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Explore key movements and figures in nationalism and revolution worldwide, from Latin America to Asia, highlighting significant events and influences in shaping these movements.

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  1. “Jeopardy” Chapter 15 Nationalism and Revolution around the World

  2. Topic 1: 1 point large plantations controlled by the landowning elite in Latin America Haciendas

  3. Topic 1: 2 points the refusal to obey unjust laws Civil Disobedience

  4. Topic 1: 3 points members of the lowest caste in India Untouchables

  5. Topic 1: 4 points government takeover of natural resources Nationalization

  6. Topic 1: 5 points form of protest that involves the refusal to buy goods Boycott

  7. Topic 2: 1 point led the Chinese Communist Party during the Long March Mao Zedong

  8. Topic 2: 2 points liberal reformer democratically elected in Mexico who was assassinated by one of his generals, Victoriano Huerta Francisco Madero

  9. Topic 2: 3 points shah who modernized Persia Reza Khan

  10. Topic 2: 4 points Mexican president who approved the Constitution of 1917 Venustiano Carranza

  11. Topic 2: 5 points Led Turkish nationaliststo overthrow the Ottoman sultan and declared Turkey a republic. Atatürk

  12. Topic 3: 1 point Wanted to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine Zionists

  13. Topic 3: 2 points a religious and political movement inspired by Ethiopia’s emperor Haile Selassie I Rastafarianism

  14. Topic 3: 3 points Egyptian group that fostered a broad Islamic nationalism that rejected Western Culture and denounced corruption in the Egyptian government Muslim Brotherhood

  15. Topic 3: 4 points Nationalist party led by Sun Yixian (Sun Yatsen) that established a government in south China Guomingdang

  16. Topic 3: 5 points movement in which writers expressed pride in their African roots and protested colonial rule négritude movement

  17. Topic 4: 1 point Began when the urban middle class wanted a democracy in Mexico Mexican Revolution

  18. Topic 4: 2 points the revival of mural painting is and example of this kind of nationalism in Latin America Cultural Nationalism

  19. Topic 4: 3 points This made Church land “the property of the nation” in Mexico Constitution of 1917

  20. Topic 4: 4 points Party that dominated Mexican politics from the 1930s through the free election of 2000 the Institutional Revolutionary Party

  21. Topic 4: 5 points Because of this international economic crisis people lost faith in the ideas of liberal government The Great Depression

  22. Topic 5: 1 point The purpose of this in South Africa was to ensure white economic, political, and social supremacy. Apartheid

  23. Topic 5: 2 points As a result of the Treaty of Sèvres, the this empire lost its Arab and North African lands. Ottoman

  24. Topic 5: 3 points Many Muslim religious leaders in Persia disapprove of his reforms because he e replaced Islamic law with secular law. Reza Khan

  25. Topic 5: 4 points One of his reforms in Turkey was to reject religion in laws and government. Atatürk

  26. Topic 5: 5 points Statement made by the British that advocated the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine Balfour Declaration

  27. Daily Double! As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered.If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!

  28. Daily Double! As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered.If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!

  29. “Double Jeopardy” Chapter 4.4-6 The Second Industrial Revolution

  30. Topic 1: 2 points a policy of rigid segregation Apartheid

  31. Topic 1: 4 points Turkish peninsula between the Black sea and the Mediterranean Sea Asia Minor or Anatolia

  32. Topic 1: 6 points Franklin D. Roosevelt’s pledge to lessen US interference in the affairs of Latin America Good Neighbor Policy

  33. Topic 1: 8 points Chinese students and military officers trained by the Soviet Union to be the elite leaders of a Chinese communist revolution Vanguard

  34. Topic 1: 10 points nonviolence and reverence for all life Ahimsa

  35. Topic 2: 2 points American philosopher Henry David Thoreau influenced him through his ideas on civil disobedience. Mahatma Gandhi

  36. Topic 2: 4 points A major turning point in the Indian independence movement was when hundreds of peaceful protesters were killed by British soldiers here Amritsar

  37. Topic 2: 6 points Mohandas Gandhi’s led this to protest new British taxes Salt March

  38. Topic 2: 8 points Gandhi’s philosophy reflected this Americanphilosopher’s ideas about civil disobedience Henry David Thoreau

  39. Topic 2: 10 points In 1939, the outbreak of this war outraged Indian leaders because Britain postponed Indian independence World War II

  40. Topic 3: 2 points The Nationalist party that established a government in south China Guomingdang

  41. Topic 3: 4 points sought to make China a Japanese protectorate. Twenty-One Demands

  42. Topic 3: 6 points Student protests in response, student protests erupted in to the signing of the Twenty One Demands May Fourth Movement

  43. Topic 3: 8 points As a result of his efforts to rebuild China based on the “Three Principles of the People,” he had to step down, and China fell into chaos Sun Yixain

  44. Topic 3: 10 points This war in n 1927 united the Guomindang and Communists. The Second Sino-Japanese War

  45. Topic 4: 2 points The type of government in Japan in the 1920s Democracy (Constitutional Monarchy)

  46. Topic 4: 4 points In 1931, Japanese seized this Chinese province Manchuria

  47. Topic 4: 6 points Japan’s emperor who reigned from 1926 to 1989—an astonishing 63 years. Hirohito

  48. Topic 4: 8 points Extreme nationalists who condemnedpoliticians for agreeing to Western demands to stop overseas expansion. Ultranationalists

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