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Living a Balanced Lifestyle

Living a Balanced Lifestyle. James Keefer Pathways Counseling Services 604 Wilson Street Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401. Wellness – balanced lifestyle. Domains of Wellness 1. Physical 2. Emotional 3. Social 4. Psychological 5. Spiritual. Formula for Happiness. H = S + C + V

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Living a Balanced Lifestyle

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  1. Living a Balanced Lifestyle James Keefer Pathways Counseling Services 604 Wilson Street Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401

  2. Wellness – balanced lifestyle • Domains of Wellness • 1. Physical • 2. Emotional • 3. Social • 4. Psychological • 5. Spiritual

  3. Formula for Happiness • H = S + C + V • Where, H = Happiness • C = Life circumstances of the person • V = The factors under the control of the person • S = The combinations of person’s genes • or biological makeup • Lemley (as cited in Presbury, Ectherling, & McKee). • If we pursue happiness it eludes us - • We find it in the kind of lives we live.

  4. Happiness Continued • Three levels of Happiness • • Pleasure – Sensory based, food, sex, e.g. • • Flow – Becoming fully absorbed in what • we do. • • Meaning - Connecting what we do in • life that is bigger than us • Seligman, 2008 (cited in • Presbury, Echterling, & McKee).

  5. The brain • Counseling can cause actual physical changes in the brain that can lead to new solutions and ways to resolve issues. • Temporal lobes • • Amygdala – emotional • memory • • Hippocampus – Episodic • memory

  6. Flow – engaging in life with a passion • Our emotions play a critical role in the level of our performance – the things that are “magical” for us. • (Changing • Minds)

  7. Physical Wellness • • Exercise 3x a week – 15 -30 minutes • • Use the stairs instead of elevators • • Get good sleep • • Use seat belts – encourage others • • Learn to recognize early signs of illness • • Listen to your body • • Practice safe sex • • Eat breakfast • • Eat a variety of foods • • Stop smoking • • Control meal portions

  8. Social Wellness • • Don’t isolate. • • People with social networks do better under • stress. • • 20% of Americans feel lonely and isolated • during their free time. • • Touching, stroking, and hugging can • improve health – due to vasopressin. • • Laughter is good medicine. • • Cholesterol levels ↑ as human contact ↓

  9. Mental Wellness • Physical activity • Good nutrition • Adequate rest and sleep • Stress reduction • Optimistic attitude, humor, creativity • Optimal medication management • Emotionally rich environment

  10. Get good sleep • Get on a regular schedule • Exercise • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol • Relax before bed • Don’t lie in bed awake • Control your room temperature

  11. Spiritual Concerns • • Spirituality does not have to involve formal • religion. • • Everyone has a personal definition of what • spirituality is. • • Generally it is an awareness of being a part • of something much bigger, e.g. purpose, • existence, sense of unity, wholeness, life, • death, meaning.

  12. References • http://definitionofwellness.com • Presbury, J. H., Echterling, L. G., & McKee, • J. E. (2008). Beyond brief counseling and • therapy. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson. • Yerkes-Dodson Law (nd). Retrieved from • www.changingminds.org

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