeful play • Structured sessions, working alongside an adult • Outdoor learning • Cooking skills • Computing

  21. Lunchtime • All children are entitled to a free hot dinner (we encourage everyone to take up this offer) • Two choices. Please discuss choices at home with your child. • Teachers escort the children into the hall, seat and serve them and then the lunch time supervisors take over. • Adults and older children escort and help the children as they go from the hall, back to the cloakroom and outside.

  22. End of the day • The day ends at 3.10pm. • If someone else is collecting, you must let us know. • Please try to stand in the same place each day!

  23. Reading at Newcroft • What you can expect from us: • Your child will be heard read by an adult at least once a week. • Lots of opportunities to enjoy book sharing • Colour banded ‘reading books’ closely matched to your child's needs plus a free choice book. • Comments in home-school diaries on how to support your child further at home (next steps in reading). • What we hope to expect from you: • Hear your child read at home every day if possible. • Record your book sharing times in the home-school diaries and sign. • Promote a love of reading.

  24. Homework Compulsory Homework Reading & Phonics Optional Homework Topic based (homework book provided)

  25. Your child will need… • A book bag (check daily for notices, letters, reading books and activities). • A water bottle • A pair of wellington boots (to be kept in school) • Please ensure that names are in EVERYTHING! • A warm coat and hat - send a coat EVERY DAY • Uniform –- Trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore dress/summer dress- Polo shirt/shirt/blouse- Tie (optional)- V-neck Jumper/cardigan- A pair of indoor shoes (dark or red)- Sensible outdoor shoes The items with a logo can be purchased from Tesco or Just SchoolWear, accessed through the school website

  26. Transition Pre-school visits Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Cran will be visiting the pre-schools w/c 21st May and up to 13th June Stay and play with parent/carer Wednesday 13th June 2018 – 1.30pm until 2.30pm Parents Phonics workshop – 2.30pm until 3.00pm Play and stay for lunch Wednesday 4th July – 10:30 am until 1.15pm Parent interviews You are invited to share information about your child with Mrs Lloyd or Mrs Cran on Tuesday 3rd July, Thursday 5th July or Friday 6th July 2018 *Please check your letter for the specific date and time* (orange paper)

  27. Your Child’s First Day Starting school in the Autumn term 2018 – Full days (8:40 am start) • Wednesday 29th August - all Newcroft pre-school children and Autumn born children • Thursday 30th August – all Spring born children • Friday 31st August – Summer born children • Please see the orange form at the front of your pack for your child’s start date

  28. And finally… • If you would like to come in to school to help out in class, we are always grateful for volunteers!  • If you have any worries or concerns please come in and see us and we will do our best to help you  • We look forward to working with you and your child in the Autumn Term 

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