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Advanced Gas/Oil Well Leak Detection System

Innovative system for precise gas/oil well site coverage. Features automatic calibration, reactive video surveillance, off-site communications, and global access. Ensure safety with Rel-Tek's cutting-edge technology.

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Advanced Gas/Oil Well Leak Detection System

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  1. RTC Safety Technology Center 4185-4189 Old William Penn Highway Monroeville, PA 15146 USA Phone 800-RT-EXACT (800-783-9228) 412-373-6700 Fax 412-373-6703 email <sales@rel-tek.com> Web <rel-tek.com> Ahead, way ahead!

  2. Gas/Oil Well --Leak Detection System Higher-sensitivity NG sensors N-S-E-W gas/oil well site coverage Precision detection, covers all well gases No-maintenance; MagiKal auto-calibrates Reactive video surveillance Solar/Battery powered Off-site communications – WiFi for on site digital network Cell phone, land-line, or 20-mile radio Satellite link (NASA) off-site Global access for Internet and Email Rel-Tek has 36 yrs of NG monitoring technology Supplied sensors to gas well since ‘96 Intrinsic Safety, Class I, Div 1&2 approvals Plus MSHA-approvals assure durability All-weather design; robust components WellBosstm

  3. WellBossTM Gas Detection System • Unique features aid safety and eliminate maintenance cost • Intrinsic Safety Class I, Div 1&2 approvals, NEC permits normal wiring. • Wide-spectrum NG sensors -- methane, ethane, propane, hydrogen • Proven over decades for life support in US coal mines. • Expand system safety by adding toxic and smoke detectors. • Monitors natural gas without the ethane exaggeration with optical sensors. • MagiKal - automatic sensor calibration – Computer scheduled and Cal-Now for 2- years, unattended. • Rel-Tek has the first and only MSHA approval to use auto-cal in mines. • AC plus 100W solar panel; includes ample battery backup. • PLC-Express controller monitors sensors, displays values, detects alarms, transmits messages. • Spot-FireTM flame detectors; can alarm by a candle at 60 ft in broad daylight. • Global communications – land-line, cell, radio, and satellite options; via Internet. WMATA, Wash, DC

  4. Many Types of Rel-Tek Sensors FireBoss NG and ToxiBoss CO sensors Spot-FireTM flame detector SmokeBossTM Optical Density

  5. The Biggest Cost Savings of All ...! Over stating your methane, greenhouse gas emissions is not a good thing. • Rel-Tek’s wide-spectrum GasBoss sensors properly account for all combustible constituents of NG, including methane, ethane, propane and hydrogen -- as they actually contribute to the LEL. There is no over-reaction to ethane. • The “ethane catastrophe” was discovered by the British decades ago… wherein optical sensors inherently overreact to ethane. The world’s coal mines use catalytic bead sensor technology to avoid such errors from optical (NDIR) devices. • Optical (NDIR) sensors widely used on Marcellus gas wells typically over-react to the inevitable ethane content of NG, exaggerating the methane greenhouse gas emission by a factor of 20x. This is due to the huge optical footprint of ethane making just 1% ethane read as 20% methane. • Solution: Eliminate undeserved fines and assessments for ethane-inflated greenhouse gas (methane) emissions. • Total cost savings can be very large figures, even exceeding the initial price.

  6. Side-by Side Testing of NDIR and Cat-Bead Sensors Using Methane with Methane/Ethane Mixtures 2.5% CH4 .25% Ethane 1.875% CH4 .1875% Ethane NDIR Pegged at 96% LEL Ref: 2.5% CH4 No Ethane 1.25% CH4 .125% Ethane .625% CH4 .0625% Ethane Cat-Bead performs perfectly with ethane. NDIR is bizarre -- high/low false alarms Rel-Tek NDIR Optical Blue Red NDIR has +/- 18% transients

  7. Cat-Bead and NDIR Sensors With Low-Level Methane -- Shows 2.2% Noise Masking Used to Enhance NDIR Image One minute Cat-Bead Green % LEL NDIR Blue 2.2% cut-off level for NDIR

  8. Typical Well-Boss Oil/Gas Well Application

  9. WellBossTM – Gas/Oil Well Leak Detection System Saves Lives Saves Money • All good things: • Integrated, stand-alone gas and fire detection system • NFPA approvals for Class I, Divisions 1 and 2, Group B, C and D , as required. • Wide spectrum combustible and toxic hazard coverage – 5% accuracy • No ethane exaggeration; true LEL reaction and alarming for all NG constituents • Includes toxic sensors – CO, plus H2S and SO2 (also UL approved) • Intrinsic safety approvals simplify installation and service – NFPA-70 • Optional TV camera adds off-site video transmission covering any gas or fire alarm. • MagiKal -- Fully automatic monthly calibration utility maintains accuracy at no cost. • Extreme flame detection – one candle at 60 ft test; Immune to sun, lightning, headlights, etc. • Local alarm annunciators – loud warble horn and flashing strobe. • 110VAC and 100W solar power -- two weeks of battery backup, rechargeable. • Off-site communication – data and display via phone or cell • Optional satellite link via secure (NASA) global Internet – On-line to office PC or cell phone • Weatherproof design -- WiFi on-site networking – UL + MSHA approvals • Two years of on-site gas detection operation, unattended, with annual inspection. • Cost savings -- Pays back dividends – recover initial cost in two years or less. • Gas detection hardware and software are made in Monroeville, PA, USA. • Presented at Shale Insight Conference 9/16/2015, Philadelphia, PA by Al Ketler, PE, President 800-783-9228

  10. RTC Safety Technology Center 4185-4189 Old William Penn Highway Monroeville, PA 15146 USA Phone 800-RT-EXACT (800-783-9228) 412-373-6700 Fax 412-373-6703 email <sales@rel-tek.com> Web <rel-tek.com> Ahead, way ahead!

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