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SCHE in Flanders: workshop

SCHE in Flanders: workshop. Liesbeth Hens Department of Education and Training Higher Education and Adult Education Policy Unit liesbeth.hens@ond.vlaanderen.be. Place of SCHE in education? . Higher education? Adult education? Second chance? Second choice? . HE in Flanders ? . PhD.

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SCHE in Flanders: workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SCHE in Flanders: workshop Liesbeth Hens Department of Education and Training Higher Education and Adult Education Policy Unit liesbeth.hens@ond.vlaanderen.be

  2. Place of SCHE in education? • Higher education? • Adult education? • Second chance? • Second choice?

  3. HE in Flanders? PhD master after master Master bridging program preparatory program bachelor after bachelor Professional bachelor Academic bachelor TE AD

  4. Associate degree in Flanders ° decree 30/04/2009 90-120 ECTS Higher education degree Centers for adult education, university colleges or ex. Secondary schools (nursing) Focus on flow into labor markets and into further higher education

  5. Why do we have SCHE programs? • Labor market needs? • Educational needs? • International needs?

  6. Why?

  7. Why?

  8. Why?

  9. Why?

  10. Goals for SCHE • To proceed in higher education? • To train workforce? • To educate 18 year olds? • To give work force new chances? • To solve a problem? • To create new opportunities?

  11. Goals To reflect the evolution in the labor market To show the value of the diploma’s Climb the educational ladder To improve the transfer form SE to HE

  12. Target groups of HBO5 • Broad target group: • Secondary school leavers • Unemployed looking for re-orientation towards the labor market • Employed looking for a new opportunity, both personal and professional development

  13. Link with labor market • Interaction? • Steering? • Independent?

  14. NQF Educational qualifications are complete and ranked sets of competences which are necessary to function and participate in society, with which further studies in secondary or higher education can be undertaken or professional activities can be performed.

  15. NQF Professional qualifications are complete and ranked sets of competences with which a profession can be exercised.

  16. System professional qualifications dossier Educational qualification Professional competencyprofile Education programs Labor market Education

  17. Procedure: 5 step scheme • Development of a professional competency profile: labor market actors under coordination of the SERV • Professional competency profile is the reference framework for developing a professional qualifications dossier (with labour market relevance)  Enumeration of competences necessary for the exercise of the profession  Competences are described in terms of learning outcomes

  18. Procedure: 5 step scheme • Professional qualifications dossier is validated and scaled according the NQF levels • Alignment method based on descriptor elements • Qualitative component: scores for 8 descriptors • Quantitative weighting model

  19. Procedure: 5 step scheme • Educational qualification level 5: combination of one or several professional qualifications of level 5 Taking into account • Teaching periods • (Potential) in- and outflows • Labour market or social relevance • Financial and material resources • … • Educational qualifications are the learning outcomes of level 5 education programmes. Knowing this, institutions can apply to organise level 5 programmes.

  20. Future challenges? • New policy plans AD • Joint programs, joint degree • Larger centers for adult education • Renew procedures for QA and installation of new programs • funding • … Make plans a reality

  21. Thomas Bernstrand

  22. And you? • What do you take home from this seminar so far? • What is your SCHE struggling with? • What surprised you? • What was the best/ worst you’ve heard today?

  23. Policy advice to EC • What advice would you give to the EC? • What should/could they do to improve SCHE? • Do we need networks? Joint work on….? Who should be there?

  24. Thank you Liesbeth Hens Department of Education and Training Higher Education and Adult Education Policy Unit liesbeth.hens@ond.vlaanderen.be

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