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Forensics Book 4: Investigating Network Intrusions and Cybercrime. Chapter 5: Investigating DoS Attacks. Objectives. Understand DoS attacks Recognize the indications of a DoS/DDoS attack Understand the different types of DoS attacks Understand DDoS attacks
Forensics Book 4: Investigating Network Intrusions and Cybercrime Chapter 5: Investigating DoS Attacks
Objectives • Understand DoS attacks • Recognize the indications of a DoS/DDoS attack • Understand the different types of DoS attacks • Understand DDoS attacks • Understand the working of a DDoS attack
Objectives (continued) • Understand the classification of a DDoS attack • Detect DoS attacks using Cisco NetFlow • Investigate DoS attacks • Understand the challenges in investigating DoS attacks
Introduction to Investigating DoS Attacks • Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks • Attackers attempt to prevent legitimate users of a service from using it by flooding the network with traffic or disrupting connections • Attacker may target a particular server application or the network as a whole • May also be an effort to interrupt the connection between two machines • Improper use of resources may also create a DoS • DoS attacks can harm the target in terms of time and resources
Indications of a DoS/DDoS Attack • Indications of a DoS/DDoS attack are as follows: • Unusual slowdown of network services • Unavailability of a particular Web site • Dramatic increase in the volume of spam
Types of DoS Attacks • Main types of DoS attacks: • Ping of death • Teardrop • SYN flooding • LAND • Smurf • Fraggle • Snork • OOB attack • Buffer overflow attack • Nuke attack • Reflected attack
Ping of Death Attack • Attacker deliberately sends an ICMP echo packet of more than 65,536 bytes • Attacks are dangerous since the identity of the attacker sending the huge packet could simply be spoofed • Attacker does not have to know anything about the target except its IP address • Several Web sites block ICMP ping messages at their firewalls to avoid this type of DoS attack
Teardrop Attack • Occurs when an attacker sends fragments with overlapping values in their offset fields • Causes the target system to crash when it attempts to reassemble the data • Affects systems that run Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, and Linux up to 2.0.32, causing them to hang, crash, or reboot
SYN Flooding Attack • Occurs when the intruder sends SYN packets (requests) to the host system faster than the system can handle them • A connection is established through a TCP three-way handshake • Intruder transmits large numbers of such SYN requests, producing a TCP SYN flooding attack • Attack works by filling the table reserved for half-open TCP connections in the operating system’s TCP/IP stack
LAND Attack • Attacker sends a fake TCP SYN packet with the same source and destination IP addresses and ports to a host computer • IP address used is the host’s IP address • For this to work, the victim’s network must be unprotected against packets coming from outside with their own IP addresses • Symptoms of a LAND attack depend upon the operating system running on the targeted machine • Because LAND uses spoofed packets to attack, only blocking spoofed packets can prevent it
Smurf Attack • Network-level attack against hosts • Named after the program used to carry it out • Attacker sends a large amount of ICMP echo (ping) traffic to IP broadcast addresses using a spoofed source address matching that of the victim • Generates a large number of echo responses from a single request • Results in a huge network traffic jam, causing the network to crash
Fraggle Attack • UDP variant of the Smurf attack • Attacker sends a large number of UDP ping packets to a list of IP addresses using a spoofed IP address • All of the addressed hosts then send an ICMP echo reply, which may crash the targeted system • Target networks where UDP ports are open and allow unrestricted UDP traffic to bypass firewalls
Snork Attack • UDP packet sent by an attacker consumes 100% of CPU usage on a remote Windows NT machine • If there are several Snork-infected NT systems in a network, they can send echoes to each other • Generating enough network traffic to consume all available bandwidth
OOB Attack • Exploits a bug in Microsoft’s implementation of its IP stack, causing a Windows system to crash • RPC port 135, also known as the NetBIOS Session Service port, is the most susceptible port for these kinds of attacks • When a Windows system receives a data packet with an URGENT flag on, it assumes that the packet will have data with it • In OOB attacks, a virus file has an URGENT flag with no data
Buffer Overflow Attack • Type of attack that sends excessive data to an application • Either brings down the application or forces the data being sent to the application to be run on the host system • Two types of buffer overflow attacks: heap based and stack based
Nuke Attack • Attacker repeatedly sends fragmented or invalid ICMP packets to the target computer using a ping utility • This significantly slows the target computer
Reflected Attack • Involves sending huge amounts of SYN packets, spoofed with the victim’s IP address, to a large number of computers that then respond to those requests • Requested computers reply to the IP address of the target’s system, which results in flooding
DDoS Attack • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack • DoS attack where a large number of compromised systems attack a single target • Attackers first infect multiple systems, called zombies, which are then used to attack a particular target • Use of secondary victims in performing a DDoS attack provides the attacker with the ability to wage a much larger and more disruptive attack
Working of a DDoS Attack Figure 5-1 In a DDoS attack, the attacker first corrupts handlers, which then corrupt zombies, which then attack the victim.
Classification of a DDoS Attack • DDoS attacks can be classified according to: • Degree of automation • Propagation mechanism • Vulnerability being exploited • Rate of attack • Final impact
Classification of a DDoS Attack (continued) Figure 5-2 DDoS attacks are classified based on various criteria.
Classification of a DDoS Attack (continued) • Degree of Automation • Manual attacks • Semiautomatic attacks • Automatic attacks • Propagation Mechanism • Attacks using central source propagation • Attacks using back-chaining propagation • Attacks using autonomous propagation • Exploited Vulnerability • Protocol attacks • Brute-force attacks
Classification of a DDoS Attack (continued) • Attack-Rate Dynamics • Continuous-rate attacks • Variable-rate attacks • Impact • Disruptive attacks completely prevent legitimate users from using network services • Degrading attacks degrade the quality of services available to legitimate network users
DoS Attack Modes • DoS attack is known as an asymmetric attack • When an attacker with limited resources attacks a large and advanced site • Denial-of-service attacks come in a variety of forms and target a variety of services • The attacks may cause the following: • Consumption of resources • Destruction or alteration of information regarding the configuration of the network • Destruction of programming and files in a computer system
Network Connectivity • Denial-of-service attacks are most commonly executed against network connectivity • Goal is to stop hosts or networks from communicating on the network or to disrupt network traffic
Misuse of Internal Resources • Fraggle attack, or UDP flood attack • Forged UDP packets are used to connect the echo service on one machine to the character generator on another machine • Results in the consumption of the available network bandwidth between them • Possibly affecting network connectivity for all machines
Bandwidth Consumption • Generation of a large number of packets can cause the consumption of all the bandwidth on the network • Typically, these packets are ICMP echo packets
Consumption of Other Resources • Attackers may be able to consume other resources that systems need to operate • Intruder may attempt to consume disk space • Many sites will lock an account after a certain number of failed login attempts
Destruction or Alteration of Configuration Information • Alteration of the configuration of a computer or the components in a network may disrupt the normal functioning of a system • Examples: • Changing information stored in a router can disable a network • Making modifications to the registry of a Windows machine can disable certain services
Techniques to Detect DoS Attacks • Detecting a DoS attack is a tricky job • Detector needs to distinguish between a genuine and a bogus data packet • One problem in filtering bogus traffic from legitimate traffic is the volume of traffic • All the detection techniques used today define an attack as an abnormal and noticeable deviation in network traffic characteristics
Activity Profiling • Defined as the average packet rate of data packets with similar packet header information • Flow’s average packet rate or activity level is higher the less time there is between consecutive matching packets • Randomness in average packet rate or activity level can indicate suspicious activity • Entropy calculation method is used to measure randomness in activity levels • Entropy of network activity levels will increase if the network is attacked
Sequential Change-Point Detection • Filters network traffic by IP addresses, targeted port numbers, and communication protocols used • Stores the traffic flow data in a graph that shows traffic flow rate versus time • Detection algorithms highlight any change in traffic flow rate • If there is a drastic change in traffic flow rate, a DoS attack may be occurring
Wavelet-Based Signal Analysis • Analyzes network traffic in terms of spectral components • Divides incoming signals into various frequencies and analyzes different frequency components separately • Presence of an unfamiliar frequency indicates suspicious network activity
Monitoring CPU Utilization to Detect DoS Attacks • High CPU utilization and a high number of packets • Common symptoms that can be seen during a DoS attack • Monitoring CPU utilization at the time of a DoS attack and comparing it to the CPU utilization baselines captured at normal traffic conditions can show the severity of an attack
Detecting DoS Attacks Using Cisco NetFlow • NetFlow • Major service in Cisco routers that monitors and exports IP traffic-flow data • Checks the flow with a target IP destination and rings an alarm when the destination is reached • NetFlow sampling includes the following: • Source and destination IP address • Source and destination TCP/UDP ports • Port utilization numbers • Packet counts and bytes per packet • Start time and stop time of data-gathering events and sampling windows
Detecting DoS Attacks Using a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) • NIDS monitors network traffic for suspicious activity • NIDS server • Can be placed on a network to monitor traffic for a particular server, switch, gateway, or router • Scans system files to identify unauthorized activity and monitor data and file integrity • Can identify changes in the server backbone components and scan log files to identify suspicious network activity, usage patterns, or remote hacking attempts • Scans local firewalls or network servers and monitors live traffic
Investigating DoS Attacks • First step in investigating a DoS attack • Identify the DNS logs that are used by an attacker to trace the IP address of the target system before launching an attack • If this is performed automatically by using an attack tool, the time of the DNS query, and the time of the attack might be close to each other • Attacker’s DNS resolver could be determined by looking at the DNS queries during the start of the attack
ICMP Traceback • ICMP traceback messages are used to find the source of an attack • Messages contain the following: • Router’s next and earlier hops addresses • Time stamp • Role of the traced packet • Authentication information
ICMP Traceback (continued) Figure 5-3 This reverse trace can identify an attacker, even when using reflectors.
Hop-by-Hop IP Traceback • Basic method for tracking and tracing attacks • Administrator can characterize the nature of the traffic and determine the input link on which the attack is arriving • Administrator then moves on to the upstream router • Administrator repeats the diagnostic procedure on this upstream router, and continues to trace backward, hop-by-hop • Until the source of the attack is found inside the ISP’s administrative domain of control • More likely, until the entry point of the attack into the ISP’s network is identified
Hop-by-Hop IP Traceback (continued) • Hop-by-hop IP traceback limitations: • Traceback to the origin of an attack fails if cooperation is not provided at every hop or if a router along the way lacks sufficient diagnostic capabilities or resources • If the attack stops before the trace is completed, the trace fails • Hop-by-hop traceback is a labor-intensive, technical process, and since attack packets often cross administrative, jurisdictional, and national boundaries, cooperation can be difficult to obtain • Partial traceback can be useful, since packet filters can be put in place to limit the DoS flood
Backscatter Traceback • Technique for tracing a flood of packets that are targeting the victim of a DDoS attack • Relies entirely on the standard characteristics of existing Internet routing protocols
Backscatter Traceback (continued) Figure 5-4 After applying the correct filters, only a fraction of packets will be caught by the blackhole system.
Hash-Based (Single-Packet) IP Traceback • Also known as single-packet IP traceback • Offers the possibility of making the traceback of single IP packets feasible • Fundamental idea • Store highly compact representations of each packet rather than the full packets themselves • Compact representations are called packet digests • Created using mathematical functions called hash functions
IP Traceback with IPSec • IPSec uses cryptographic security services for securing communications over IP networks • IPSec tunnels are used by IP traceback systems such as DECIDUOUS (Decentralized Source Identification for Network-Based Intrusion) • Analysis is processed by introducing IPSec tunnels between an arbitrary router and the victim
CenterTrack Method • Overlay network • Supplemental or auxiliary network that is created when a collection of nodes from an existing network are joined together using new physical or logical connections to form a network on top of the existing one • First step in the CenterTrack approach • Create an overlay network, using IP tunnels to connect the edge routers in an ISP’s network to special-purpose tracking routers that are optimized for analysis and tracking • Overlay network is also designed to further simplify hop-by-hop tracing
Packet Marking • Packets are marked to identify their traffic class • Once the type of traffic is identified, it can be marked, or “colored,” within the packet’s IP header • Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM) • Tracking information is placed into rarely used header fields inside the IP packets themselves • Tracking information is collected and correlated at the destination of the packets • If there is a sufficiently large packet flow, there will be enough tracking information embedded in the packets to successfully complete the trace
Check Domain Name System (DNS) Logs • Attacker uses DNS to find the actual IP address of the target computer before the attack is introduced • DNS query closest to the attack could help to identify the attacker’s DNS resolver • Can be useful to compare DNS logs of different systems that are under attack • An investigator can identify the different attacks carried out within the same individual or group • Sawmill DNS log analyzer can help view and analyze DNS log files
Tracing with “log-input” • Steps an investigator should take to trace an attack passing through a router using “log-input”: • Make an access list entry that goes with the attack traffic • Attach the log-input keyword to it • Use the access list outbound on the interface through which the attack stream is sent toward the destination
Control Channel Detection • Large volume of control channel traffic indicates that the actual attacker or coordinator of the attack is close to the detector • Control channel function provides facilities to define, monitor, and control channels • Investigator can use a threshold-based detector • Determines the particular number of control channel detectors within a specific time period • Provides a clear way into the network and geographical location of the attacker