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Uno sguardo avanti…. …e oltre… Dicembre 2006 Ezio Andreta

Uno sguardo avanti…. …e oltre… Dicembre 2006 Ezio Andreta. Source: Mitchell Tseng, CIRP. Contribution to Global Output. Shares of World Manufacturing Output by Civilization or Country, 1750-2000 (in percentages. World=100%). Knowledge. 22%. Brain intensive. Knowledge intensive. 20%.

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Uno sguardo avanti…. …e oltre… Dicembre 2006 Ezio Andreta

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  1. Uno sguardo avanti…. …e oltre… Dicembre 2006 Ezio Andreta

  2. Source: Mitchell Tseng, CIRP Contribution to Global Output Shares of World Manufacturing Output by Civilization or Country, 1750-2000 (in percentages. World=100%)

  3. Knowledge 22% Brain intensive Knowledge intensive 20% 18% Technology intensive 16% Capital intensive 14% Labour intensive 12% Ressource intensive 10% 1960 1980 2000 2020 Year

  4. Knowledge 22% Brain intensive Knowledge intensive 20% 100% 18% Technology intensive 16% Capital intensive 14% 50% Labour intensive 12% Ressource intensive 10% 1980 1960 2000 2020 Year

  5. Cancellation of differences between competitors in the resource-based economy (cost-driven) Focus on Added Value products (Added Value products ≠ high-tech products) Increasing role of knowledge (new factor of production) leading to the knowledge-based economy (value-driven) Important discontinuities in: products, production, industrial organisation and people Towards new paradigms: the industrial mutations

  6. The fundamental changes NEW INDUSTRIES (knowledge-based) • Extended enterprise • Network of suppliers • Focus to added value • Quality driven • Brain intensive • Demand/value driven • Simultaneous approach OLD INDUSTRIES (resource-based) • Compact enterprise • Production chain • Mass production • Quantity driven • Resource-intensive • Production/cost driven • Linear approach (Taylorism in production)

  7. Materials containing characteristics and functions of added value products are playing a crucial role in the market allowing producers to address customers’ problems. It is better to be the first to use knowledge than just to produce it . Knowledge-based economy

  8. Governing the changes • Interdisciplinarity • Entrepreneurship • Ethics, health & safety • Information + dialogue • Acceptance • Industries • Universities • Research inst. • Finance • Policy makers • Fiscality • Finance • Patents, IPRs • Norms/regulations • Administrative rules • Demand

  9. Landmarks are disappearing. New ones have to be found. Governance of changes

  10. Extended enterprise model • Objectives… • Increasing flexibility • Reducing tangible investments • …by optimising 4 global Networks • Knowledge production net • Component suppliers net • Assembling net • Demand net

  11. EU attractiveness • Quality of life • Research and innovation

  12. European weaknesses Note: (1) 2000 data (2) 2002 data (3) 2003 data

  13. Attracting Mobile R&D -U.S. rather than Europe… R&D expenditure of foreign affiliates, Average annual growth (in % from € PPS)

  14. Attracting Mobile R&D -…Asia rather than both • Low cost + high tech • Dynamic technology and product markets US overseas R&D expenditure in China, Hong-Kong, Taiwan & Singapore (Million € PPS)

  15. Attracting Researchers Many Graduates – Few Researchers • Mediocre career prospects • Segmented labour markets

  16. Attracting ResearchersOne-way tickets to America • More than wages : Opportunities Foreign Recipients of US Science & Engineering Doctorates with firm plans to stay (%)

  17. Financing TechnologyVenture Capital needs Expansion High-Tech venture capital by stage (per 1000 GDP, 2003) • Lacking technology champions • Also public procurement, loans, etc.

  18. Rivisiting the Lisbon Declaration In order to maintain the present level of welfare, quality of life, sustainable development and social cohesion in EU, strong investments in knowledge are needed! Lines of actions: • More attractiveness • More jobs • More research-innovation

  19. FP7: from ERA towards RTD system Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom

  20. Duration increased from4 to 7 years An overall budget of €50 521 mio (including JRC) New structure: 4 Specific Programmes What’s new in the EC proposal? Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier research People – Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research potential + JRC (Nuclear and non-nuclear) and EURATOM

  21. FP7 2007-2013‘Cooperation’: 10 Themes and budget -Common Position September 06

  22. Instruments in FP7 for supporting research (Cooperation SP) • COOPERATION: Collaborative research (long and applied research) • Networks of Excellence • Coordinated action and Supporting Actions • JETIs • ERANET and ERANET + • INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION

  23. European Technology Platforms Concept: Stakeholders, led by industry, get together to define a Strategic Research Agenda on a number of strategically important issues with high societal relevance where achieving Europe’s future growth, competitiveness and sustainable objectives is dependent upon major research and technological advances in the medium to long term.

  24. European Technology Platforms: follow-up • Majority of Strategic Research Agendas, where appropriate, taken into account in FP7 Themes • Some Strategic Research Agenda elements identified through dialogue with industry could become potential “Joint Technology Initiatives”

  25. In fields of major European public interest Industry driven and wide stakeholder involvement Six topics envisaged at this stage Firmly anchored in Themes of the Cooperation Programme Joint Technology Initiatives: setting-up

  26. Frontier/curiosity-driven research: bottom-up Support to individual teams, to promote excellence through Europe-wide competition Dedicated implementation structure: European Research Council (Executive Agency) Scientific Council: governance (scientific strategy, oversight and guarantee of quality in scientific decision-making) Budget of € 7460 mio SP2 - Ideas

  27. The ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants (ERC Starting Grants): researchers at the stage of establishing and leading their first research team or programme.  First call 2007 The ERC Advanced Investigator Grants (ERC Advanced Grants): population of researchers who have already established themselves as being independent research leaders in their own right. Funding: up to 100% of eligible costs (flat rate 20%) SP2 – Ideas: ERC Grants

  28. SP People– Human Potential Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants Specific actions Excellence awards

  29. SP Capacities – Research Capacity • Research Infrastructures • Research for and by SMEs • Regions of Knowledge • Research Potential • Coherent development of research policies • Specific activities of International Cooperation • Science in Society

  30. Sharing the vision of a new development pattern will lead to developing a strategic agenda and creating critical mass in the long-term

  31. If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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