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Understand the principles, levels, and factors affecting prevention and control of diseases. Learn about interventions, prevention strategies, and measures for disease management. Suitable for healthcare professionals and students.

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  2. OBJECTIVES • At the end of this session every student should be able to, • Explain the Meaning of disease prevention • Explain the Meaning of disease control • Describe the principles of disease prevention • Describe the Principles of disease control • Mention the Factors affecting disease control • Discuss the Levels of disease prevention and control

  3. Meaning of disease prevention and control • Disease prevention • Is the management of all factors that could lead to disease so as to avoid the ocurence of disease. • Disease control • Reduction of incidence, prevalence, morbidity or mortality of an infectious disease to locally acceptable level

  4. Principles of disease prevention • Aims at breaking the infectious cycle through • Reduce the quantity of agent (complete or partial reduction) • Reduce the communicability of agents • Detect the carriers & treatment • Isolation of carriers

  5. Principles of disease prevention • Increasing the resistance of susceptible host • Vaccination (active immunization) • Prophylaxis health care workers • Surveillance

  6. Principles of disease prevention • Disinfection • Control of carries • Control of animals

  7. Principles of disease prevention • Mode of transmission (environment) • Prevention of overcrowding • Personal hygiene • Vector control • sanitation

  8. Principles of disease control • Aims at braking the infectious cycle by • Reservoir & source • Case finding ( screening and early detection) • Reporting • Isolation of cases • Treatment of cases • disinfection

  9. Factors affecting disease control • Lack of drugs in hospital settings • Shortage of health personel • Inadequate health facilities • Poverty • Drug resistance • inadequate hospital equipments and supplies • Lack of education among populations

  10. Levels of disease prevention • There are four levels of disease prevention • Primordial prevention • Primary prevention • Secondary prevention • Tertiary prevention

  11. Primordial prevention • Primordial prevention • Consist of measures that inhibit the emergence of risk factors in the form of environmental, economic, social, and behavioral conditions and cultural patterns of living • For example life style modification like smoking cessation heathly eating pattern and physical exercise to reduce the risk factors like obesity and hypertension.

  12. Primordial prevention • Efforts are directed towards discouraging children from adopting harmful lifestyles • The main intervention is through ndividual and mass education

  13. Primary prevention • Primary prevention • Action taken prior the onset of disease which remove the possibility of the disease to occur • it signifies the intervention in pre pathogenesis phase of the disease or health problem • It can be accomplished by measures of health promotion and specificprotection

  14. Primary prevention • Health promotion • The process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health so as to improve health achieved by • Heath education • Environmental modification • Lifestyle and behavioral changes

  15. Primary prevention • Specific protection • Protecting the vulnerable population like health workers, childrens, pregnant women, disabled and elders. Can be achieved by • Immunization • Chemoprophylaxis • Use of specific nutrients or supplements • Protection against occupational hazards • Safety of drugs and foods

  16. Secondary protection • Secondary protection • Action which halts the progress of disease at its early stage and prevents complications • Attempt to arrest the disease process, restore health by treating the disease before it is irreversible • The specific interventions are early diagnosis and adequate treatment • The earlier the diagnosis and treatment the better the prognosis

  17. Tertiary prevention • Tertiary prevention • All measures available to reduce or limit impairments and disabilities, and promote clients adjustment. • It is used when the disease process has advanced beyond its early stages. • The interventions employed include disability limitation and rehabilitation

  18. Measures of disease prevention in clinical setting • The important measures of infection preventions in clinical setting aims at preventing nosocomial infections • Measures include • Hand washing • Use of protective gears (gloving, mask) • Decontamination of instruments • Sharps handling • Sterilization and disinfection • Safe injection practices • Waste management and sanitation • Blood and blood product safety

  19. Hand washing • All visitors and staffs should wash their hands • Before entering the unit • Before and after any patient contact • Before and performing any procedure • After touching the environmental surface • After removing gloves • Whenever soiled

  20. Hand washing procedure • Proper technique is important when it comes o hand hygiene and it include • wet hands under running water • Apply soap and distribute over hands • Rub hands together vigorously for 15 seconds (palm to palm) • Rub fingertips of each hand in opposite palm • Between and around fingers • Rub each thumb clasped in opposite hand • Rinse hands in running water and dry them.

  21. The end • Thank you very much

  22. Any question, suggestion and addition ?????

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