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iab.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

Online Advertising Landscape Overview September 2010. www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry. 2010. Interactive continues to grow despite economic instability Consumers increasingly embracing digital media in all forms

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iab.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

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  1. Online Advertising Landscape Overview September 2010 www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  2. 2010 • Interactive continues to grow despite economic instability • Consumers increasingly embracing digital media in all forms • Share shift by marketers from offline to online to tap into the variety, reach, targetability, & effectiveness of interactive media • Emerging platforms provide new opportunities for marketers to engage and learn from their customers www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  3. Source: Nielsen Media Panorama Survey Q1-Q4 2009 Base for Access to Internet: All people 10+ (3,680,000) Base for Access to Broadband: People with Internet access from home (2,792,000) www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  4. 1.4 million New Zealanders shopping online The number of kiwis shopping online has reached an all-time high with over 1.4 million New Zealanders making a purchase on the internet in the past 12 months Source : Nielsen 2010 Online Retail Report www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  5. Media Consumption The Internet has around 82%* of all media consumption in NZ Users are showing huge growth in internet engagement compared with other media *Source: Roy Morgan Research's annual NZ Media Trends 2009 www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  6. Broadband penetration has grown Source: Nielsen Media Panorama Survey (January –December 2009) Base: People who have access to Internet at home (2,792,000) www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  7. Internet Access over Time by Location Source: Nielsen Media Panorama Survey (January -December 2009) Base: People who have accessed Internet in the last 4 Weeks (2,939,000) (Categories in this figure are not mutually exclusive: multiple answers) www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  8. Internet Use per Week (excluding email) Regular Internet users from both home & work spend over 9 hours per week on the net Only work or home users spend around 7 hours browsing the web NOL Market Intelligence data – approx 13 hours per week spent browsing NZ sites Source: Nielsen Panorama Survey (January - July 2009) Base: People who have accessed Internet in the last 4 Weeks (2,918,000) www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  9. Online ad spend continues to grow www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  10. Top 20 NZ ad spenders in 2009 www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  11. The Digital Media Mix www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  12. Display led the way in Q2 www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  13. Drivers of Interactive Ad Growth include rising broadband penetration www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  14. We have so many options for entertainment and communication1975 - 2009 www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  15. Social Kiwis • 34% want companies to actively interact with them through social media • 51% want companies to interact with them when needed by request • 41% would like companies to solicit feedback • 56% say they feel more engaged with companies that interact on social media • 57% say that as consumers they feel better served by socially engaged companies Source: Saatchi & Saatchi and Colmar Brunton Social Networking Survey www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  16. % of SocialNetworkUsers in NZ Source: Saatchi & Saatchi and Colmar Brunton Social Networking Survey www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  17. Facebook • 75% of New Zealanders aged 15 to 39 years use the site, that's 1.67 million active users • 26% are aged 18 to 24 • 24% are aged 25 to 35 • 36% are over 35, the fastest-growing age group Source: Saatchi & Saatchi and Colmar Brunton Social Networking Survey www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  18. i… Source: The Nielsen Company US www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

  19. The IAB represents New Zealand's fast-growing, exciting and dynamic interactive advertising industry www.iab.org.nz Twitter.com/IABNewZealand www.iab.org.nz representing NZ's fastest growing and exciting industry

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