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Jeopardy. French Revolution. Scientific Revolution. Absolutism. Enlightenment. Odds & Ends x2. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $500. Q $500.

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  1. Jeopardy French Revolution Scientific Revolution Absolutism Enlightenment Odds & Ends x2 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from Scientific Revolution What is a geo-centric universe?

  3. $100 Answer from Scientific Revolution An model of the universe where earth is the center

  4. $200 Question from Scientific Revolution What is the proper name for a sun- centered universe?

  5. $200 Answer from Scientific Revolution Heliocentric

  6. $300 Question from Scientific Revolution What is a paradigm shift?

  7. $300 Answer from Scientific Revolution A fundamental change in thought or approach

  8. $400 Question from Scientific Revolution • This man wrote on the revolution of heavenly spheres and is famous for realizing the heliocentric universe

  9. $400 Answer from Scientific Revolution Nicolas Copernicus

  10. $500 Question from Scientific Revolution What were three outcomes of the scientific revolution?

  11. $500 Answer from Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution stopped the reliance on ancient texts The Scientific Revolution utilized the scientific revolution to understand the world The Scientific Revolution cause a separation between science and faith

  12. $100 Question from Absolutism Define absolute monarchy

  13. $100 Answer from Absolutism A system of government where one person holds complete power over everyone else

  14. $200 Question from Absolutism Peter I of Russia is most famous for….

  15. $200 Answer from Absolutism Using violence to achieve his goals

  16. $300 Question from Absolutism Which absolute monarch was widely known as the sun-king and famous for saying “I am the state”

  17. $300 Answer from Absolutism • Louie XIV

  18. $400 Question from Absolutism Which monarch was famous for using marriage as a weapon of diplomacy?

  19. $400 Answer from Absolutism Queen Elizabeth

  20. $500 Question from Absolutism This monarch was famous for rulling by divine right and saw himself as the defender of the catholic faith

  21. $500 Answer from Absolutism Phillip II of Spain

  22. $100 Question from Enlightenment • Which enlightenment thinker favored absolutism and wrote the book Leviathan ?

  23. $100 Answer from Enlightenment Thomas Hobbes

  24. $200 Question from Enlightenment • Which thinker believed in Tabula Rasa or “blank slate” and wrote the two treatise of government?

  25. $200 Answer from Enlightenment John Locke

  26. $300 Question from Enlightenment This enlightenment thinker wrote a vindication of the rights of woman and argued that women should have equal property rights

  27. $300 Answer from Enlightenment Marry Wollstonecraft

  28. $400 Question from Enlightenment This enlightenment thinker came up with the idea of serperation of powers

  29. $400 Answer from Enlightenment Baron de Montesquieu

  30. $500 Question from Enlightenment Why did enlightenment thinkers often face censorship?

  31. $500 Answer from Enlightenment They were challanging the divine right of kings and the old order

  32. $100 Question from French Revolution • What group were members of the 1st estate?

  33. $100 Answer from French Revolution The Clergy

  34. $200 Question French Revolution Who were members of the 2nd estate

  35. $200 Answer from French Revolution The aristocracy or nobility

  36. $300 Question French Revolution The national assembly took this oath to give France a constitution

  37. $300 Answer from French Revolution the Tennis Court oath

  38. $400 Question from French Revolution • How did Robespierre attempt to achieve his “republic of virtue”?

  39. $400 Answer from French Revolution Through widespread violence

  40. $500 Question from French Revolution Why was Napoleon Bonaparte able to seize power?

  41. $500 Answer from French Revolution He provided stability to the French people

  42. $100 Question fromOdds & Ends What is a hypothesis?

  43. $100 Answer from Odds & Ends A possible explanation that should be tested

  44. $200 Question from Odds & Ends Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton and Galileo where all important figures in the….

  45. $200 Answer from Odds & Ends Scientific revolution

  46. $300 Question from Odds & Ends Who was Marie Antoinette and why didn’t people like her?

  47. $300 Answer from Odds & Ends Wife of Louie the XVI and because she was seen as wasteful and apathetic toward the plight of the 3rd estate

  48. $400 Question from Odds & Ends How did the French Revolution affect the rest of Europe and in some cases the world?

  49. $400 Answer from Odds & Ends There was a greater demand for individual rights.

  50. $500 Question from Odds & Ends What is natural law?

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