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Summary of State Level Nodal Agency meeting discussing approval of previous minutes, action reports, financial achievements, project approvals, and operational clarifications for Integrated Watershed Management Programme projects in Kerala.
Integrated Watershed Management Programme [IWMP] State Level Nodal Agency [S L N A] Meeting 23.08.2013 South Conference Hall, Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram at 2.30 pm KV. Mohankumar, IAS CRD & CEO, SLNA Kerala
Agenda Item No. 1: Approval of the minutes of SLNA meeting held on 13/02/2013 Copies of the minutes of the SLNA meeting held on 13-02-2013 have been forwarded to all members. No comments have been received. The minutes of the meeting is given in Annexure I. The same may be approved.
Agenda Item No. 2ACTION TAKEN REPORT OF THE SLNA MEETIMG HELD ON 13/08/2013 Res. No.1: Posting of Midterm Evaluators Action taken: expression of interest invited from various institutions under Kerala Agricultural University & from National organisations viz; NBSS&LUP Banglore & CSWRTI, Ootty for empanelling as midterm evaluators. List of institutions from whom interest was received (7 institutions) initially was forwarded to DoLR for empanelling as midterm evaluators DoLR had approved the list. Regarding institutions under KAU we are discussing in this meeting as agenda item no-07
Res. No. 2: Hill area status of districts in Kerala Action taken: All districts in Kerala except Idukki and Wayanad are considered as Plain with a unit cost of Rs 12,000/ha. we have already forwarded the list of districts/ taluks/ panchayats falling under Western Ghat region as approved by Planning Commission of India as documents for hill area status of districts in Kerala. The reply from GoI is awaited.
Res. No. 3: Enhancing Financial achievement Action taken: The financial achievement is enhanced from 2.32 crores to 12.7 crores (7.86% to 43.01%) Due to heavy monsoon there is slight delay in implementation of EPA activities A further increase of 80% is expected in 2 months
Res. No.4: Approval of PPRs for Batch IV(2012-13) Action taken: The PPR for projects of Batch IV for an area of 73765ha spread over 12 districts consisting of 93 micro watersheds was presented before the 31ststeering committee meeting held on 22-02-2013 and got cleared. The projects cleared is as follows
Res. No. 5: Approval of DPR Action taken In the last SLNA meeting 14 DPRs were approved. Chairman set a time line for submission of the remaining DPRs of Batch II as 31-3-2013 and Batch III as 30-06-2013. 11 DPRs of Batch II were submitted and scrutinized by Technical Scrutinizing Committee and returned for modification/correction. The Time line fixed for submission of DPR of Batch III projects by DoLR is 31-10-2013. Hence we have given the time line for submission of DPR of Batch III projects as 31-10-2013.
Res. No. 6: Operational clarity for Batch III projects in Idukki District • Action taken • The PIAs of 5 projects of Idukki district under Batch III was SS &SC department • For all the other projects in Kerala, Block Panchayaths are the PIAs. • Based on the demand of MLAs and MPs of Idukki district to change PIAs of projects of Idukki district as Block Panchayts, government had directed SLNA to submit remarks on the issue. • Accordingly the remarks were submitted • Govt. vide letter No.3278/DD1/2013/LSGD dated 26-04-2013 requested DoLR to make necessary modification in the sanction order making Block panchayaths as PIA for the 5 projects in Idukki district. • The reply is awaited.
Res.No.7: Revision of SPSP Action taken: • There were some errors In the SPSP prepared for IWMP in Kerala • Exclusion of potential areas like municipal areas, inclusion of already treated areas, under weightage for clusters etc. • GoI had given direction to revise the SPSP. • In the last SLNA meeting it has been decided to revise the SPSP and entrust the responsibility with either KSLUB or SS&SC department. • The task was entrusted to KSLUB. They have agreed to undertake the work and have placed a proposal for an amount of Rs 3,56,400/- • This is included as Agenda item no6
Res.No.8: Approval of District wise breakup of the area to be treated for 2013-14 Action taken PPR for the projects of 2013-14 was prepared and included in the Agenda item no 4
Res.No.9: Empanelling Mid Term Evaluators Action taken Already covered under resolution No. 10
Res.No.10: Approval of Technical Support Organisations Action taken SLNA had already empanelled 20 TSOs for giving support to PIAs for preparation of DPR. This is quite insufficient for meeting the demands. Hence it has been decided to empanel more TSOs. The search committee had conducted the evaluation for empanelling more NGOs as TSO on 14-08-2013. The action is in progress.
Res.No.11: Inter –Intra transfer of Funds Action taken: DoLR had issued orders (Z-11011/20/2009-PPC dated june 2012) For inter and intra transfer of funds From one project to another or from one batch to another for effective utilisation of funds already released for ongoing IWMP projects. As per the SLNA decision, Rs. 7.75 crores was withdrawn from Batch I&III projects and re allotted to 20 projects of Batch III (phase II) & batch IV
Res.No.12: NWDPRA XI Plan proposal for Rs 4.71 crores under RKVY- ratification in SLNA Action taken SLNA ratified, no further action
Res.No.13: Extension of Pre- IWMP projects Action taken: • There are 28 Pre- IWMP projects sanctioned by DoLR for our state. • DoLR had directed to close the pre-IWMP projects by 31-12-2012. • The PIAs had requested to extend the time limit for closure at least by 6 months in order to complete the implementation. • We have requested GoI for extension of projects. • But GoI had given extension for only one project viz; Chadayamangalam, [III installment received during March 2013 only] • DoLR has directed to send the closure proposal for all the other projects. • Details furnished in annexure XI.
Financial Performance of Batch III (2011-12) Phase II Projects in IWMP
Agenda Item No.4 : Preliminary Project Reports (PPR): Sanction for Watershed Development Projects of Batch V for the year 2013-14 to be submitted to GoI for approval • GoI has allotted physical targets for new projects for 2013-14. • As per the weightage criteria of SPSP the target of the state comes to 60124ha. • The SLNA meeting held on 13-02-2013 decided to follow the weightage criteria to prepare PPR for 60124ha • Details furnished in the next slide
As per weightage criteria , SLNA decided to prepare PPR for 60124ha as follows.
The preparation of Preliminary Project Report has been completed. • During the course of field verification for PPR preparation, several already treated areas, water bodies, roads, buildings etc were excluded. • As per the modifications made, the following is the revised area for 2013-14
The revised area for 2013-14 KSLUB may present the PPRs
Agenda Item No.05: • Approval of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) Submitted by WCDC and Scrutinized by Technical Experts of SLNA. • There is a budget provision of 1% of the total project cost, for DPR preparation • SLNA has received 61watershed development projects under IWMP in 4 batches viz. 2009-10, 2010-112011-12 and 2012-13. • Year wise details of projects approved by GoI is as follows
The following DPRs of Batch II may be approved subject to further modifications if any while scrutinizing by the technical committee. The list of DPRS furnished below:
Agenda Item No.06 • Revision of State Perspective and Strategic Plan (SPSP) • Previous SLNA meeting decided to revise SPSP in order to: • Avoid overlapping/ duplication of already treated area, • For inclusion of certain potential areas which were excluded in the existing SPSP. • KSLUB has placed a proposal for completing the work within 3 months for an amount of Rs 3, 56,400/- as given in the next slide • The expenditure in this regard can be met either from the funds provided under ‘Innovative Projects’ kept by SIRD or from the institutional non recurring grant provided for SLNA for setting up a GIS Lab in the SLDC.
SLNA may take decisions on the following points also. 1. Whether the area included in the foreclosed projects of any watershed development programmes can be taken up under IWMP 2. Whether the area treated 10 years back, in any other watershed development schemes, can be included under IWMP
Agenda Item No.07 Evaluation of Preparatory phase of Projects SLNA held on 13-02-2013, suggested that only government organisations be considered for empanelling as midterm evaluators. We have addressed to all government agencies &institutions The response is very meagre i.e. Only 7 responded. DoLR have empanelled the seven institutions. Kerala Agricultural University agreed to undertake evaluation provided the budget provision for evaluation (1% of the project cost) should be handed over directly from SLNA to the university account We have already engaged CPCRI, Kasargod and Kayamkulam for evaluation of 7 projects Evaluation of all the remaining projects may be entrusted to Kerala Agricultural University by execution of an MoU for evaluation of all projects under IWMP on a comprehensive project mode. SLNA may approve the above proposal.
Agenda Item No.8: • Overlapping of watershed programmes • Certain micro watersheds within the cluster of micro watersheds selected under IWMP is selected for implementation under other watershed development schemes like RIDF, WGDP etc. • This causes difficulty in implementation as well as duplication and overlapping. • To avoid this necessary instruction may be given to concerned agencies • The SLNA may take a suitable decision.
Agenda Item No.9 : Time line for III and IV Batch A time line for implementation of Batch III and IV is prepared The time line may be approved
Agenda Item no 10 • Extension of GIS support to SLNA • As per the decision of SLNA meeting held on 16-6-2012, GIS support for SLNA was given by KSLUB. • As per the MoU signed the support was for a period of one year and it expires on 28-11-2013. • Hence decision may be taken to extend the GIS support for a further period of one more year.
Agenda Item No 11 Capacity Building Plan of SLNA Capacity Building has budget provision of 5% of project cost. A capacity building plan for the IWMP projects in Kerala is prepared (Annexure V) The same may be approved.
Agenda Item No 12 Entrusting of WDT/WCDC with the task of DPR Preperation. In the quarterly review meeting held at the MoRD in New Delhi on 2/08/2013 it has been suggested that in the event of all WCDC/WDT experts are positioned in Kerala, the state can impart adequate technical training to the experts and entrust them with the task of preparation of DPR as per the instructions already issued under para 51 of Common Guidelines. A decision may be taken to entrust WDT/WCDC with the task of DPR preparation from next batch onwards. A series of trainings can be organised with the technical support of SIRD, Kottarakkara, CWRDM, Kozhikode and IWDMK, Chadayamangalam etc. -Submitting this proposal for the resolution of this committee.
Agenda Item No 13 Institutional Grant As per G.O.(MS)No.141/2010 dated.3/7/2010 and G.O.(Rt)NO.1000/2013/LSGD dated,16/04/2013 Government have accorded sanction for the creation of 10 posts in SLNA and 42 post in WCDCS. 8 posts in SLNA and 33 posts in WCDCs are filled up. Action is being taken to fill up the remaining posts. Annual requirement for meeting the establishment expenditure of SLNA and WCDCs comes to Rs.243.50 lakh. DOLR has released only an amount of Rs.76.20 lakh as Intuitional Grant to our State. Proposals along with Audit statement and Utilization Certificate have already been submitted to DOLR for releasing 2nd instalment of Institutional Grant. At present no funds are available in SLNA for releasing funds to WCDCs for paying the salary of their staff. Hence as a temporary measure, the interest in Programme Fund may be re appropriated for the above purpose and the same may be recouped as and when the funds is received from DOLR. Details of annual requirement are enclosed as Annexure VI. Sanction may be accorded for re appropriating the interest of programme fund for paying salary.
Social mapping and PRA exerciese at Chirayinkeezhu watershed, Thiruvanathapuram district - IWMP-II/2011-12
Baseline survey- Erattupettah watershed, Kottayam district- IWMP 1/2010-11
Drainage survey- Erattupettah watershed, Kottayam district- IWMP 1/2010-11
Transect walk Champakkulam, Alappuzha- IWMP 1/2010-11 IWMP Payyannur, Kannur- IWMP 1/2010-11
PRA Exercise IWMP Payyannur, Kannur- IWMP 1/2010-11