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Blood Bingo

Blood Bingo. Unit 5 Review. Questions 1-3. A bloodstain pattern created when an object moves through an existing stain, removing and/or altering its appearance This blood type contain Rh factor and has anti-B antibodies

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Blood Bingo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blood Bingo Unit 5 Review

  2. Questions 1-3 • A bloodstain pattern created when an object moves through an existing stain, removing and/or altering its appearance • This blood type contain Rh factor and has anti-B antibodies • This substance aids in blood clotting and the repair of damaged blood vessels

  3. Questions 4 & 5 • This protein is carried on blood cells. If a person doesn’t have it, they are said to have a “negative” blood type • These fight disease and foreign invaders and, alone, contain cell nuclei.

  4. Question 6

  5. Question 7 & 8 • A gun shot wound would create this type of blood spatter • A bloodstain pattern created when blood is released or thrown from a blood-bearing object

  6. Question 9

  7. Question 10-12 • These carry oxygen to the body’s cells and carbon dioxide away. • This blood type clumps when you add anti-A, anti-B, and anti-Rh serum • This pattern indicates that a person or object was in the way of the blood spatter and was later moved

  8. Question 13

  9. Question 14-16 • This carries cells and plasma • To find this you use sin-1(width/length) • When blood falls from a height or at a high velocity, it can overcome its natural cohesiveness and form_______ which separate completely from the blood drop

  10. Question 17 & 18 • These straight lines down the axis of blood spatters show where the blood originated • The blood type clumps with anti-B serum, but not with anti-A or anti-Rh serum

  11. Question 19

  12. Question 20

  13. Question 21-24 • A bloodstain pattern created when a volume of blood has been absorbed by an object • The fluid with hormones, clotting factors, and nutrients • This blood type will not clump with the anti-A, anti-B, or anti-Rh serum • A bloodstain pattern created when a source of blood remains stationary over a surface causing an accumulation of blood

  14. Question 25

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