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Natural History Meets Culture

Explore the rich intersection of natural history and culture with the Europeana Enrichment Layer. Access over 1 million objects and enrich metadata with common names, SKOS format, and integration via Pentaho Kettle software.

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Natural History Meets Culture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Natural History Meets Culture Koller Wolfgang, Rainer Heimo NHM Wien open-up.eu

  2. GBIF Harvesting and Indexing Toolkit • local BioCase provider software (BPS) • 20 individual providers • 1.038.806 objects availabel on Europeana • ~1.500.000 objects for current harvest • Mapping for ABCD and ABCD/EFG

  3. Restricted/Unrestricted • complete mapping for data • switch on provider level • 10 elements / 25 elements

  4. Enrichment Layer • currently only common names • SKOS format for EDM • integration via Pentaho Kettle

  5. Enrichment Layer – How does it work? • OpenRefine Reconciliation Service API • send scientific name to common names service • receive response in EDM compatible SKOS • integrate response into metadata • provide everything to Europeana

  6. Enrichment Layer – How does it look like? • Don‘t know yet!

  7. OAI-PMH • Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting • used by Europeana to harvest data • REST based protocol • envelope for actual data • data can be in arbitrary format

  8. In practice?

  9. Questions?

  10. References • http://www.europeana.eu/portal/search.html?rows=24&qf=PROVIDER:OpenUp! • http://open-up.cybertaxonomy.africamuseum.be/ • http://www.biocase.org/ • http://openup.nhm-wien.ac.at/commonNames/ • http://kettle.pentaho.com/ • http://code.google.com/p/gbif-indexingtoolkit/ • http://www.openarchives.org/pmh/

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