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CSCI 3328 Object Oriented Programming in C# Chapter 3: Introduction to Classes and Objects

Learn about objects, classes, and object-oriented programming in C#. Understand attributes, behaviors, and interactions of objects. Explore class declarations and basic programming concepts.

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CSCI 3328 Object Oriented Programming in C# Chapter 3: Introduction to Classes and Objects

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  1. CSCI 3328 Object Oriented Programming in C# Chapter 3: Introduction to Classes and Objects Xiang Lian The University of Texas – Pan American Edinburg, TX 78539 lianx@utpa.edu

  2. Objectives • In this chapter, you will • Become aware of reasons for using objects and classes • Become familiar with classes and objects

  3. Introduction • The book uses car analogy • We humans are very good in recognizing and working with objects, such as a pen, a dog, or a human being • We learned to categorize them in such a way that make sense to us. We may categorize them as animate object, inanimate objects, pets, friends, etc.

  4. Introduction (cont'd) • We some times classify objects based on their attributes, for example, green apples or red apples, fat or slim people, etc. • If you think about it each object has many attributes. If I ask you list the attributes of an orange, you probably could list many things such as color, shape, weight, smell, etc.

  5. Introduction (cont'd) • In addition to attributes, all objects exhibit behaviors • A dog eats, barks, wags its tail, plays, and begs • A dog exhibits many more other behaviors than this short list • Another thing we need to remember about objects is that objects interact between each other

  6. Objects • Objects are packages that contain data and functions (methods) that can be performed on the data

  7. Objects (cont'd) • Data could be considered to be attributes and functions are considered to be behaviors of the object • We can say that the attributes and behaviors are encapsulated into an object

  8. Objects (cont'd) • The objects interact between each other through their interfaces • As an example a date object may have a set of data consisting of month, day and year, and methods consisting of assign date, display date, yesterday and tomorrow

  9. Main Method • Starting point of every application • Console class has many methods including read and write • When using keyboard for input use ReadLine() • You are going to use the Convert class all the time • Get to know this class well

  10. Console.Write and WriteLine • Console.WriteLine(“{0}\n{1}”, “Welcome to”, “C# Programming!”); • Format items are enclosed in curly braces and contain a sequence of characters that tell the method which argument to use and how to format it. • Here, there are two arguments named {0} and {1} • The first argument will be followed by a new line character: \n

  11. Addition Program using System; publicclassAddition { publicstaticvoid Main( string[] args ) { int number1; // declare first number to add int number2; // declare second number to add int sum; // declare sum of number1 and number2 Console.Write( "Enter first integer: " ); // prompt user number1 = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine() ); Console.Write( "Enter second integer: " ); // prompt user number2 = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine() ); sum = number1 + number2; // add numbers Console.WriteLine( "Sum is {0}", sum ); // display sum } // end of function Main } // end of class Addition

  12. Arithmetic Operators • Unary: +, - • Multiplicative: *, /, % • Additive: +, - • Relational operators • > < >= <= • Equality operators • ==, != • Precedence of operators • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6a71f45d.aspx high low

  13. If Statement using System; publicclassComparison { publicstaticvoid Main( string[] args ) { int number1; // declare first number to compare int number2; // declare second number to compare Console.Write( "Enter first integer: " ); number1 = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine() ); Console.Write( "Enter second integer: " ); number2 = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine() ); if ( number1 == number2 ) Console.WriteLine( "{0} == {1}", number1, number2 ); if ( number1 != number2 ) Console.WriteLine( "{0} != {1}", number1, number2 ); if ( number1 < number2 ) Console.WriteLine( "{0} < {1}", number1, number2 ); if ( number1 > number2 ) Console.WriteLine( "{0} > {1}", number1, number2 ); if ( number1 <= number2 ) Console.WriteLine( "{0} <= {1}", number1, number2 ); if ( number1 >= number2 ) Console.WriteLine( "{0} >= {1}", number1, number2 ); } // end Main

  14. A Class is Like a Type • You cannot use a class until an instance (an object) of it is made • A class has properties (attributes) and methods • You can set and get the properties • Attributes are specified by the class’s instance variable • You can perform operations using methods

  15. Example of a Class Declaration using System; publicclassGradeBook { privatestring courseName; // course name for this GradeBook publicstring CourseName // property { get { return courseName; } // end get set { courseName = value;} // end set } // end property CourseName publicvoid DisplayMessage() { // use property CourseName to get the // name of the course that this GradeBook represents Console.WriteLine( "Welcome to the grade book for\n{0}!", CourseName ); // display property CourseName } // end method DisplayMessage } // end class GradeBook • See next slide how to use this class

  16. Using the Class GradeBook using System; publicclassGradeBookTest { publicstaticvoid Main( string[] args ) { GradeBook myGradeBook = new GradeBook(); //object created Console.WriteLine( "Initial course name is: '{0}'\n", myGradeBook.CourseName ); Console.WriteLine( "Please enter the course name:" ); myGradeBook.CourseName = Console.ReadLine(); // set Console.WriteLine(); // output a blank line myGradeBook.DisplayMessage(); } // end Main } // end class GradeBookTest

  17. Setting and Getting Values for Instance Variables • Controlled ways of allowing users to access variables • Usually get and set are made public so others can access them • Private courseName instance and public CourseName property • Note the uppercase/lowercase difference • Properties contain accessors that handle the details of returning and modifying data • After defining the property you can just use = to set it or get it by referring to it such as in read. • C# auto implementsget/set for private instance variables. Example: • publicstring CourseName {get;set;} • You can assign values like: myGradeBook.CourseName = Console.ReadLine();

  18. Value Types vs. Reference Types • Reference type contains the address of the location in memory where the data resides (refer to an object)

  19. Initializing Objects with Constructors • By default, when an object is created, it is initialized to null by default • If we rather have a different value initially, we can use constructors • The “new” operator automatically calls the constructor • See the next two slides for example

  20. GradeBook Class With a Constructor using System; publicclassGradeBook { publicstringCourseName { get; set; } publicGradeBook( string name ) //constructor { CourseName = name; // set CourseName to name } // end constructor publicvoidDisplayMessage() { Console.WriteLine( "Welcome to the grade book for\n{0}!", CourseName); } // end method DisplayMessage } // end class GradeBook

  21. Test the Class using System; publicclassGradeBookTest { publicstaticvoid Main( string[] args ) { GradeBook gradeBook1 = new GradeBook("CS101 Introduction to C# Programming" ); // invokes constructor GradeBook gradeBook2 = new GradeBook("CS102 Data Structures in C#"); // invokes constructor Console.WriteLine( "gradeBook1 course name is: {0}", gradeBook1.CourseName ); Console.WriteLine( "gradeBook2 course name is: {0}", gradeBook2.CourseName ); } // end Main } // end class GradeBookTest

  22. About Some Data Types in C# • Value Types Size (in bits) Range sbyte 8 128 to 127 byte 8 0 to 255 short 16 -32768 to 32767 ushort 16 0 to 65535 int 32 147483648 to 2147483647 uint 32 0 to 4294967295 long 64 -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 ulong 64 0 to 18446744073709551615 char 16 0 to 65535 bool 8 true, false enum types and struct types • Reference types include class types, interface types, delegate types, and array types • Pointer types

  23. Floating-Point Numbers and Decimal • Real numbers can be stored as float, double and decimal • In C#, float and double are treated as double by default • Float and double stores approximation of real numbers in available spaces • Decimal only stores limited range of decimal points precisely • Single precision floating point numbers have seven significant digits, whereas the double gives 15 to 16 significant digits • If you indicate a real number with M such as 18.33M, it will be treated as a decimal number • M stands for money

  24. Example of Decimal Number classProgram { staticvoidMain(string[] args) { decimal x = 3M; Console.WriteLine("{0:C}", x); Console.ReadLine(); } } string format specifier

  25. String Format Specifiers • C or c – Currency • D or d – decimal • X or x – hexadecimal • E or e – scientific notion

  26. Bank Account Example publicclassAccount { privatedecimal balance; // instance variable that stores the balance public Account( decimal initialBalance ) // constructor { Balance = initialBalance; // set balance using property } // end Account constructor publicvoid Credit( decimal amount ) // credit (add) an amount to the account { Balance = Balance + amount; // add amount to balance } // end method Credit publicdecimal Balance // a property to get and set the account balance { get {return balance;} // end get set {if ( value >= 0 ) balance = value; } // end set // validate that value is greater than or equal to 0; } } // end class Account

  27. Create and Manipulate an Account using System; publicclassAccountTest { publicstaticvoid Main( string[] args ) { Account account1 = newAccount( 50.00M ); // create Account object Account account2 = newAccount( -7.53M ); // create Account object Console.WriteLine( "account1 balance: {0:C}", account1.Balance ); // display initial balance of each object using a property Console.WriteLine( "account2 balance: {0:C}\n", account2.Balance ); // display Balance property decimaldepositAmount; // deposit amount read from user Console.Write( "Enter deposit amount for account1: " ); // prompt and obtain user input depositAmount = Convert.ToDecimal( Console.ReadLine() ); Console.WriteLine( "adding {0:C} to account1 balance\n", depositAmount ); account1.Credit( depositAmount ); // add to account1 balance Console.WriteLine( "account1 balance: {0:C}", account1.Balance ); // display balances Console.WriteLine( "account2 balance: {0:C}\n", account2.Balance ); Console.Write( "Enter deposit amount for account2: " ); depositAmount = Convert.ToDecimal( Console.ReadLine() ); Console.WriteLine( "adding {0:C} to account2 balance\n", depositAmount ); account2.Credit( depositAmount ); // add to account2 balance Console.WriteLine( "account1 balance: {0:C}", account1.Balance ); Console.WriteLine( "account2 balance: {0:C}", account2.Balance ); } // end Main } // end class AccountTest

  28. Your Second Assignment • Write a program to calculate an estimate on a paint job. User will enter Price of paint per gallon, and length and height of each wall. Amount of paint needed will be calculated from sqft as well as labor cost. • Create and use classes.

  29. Summary • Class • Constructor • Destructor • Fields • Properties • Methods (events) • Resources: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/0b0thckt(v=vs.80).aspx

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