Facts About…Coffee The World of Coffee employs more than 25 million people, most of them in Third World countries, who grow, harvest and process the beans prior to shipping. AboutCoffees.com
Facts About…Coffee Roasted coffee gives off twice its weight in CO2, a process called de-gassing. The valve in coffee bags allows this gas to escape so the package does not explode. With no valve, coffee cannot be packaged until it is already partially stale. AboutCoffees.com
Facts About…Coffee In its early days, coffee was most frequently thought of as a form of medicine. It was readily accepted as a stimulant and as a cure for digestive problems. AboutCoffees.com
Facts About…Coffee It was also used to keep devoted Muslims alert during their long hours of prayer. AboutCoffees.com
Facts About…Coffee There are 2,000 known substances contained within each coffee bean, including over 800 flavor oils. Upon roasting, these oils are responsible for all of coffee's great taste and aroma. AboutCoffees.com
Facts About…Coffee In 1776, the Green Dragon Coffeehouse was the headquarters for rebels fighting in the American Revolution. In 1789, Café le Foy is used by freedom fighters to stage the Storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution. AboutCoffees.com
Facts About…Coffee Like peanuts, coffee beans usually grow in facing pairs which are covered with a tough-skinned parchment. The individual beans are covered by a silver skin resembling tissue paper. AboutCoffees.com
Facts About…Coffee Analysts say that there were 5 billion K-Cups were sold in the U.S. this year. AboutCoffees.com