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SOCIAL SCIENCE III . FEUDALISM. FEUDALISM. BACKGROUND SOCIAL PYRAMID MANORIALISM KNIGHTS AND CHIVALRY. BACKGROUND. Widespread disorder Suffering Western Europeans lived in constant danger People no longer trusted a central ruler for security.

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  3. BACKGROUND • Widespread disorder • Suffering • Western Europeans lived in constant danger • People no longer trusted a central ruler for security. • Leaders who could fight the invaders attracted followers and gained political strength MEDIEVAL EUROPE MAGYARS VIKINGS MUSLIMS

  4. FEUDALISM • ROLLO • Head of a Viking Army • Plundered the rich Seine River valley for years. • CHARLES THE SIMPLE • King of France • Held little power.

  5. FEUDALISM • Feudalism is a system of governing and landholding that emerged in Europe, China, and Japan. • China – Zhou dynasty • Japan- 1192 until the end of the 19th century. • Depended on the control of the land. • Feudalism is based primarily on mutual obligations. • Lord, fief, vassal


  7. MANOR

  8. FEUDALISM: ECONOMIC SIDE • Manors • Lords’s estates • Self-sufficient communities • Rested on the set of rights and obligations between a lord and his serfs. • HOUSING • GIVING OF STRIPS OF FARMLAND • PROTECTION • TENDED THE LANDS • CARED FOR THE ANIMALS • PERFORMED TASKS TO MAINTAIN THE ESTATE

  9. HARSH LIFE IN THE MANORPliers Plowman by William Langland 1362 • Serfs endured the harshness of their condition for they believed that God determined a person’s place in society.

  10. HARSH LIFE IN THE MANORPliers Plowman by William Langland 1362 • “What by spinning they save, they spend it in house-hire, • Both in milk and in meal to make a mess of porridge, • To cheer up their children who chafe for their food, • And they themselves suffer surely much hunger, • And woe in the winter, with waking at nights • And rising to rock an oft restless cradle.” • Serfs endured the harshness of their condition for they believed that God determined a person’s place in society.

  11. KNIGHTS AND CHIVALRY • BACKGROUND: • Western Europe saw a number of warring nobles vying for power or supremacy. • Feudal Lords + private armies = PROTECTION • Knights were rewarded with fiefs in exchange of the protection

  12. HOW TO BECOME A KNIGHT • FIRST : PAGE • Starts usually at the age 0f 7 • Parents sending him off to the castle of another lord • Waited on his hosts; learned courtly manners • Learn war strategies • Develop fighting skills: SWORDPLAY/SWORD FIGHTING • SECOND: SQUIRE • Acted as a servant to a knight • Normally starts at the age of 14 • Took care of the weapons, armor, warhorse, • Escorted knights to battles • THIRD: KNIGHT • At around 21 • “In the name of God, St. Michael, and St. George, I dub thee knight. Be valiant!”

  13. WHAT IS CHIVALRY? • Chivalry • A complex set of ideals which demanded the knight to BRAVELY DEFEND HIS THREE MASTERS (feudal lord, heavenly Lord, chosen lady). • Being loyal, brave, and courteous • Cowardly knight – faced public shame (a mock funeral service usually was done to these knights)


  15. ASSIGNMENT • Write a 5-line song on either of the following themes: happiness, heartbreaks, devoted or unfaithful lovers, trust, and jealousy. Random calling. Be prepared to share in class.

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