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WELCOME TO 7 TH GRADE SCIENCE!. I can’t wait to meet you and get to know you!. A Little About Me. Mrs. Hartley – Biology Major and Masters Fun Facts – My 3 amazing childeren Christopher – 24 College Grad – He has subbed here.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME TO 7TH GRADE SCIENCE! I can’t wait to meet you and get to know you!

  2. A Little About Me • Mrs. Hartley – Biology Major and Masters • Fun Facts – My 3 amazing childeren • Christopher – 24 College Grad – He has subbed here. He is very cool. Going for his masters at University of Illinois at Champagne for music.  • Kevin - 22 – Graduated College with an Animal Behavior Major– Loves animals and was in a MTV music video – I know – AWESOME! • Abby – 17 – Senior in high school! Super great girl!

  3. What’s Next? • SCIENCE OLYMPICS • GUMMI BEAR LAB • BIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, AND MORE BIOLOGY • Animal and Plant Cell • Animal and Plant Kingdoms • Evolution • PBL – “Global Warming” - In Spring • Mars Land Rover Egg Drop

  4. ANIMAL AND PLANT CELL • The Differences Between the Animal and Plant Cell • POND LAB • Microscope Parts • Lab Equipment • Metric System • http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm

  5. NOW THE FUN PART MRS. HARTLEY’S CLASS RULES • We have to go to my teacher pages for these. • You are going to flip! • LOVE THEM! • LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEM!

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