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Explore the alliances of key nations during WWI, including Central Powers, Allies, and Neutral Nations. Discover the roles of countries like Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Ottoman Empire, and more.
Key Allies Central Powers Neutral Nations
Key Allies Central Powers Neutral Nations Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Neutral Nations Austria-Hungary Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Neutral Nations Belgium Austria-Hungary Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Neutral Nations Belgium Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Belgium Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Belgium France Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Albania (French Controlled Africa)
Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Germany Belgium France Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Albania
Key (controlled by Great Britain) Allies Central Powers Denmark Great Britain Neutral Nations Germany Belgium France Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Albania (controlled by Great Britain)
Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Great Britain Germany Belgium France Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Greece Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Great Britain Germany Belgium France Austria-Hungary Italy Bulgaria Greece Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Great Britain Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Bulgaria Greece Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Great Britain Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Bulgaria Greece Albania
Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Netherlands Neutral Nations Great Britain Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Bulgaria Greece Albania
Norway Key Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Bulgaria Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Germany Belgium Luxembourg Portugal France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Romania Portugal Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Russia Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Romania Portugal Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Russia Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Romania Portugal Serbia Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Russia Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Romania Portugal Spain Bulgaria Serbia Ottoman Empire Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Sweden Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Russia Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Romania Portugal Spain Bulgaria Serbia Ottoman Empire Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Sweden Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Russia Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Switzerland Austria-Hungary Italy Montenegro Romania Portugal Spain Serbia Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Greece Albania
Key Norway Allies Sweden Central Powers Denmark Neutral Nations Netherlands Great Britain Russia Germany Belgium Luxembourg France Austria-Hungary Switz. Italy Montenegro Romania Portugal Spain Serbia Bulgaria Ottoman Empire Greece Albania