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Studies In Ecclesiastes. Presentation 12. In The Service Of God Chapter 11v1-6. Presentation 12. Introduction.
Studies In Ecclesiastes Presentation 12
In The Service Of God Chapter 11v1-6 Presentation 12
Introduction In our last study we examined the subject of service in God’s kingdom and in answer to the very subjective question, 'What’s in it for me?', we answered ‘joy and freedom’. In the passage before us now [11v1-6] we are pointed to what might be described as the objective results of such service. Presentation 12
The Principle Of Giving In v1-2 the writer uses a trading analogy implying that just as a trader sends out his wealth to other lands in trading ships and in due time receives the dividend of his investment, so too in God’s service we must not hold on, or hold back. The day may come when we'll lose it all anyway. Its blunt advice on letting go of what we have. But what is the truth that he’s attempting to strike home to our hearts? It is this, that the life of faith can be described in terms of giving. Presentation 12
The Principle Of Giving Salvation rests upon giving. Not upon what we give to God but what he gives to us. That is a shocking discovery to those who have for years thought that by maintaining a standard of morality, and seeking to do their best they could earn salvation or contribute towards. Now once a person becomes a Christian through this principle of God freely giving, he or she are called to live out their Christian life by exercising exactly the same principle. We who have freely received from God freely give to him. Not just our Sunday offering but the whole of our lives! Christian service is self-giving: our time, our love, our energy, ourselves. And when we have given and given and given we are still ready to give again. Presentation 12
The Principle Of Giving A Christian woman in her 50s was burdened for a new housing scheme that had no church or Sunday school. She and her husband walked 5 miles there and 5 back twice a week in all weathers for more than 15 years, often weary, often wondering what they were accomplishing. Years later they discovered the fruit of their investment as a good number of their young folk became salt and light in their places of work and some entered the Christian ministry and mission field. In self giving that couple ‘cast their bread upon the water and after many….’ Presentation 12
The Principle Of Giving This passage exhorts us to launch into the deep. Nothing significant is ever accomplished by those who are overly cautious and who see ahead only a plethora of pitfalls and dangers. It is better to launch out and fail, than to hug ones resources to oneself. On a number of occasions Jesus famously said, "Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever will lose his life for me will find it.“ Matt 16.25 Presentation 12
The Principle Of Giving The man who holds on and refuses to give himself to God and to his service may think he is keeping himself safe but he is tragically mistaken. We might ask, ‘Is God not asking a bit much of us?’ The answer is found at the cross, “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life” John 3.16. Is God calling you to give yourself to his work? If so then honestly ask, ‘Am I clinging on to my life or am I ready to let go?’ Presentation 12
Hindrances To Progress You may be familiar with Beethoven's pastoral symphony and have been able to visualise the darkening storm clouds, torrential rain and the crash of falling trees. The unpredictability of nature over which we have no control is the picture in v3. Clouds follow their own laws. Trees consult no one’s convenience before they fall down. Now such unpredictable events can produce a “WHAT IF” mentality, “what if church numbers decrease… more children don’t come to Sunday-school….”We can allow ourselves to become paralysed by the uncertainty of what lies around the corner. Presentation 12
Hindrances To Progress Now look at v4 "Whoever watches the wind will not plant whoever looks at the clouds will not reap". Few great enterprises have waited for ideal conditions. People say, ‘We need to wait for more favourable conditions before involving ourselves in Christian service. I'm too busy courting, I'm too busy with my new marriage, young children, awkward adolescents, responsibility at work, arranging for my retirement, taking care of the grandchildren, reflecting on the business of my life’. We can easily convince ourselves to wait for a more convenient season. Presentation 12
Hindrances To Progress On one occasion Paul appeared on trial before Felix the Roman governor and encouraged him to enter the kingdom of God and set out on the path of Christian service. How did Felix reply? "That's enough for now when I find it convenient I will send for you." Acts 24.25. But he never did send for Paul again. Paul was in his prison for two more years but that ‘convenient occasion’ never came! Presentation 12
Hindrances To Progress As we try to find watertight excuses for postponing Christian service Jesus probes them one by one and the water rushes in. Do you remember the enthusiastic hearer who told Jesus he would be a disciple after he had buried his father? Jesus gave this strange reply, "Let the dead bury their dead”. Matt.8v22.Does that sound harsh? We need to understand that the man’s father hadn't yet died. It was unlikely that he was even ill. What the man was saying was, "discipleship's not convenient just now I've got family responsibilities to attend to". But then there would be another excuse and then another. Jesus would be the first to encourage us to take family responsibility seriously but we must beware of using it as an excuse for refusing Christian service. Presentation 12
Supernatural Element In Service Our attention is drawn to the supernatural element in Christian service in v5 “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” There has been an on-going debate in the area of abortion for many years, centering upon when exactly life begins in the womb. No one seems to be absolutely certain. The simple observation made here is that life comes to the foetus as an act of God, and as such there is an element of mystery connected to it. Presentation 12
Supernatural Element In Service Jesus developed and expounded v5 to a religious leader called Nicodemus who wanted to know how to enter the kingdom of heaven. He was told that what he needed was the miracle of a new birth. John 3v1ff… He needed spiritual life breathed into him and was told that only God could do that. Now the God who breathes spiritual life into our hearts is the same God who bestows spiritual power. Without God’s Spirit and enabling we can accomplish nothing that will last. You will remember Jesus words to his disciples, ‘without me you can do NOTHING’ John 15.5 Presentation 12
Supernatural Element In Service How does God empower us spiritually speaking? His empowering is received as we come humbly before him, admit our need and open our life to him. This spiritual dimension baffles a great many people. We do not understand where wind comes from but it doesn't stop us from sailing. We do not understand when child in womb becomes person but it doesn't prevent us from having children. We do not understand the hidden work of God but that does not mean that it is not real or that his empowering is imaginary. Presentation 12
Supernatural Element In Service That said, we must not become discouraged when we do not see the results we would like or have made an effort to speak to someone but there was no response, or we have prayed for a neighbour or friend and nothing seems to happen that day or week. This brings us round full circle. Bread cast upon the water will return after many days. We do not understand much of God's working but that should not discourage us from playing our part in it. Presentation 12
Involvement In The Work Get involved! That’s the message of v6 “Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, or you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.” Business friends tell me that the business that stands still is the business that is stagnating. Are we standing still as a church and as a result in danger of stagnating? We have something worth communicating. The Lord of the church says, ‘Go’. This was Jesus’ commission to his church, “Go out into the world with the message of my grace, love and forgiveness. Win men and women for the kingdom. GO, GO, GO.” Presentation 12
Involvement In The Work When we ignore this command we cease to be the church. We may have buildings, a choir, a minister but if we are not sowing - sharing the gospel we are impostors. We are not the church. There are many ways in which we can fulfil Christ's command but that shouldn't blind us to the fact that we could and should be doing more. You say, "We tried in the past with little effect". The true response to discouragement and uncertainty is a redoubling of effort, making the most of the time, being ‘urgent in season and out of season’. As we engage in ventures of faith we must water that work by prayer and look to the Lord of the harvest to give the increase. Presentation 12
Conclusion The call to service in these verses carries no thought of faltering. It is not built on bravado or irresponsibility but on the optimism of faith. The secular man looks out on the world asks, ‘What’s it all about?’ and concludes, ‘What’s the use?’ The man of faith faces difficulties realistically and gives himself unstintingly to the work only because he looks to the Lord of the harvest to work in men’s hearts. And because he believes that bread cast upon the waters will return after many days he attempts great things for God. How will we respond to God's call? Presentation 12