Bareford & Foster’s News Flash April Parents: The school year continues to rush along at an alarmingly fast pace. Due to the last snow day we will be taking the Reading 9 weeks test on the Tuesday that we come back. Please have your child read over break. To help build up stamina have them time themselves and see if they can read longer the next day and the next day. This will help them prepare for the test. Next, please continue to practice math skills. Most students need extra work counting money. Any additional help in this area would be great. We are also starting to work on reading time and adding and subtracting with regrouping. These skills are also difficult for some students. The more practice the better. There are a lot of games online for students to practice. Students know that they can get on the portaportal.com website and under guest type in tanzafoster and it gets them to a lot of games. Please continue to help your child remember to complete their homework each night. This instills a good routine of practicing skills and building responsibility. Your child’s agenda is the best way for us to have constant communication; however, you can always reach me via email at tfoster@kwcps.k12.va.us or leave a message on voicemail at the school (769-3434x146). Please be aware that I check email throughout the day but voicemail only at the end of the day. Mrs. Foster & Mrs. Bareford • Reading / Language • Reading strategies: Determining importance and summarizing • Reading skills: topic & main idea, problem solving, inferences, and drawing conclusions • Vocabulary skills: using context clues to understand a word, using suffixes and prefixes to decode words and understand their meaning. • Grammar Skills: proper use of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Synonyms, homophones, and antonyms. • Writing skills: topic sentence within a paragraph using proper punctuation. • Math • Addition and subtraction with and without regrouping • Fractions • Rounding • Money: students should be able to; recognize all of the coins, correctly write money values, and count money up to $2.00. • *Keep reviewing addition facts to 20 • Unit of Study • China / Egypt • Life Cycles • *Don’t forget to regularly review all study guides. Upcoming Dates 3-31 Easter 4-1 to 4-5 Spring break 4- 15 Report cards go home 4-20 KW Fine Arts Festival at the High School 4-22 to 4-26 Stanford 10 testing Birthdays Resource: Monday: Music Tuesday: P.E Wednesday: Computer Thursday: Library Friday: Art April Andrew 13th Taylor 14th