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Layers of the Earth

Discover the composition and characteristics of the Earth's crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. Learn about tectonic plates and seismic waves. Utilize bubble maps to define each layer in your notes. Find supporting details and main ideas in this comprehensive guide.

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Layers of the Earth

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  1. Layers of the Earth

  2. Crust =Top Layer Crust – layer of rock that form the Earth’s outer skin the crust includes both dry land and ocean floor. is solid Thin 5 to 25 miles thick 2 types of Crust a. Continental Crust made mostly of a rock called granite (an intrusive igneous rock formed by magma) b. Ocean Crust (floor) made mostly of a rock called basalt (an extrusive igneous rock formed by lava) Crust is home to all life on Earth Supporting detail Main Idea

  3. Outer layer solid thin Changing earth Chapt 1.1 Pages 10-13 Continental crust CRUST cool crust rocky Home to all life Ocean crust • In your note book make a Bubble map and describe the crust! • Write a definition of Crust in your note book under the Bubble map! • ( use your own words.) • Draw a square box around the bubble map in the upper left hand • corner tell where you got your information for your bubble map • In the lower right hand corner write the chapter and page number • where you can find the information!

  4. Mantle = Middle layer Mantle – an interior layer of the Earth just below the crust is made up of hot rocks that are solid. The mantle is divided into layers based on physical characteristics. Thickest layer approximately 2,900 km thick – about 1800 miles Main Idea Supporting detail

  5. Mantle • In your note book make a bubble map and define the mantle! • Write a definition of Mantle in your note book under the Bubble map! ( use your own words.) • Draw a square box around the bubble map in the upper left hand • corner tell where you got your information for your Bubble map • In the lower right hand corner write the chapter and page number • where you can find the information!

  6. Outer Core Liquid ( molten) layer of iron and nickel Temperature 4000-9000 F 1800 mile below surface of Earth 1400 miles thick magnetic Main idea Supporting detail Outer Core = Lower layer

  7. Outer core Changing earth Chapt 1.1 Pages 10-13 • In your note book make a bubble map and define the outer core! • Write a definition of outer core in your note book under the bubble map! • ( use your own words.) • Draw a square box around the bubble map in the upper left hand • corner tell where you got your information for your bubble map • In the lower right hand corner write the chapter and page number • where you can find the information!

  8. Inner Core The inner core is center of Earth Iron & nickel Solid Hottest layer (9000F) 800 miles thick/diameter Supporting details Main Idea Inner Core = innermost layer

  9. Inner Core • In your note book make a Bubble map and describe the crust! • Write a definition of Inner Core in your note book under the bubble map! ( use your own words.) • Draw a square box around the circle map in the upper left hand • corner tell where you got your information for your Bubble map • In the lower right hand corner write the chapter and page number • where you can find the information!

  10. Main idea Supporting details How we know about layers • Seismic Waves = earthquake waves • Waves travel differently through different materials

  11. Main Idea Supporting details Areas with in the Crust and Mantle • Lithosphere – all of the Earth’s crust and the very top of the mantle • Asthenosphere – • The rest of the upper mantle • is not as solid it is a lot like asphalt and can bend and move http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/10h.html

  12. Lithos = stone (Greek) Lithosphere Spheara = ball/globe (latin)

  13. Asthenes = weak (greek) Asthneosphere Spheara = ball/globe (latin)

  14. Review : The layers of the Earth Crust – solid, cool, outer layer of the Earth Mantle – solid, hot, layer below the Earth’s crust Outer Core – liquid hotter layer below The Earth’s mantle Inner core – solid, hottest, center of the Earth

  15. Tectonic Plates • TectonicPlates aka LithosphericPlates or Plates for short • Made of lithosphere –all of crust and upper part of mantle ocean Crust Tectonic / Lithospheric Plates continental Very top of mantle http://www.brainpop.com/science/earthsystem/earthsstructure/

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