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Gymnázium - Sobrance

Gymnázium - Sobrance. Road Safety Challenge 2014. The time has come when 18 legends from Slovakia could enroll on a list of winners !. That´s us . The origin of the idea.

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Gymnázium - Sobrance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gymnázium - Sobrance RoadSafetyChallenge 2014

  2. Thetime has comewhen 18 legendsfrom Slovakia couldenroll on a list ofwinners!

  3. That´sus

  4. Theoriginofthe idea Itallbegan on theRussianlanguagelessonwhenourteacher had an idea to take part in a project, sinceourschool had notparticipated in a projectbefore. Wedecided to changeit and ourclassdecided to take part in thisprojectwhichinterested us asfirst.

  5. We are beginning! Aftertheinitiativewegotmoving and wegotourbraincellsworking. Wewerethinkingabouthow to prepare a programme so thatouryoungerstudentswould get the most ofit. Wefoundoutthatonelearnsbest by theirownmistakes and wedecided to make a short video abouthow to behave on roads and how to takebettercare.

  6. Nobodyisperfect! • Beforewecouldteachthemsomethingabouttheroadsafety, we had to get better in ourknowledgeofthetopic, so wewatched a video called “How to behave on roads in differentsituations“. • Welearnt a lotofthingstoo so thatwecouldpass on theknowledge to theyoungeststudents.

  7. Watchingthe video

  8. Afterenrichingourknowledge, wewentintothestreets to make a video abouthow to behave and how to respectoneanother on roads.

  9. Connectinggoodwithuseful! Thetimecamewhenwetaughtouryoungeststudents by ourown video abouthow to cross a roadcorrectly, because a lotofroadaccidentshappen on pedestriancrossings. For a littlepractice, weaskedthem to helpuswithcreationofroadsignsforour big plan...

  10. Connectinggoodwithuseful

  11. ...and hereitis! Thebest part camewhichwewerelookingforward to. To findoutwhetherthecitizensof Sobrance and thestudentsofoursecondaryschoolweresatisfiedwiththeroadsituation in ourtown, wewentintothestreets to askthemthreeshortquestions.

  12. A survey

  13. And whatistheoutcome? • Do you miss trafficlights in ourtown? 37 outof 57 respondentssaidyes. • Do youthinkthatitisnecessary to improveroadmarking? Wefoundoutthat 48 respondentsoutof 57 are notsatisfiedwithit. • Istheeveninglighting in ourtownsufficient? Theopinionpollshowsthat more than 50 per cent oftherespondents are satisfiedwithit.

  14. Preparationfinalization

  15. A surveyatschool

  16. Officialmembership To makeouryoungeststudentsofficialmembersofourproject, wemadebadgeswiththe logo ofourproject. Theywereverypleased and they had a betterfeelingaboutthisproject and more willing to help and cooperate.

  17. Our logo 

  18. Thebest part ofourproject In the end wetookourprimaclassstudents to thetrafficplaygroundwhereweputourtheoreticalknowledgeintopractice. Weshowedthem a numberofroadsituationswheretheycouldlearnhow to react in reallife, mainlyhow to givefirstaidafteran accident. Wehopethatwetaughtthemgreatersafety, whichwastheaimofourproject.

  19. Theory in practice

  20. Wewouldlike to expressourthanksto... • ourRussianlanguageteacherespeciallyforgivingusthe idea oftaking part in thisproject, • ourEnglishlanguageteacherforhelpingwithtranslatingofthisprojectintotheEnglishlanguage, • alsothewholeprimaclasswithoutwhomthisprojectwouldn´texist, • lastbutnotleast, ourclassteacherforwillingness and readiness to helpusrealizethisproject.

  21. Withregards,Us...

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