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Chapter 30

Chapter 30. A Conservative Revival and the End of the Cold War, 1980-2000. Read the entire chapter. Readings. “Nancy told me to read the chapter, so I will!”. “Ich bin ein Berliner!” “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”. Introduction.

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Chapter 30

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 30 A Conservative Revival and the End of the Cold War, 1980-2000

  2. Read the entire chapter Readings “Nancy told me to read the chapter, so I will!”

  3. “Ich bin ein Berliner!” “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Introduction

  4. Conservative Shift in American Culture and Politics • Ronald Reagan “Well, there you go again!”

  5. Conservative Cultural Trends in the 1970’s • Evangelicals • “Old Time Gospel Hour” • Jerry Falwell

  6. Conservatism Triumphant: The 1980 Election • Moral Majority • Jerry Falwell

  7. Map 30.1: The Election of 1980

  8. Enacting the Conservative Domestic Agenda • Recession • Budget Deficit • Economic Rebound • Sandra Day O’Connor • Robert Bork

  9. Map 30.2: Land Ownership in the West

  10. Strategic Defense Initiative Osama bin Laden DLC The Cold War Heats Up

  11. Anti-Sandinista Contras

  12. Map 30.3: The United States in Latin America and the Caribbean

  13. Figure 30.2: The American Birthrate, 1960–1991

  14. Iran-Contra Scandal Beruit newspaper reported 508 antitanks via Israel to Iran 1985 “Encourage moderate elements in Tehran to gain release of US hostages in Lebanon Donald Regan resigned Oliver North, White House aide had diverted money from sale to the Nicaraguan Contras Poindexter admitted he had concealed this from President Reagan. Iran Contra Scandal and a Thaw in US-Soviet Relations Reagan became the “Teflon President!”

  15. Reagan and Gorbachev

  16. Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces(INF) Treaty • December 1987 • Eliminated 2,500 nuclear warheads from Europe • May 1989 Reagan’s visit to Moscow • Reagan had once called the Soviet Union the “EVIL EMPIRE.”

  17. Conflict and Terrorism in the Middle EastandBeyond Walzing with Bashir Intifada TWA Highjacking Flight 103 Lockerbie, Scotland

  18. Domestic Drift and New World Order • George Herbert Walker Bush “It wouldn’t be prudent!”

  19. 1988:The Conservative Momentum Continues • “I want a kinder gentler nation.” Dukakis/Bentsen Jesse Jackson George Herbert Walker Bush

  20. Presidential Election of 1988

  21. The Cold War Ends: Global Challenges Persist • July 1991 • Bush/ Gorbachev • Apartheid • Nelson Mandella • Tiananmen Square

  22. The Persian Gulf War, 1991 • Iraq • August 2, 1991 • Invasion of Kuwait • January 6, 1992 • February 23, 1992 • Invasion of Iraq • “By God, we’ve kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all.”

  23. Map 32.1: The Mideast Crisis,1980–2000

  24. Gulf War continued…

  25. Trouble at Home: Economic Woes, Racial Tensions, Environmental Threats • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 • Savings and Loans collapse (1988-1990) • Federal Deficit • Exxon Valdez • Justice Clarence Thomas • David Souter

  26. 1992: America’s Voters Choose New Course

  27. 1992 Election continued… • William Jefferson Clinton (Bill) • Albert Gore, Jr. (Al.) • George Bush (lost) • Ross Perot

  28. Domestic and Global Issues at Century’s End

  29. Trade, Gay Rights, Health Care: Clinton’s Mixed Record • North American Free Trade Agreement • Hillary Rodham Clinton • Christian Coalition

  30. Conservative Resurgence and Welfare Reform: 1994-1996 • Newt Gingrich • Rush Limbaugh • Welfare Reform Act of 1996

  31. A Pandora’s Box of Dangers in a Post-Cold War World • Air strikes in Bosnia • Serbia • Kosovo • Slobodan Milosevic • Vladimir Putin • North Korea

  32. Terrorism: The War of the Future • US Embassy attacks • USS Cole • Osama bin Laden

  33. Defining America’s Role and Global Changes • Globalization

  34. Moderation, White House Scandal, and a Disputed Election, 1996-2000 “I have never had sexual relations with that woman!”

  35. Clinton Battles Big Tobacco and Woos Political Moderates

  36. Media Field Day as Scandal Grips the White House • Paula Jones • Monica Lewinsky • Linda Tripp • Kenneth Starr • Impeachment • Chief Justice William Rehnquist • Newt Gingrich

  37. 2000: Divided Nation, Disputed Election • George W. Bush • Al Gore • Joseph Liberman • Ralph Nadar • Florida support ruined Gore • “Hanging Chads”

  38. Economic and Cultural Trends at Century’s End

  39. 2000 Election

  40. An Uneven Prosperity • IT • NASDAQ • America Online/Time-Warner

  41. Figure 30.1: Women in the Work Force, 1950–1992

  42. Unemployment Rate

  43. America and the World Economy

  44. Affluence and a Search for Heroes

  45. AIDS Epidemic Rages On; Outbursts of Violence Stir Concern • HIV and AIDS Deaths • Columbine High School • “Do you believe in Jesus?” • Oklahoma City Bombing

  46. Culture Wars: A Broader View • Gays/Lesbians • Disney World Boycott • Day of Prayer

  47. Chronology 1980-2000

  48. Conclusion

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